An independent Puntland?

The international community doesn't want more Somali begging bowls shoved in their face. Why would they recognize even more Somali states and have more begging bowls demanding more money when the money is stolen and not used for their intended purpose? Aid to Somalis is flushed money down the toilet; they never meet their objectives. Two Somali countries is too much for the world; the world doesn't need even 1. Somalis are not a large ethnic group but are the masters of 2 countries and despite their small size have significant political representation in two others. The world is not entertaining Somali shenanigans. They need to learn to get along. Somalis are not special and their backward clans don't need UN seats. The small Isa clan won the international politics lottery and it's a damn shame.
The guy @El Nino who tagged you is a major HSM supporter, the biggest beggar on earth and a thieve, he has a begging bawl in one habd and steals with the other lol.. Beside apart from the south the rest of the country is not unruly as you think.


Puntland cannot leave the rest of Somalia to its own devices. Its almost cruel

They hate us by nature bro even tho we did nothing to them not in 91 to 2024 at least, plus every rural nomad war is usually instigated by other clans thru their(politicians) to start conflict due to political differences. I even tried to look at the SSDF Era and I haven't found any real proof of any harming of civilians.

We brought them a federal govt at much expense to our money and lives and more sadly due to our time(we lost a good 98 to 2009) on Mogadishu revival, alot of things can be achieved in that time period(especially if highly productive).

These dudes even leased their port and airport for 30 years and lost their airport hotel for life to turks for what a petty fucking terminal? The turks gotta be laffing at their foreign hustle gdp(known as pimp hand) because it's theirs as their not resident of Somalia so it's their foreign asset wealth calculations(fees at airport and port over 30 years) is easy multi billion range, possibly up to 50 billion for 2 million terminal? Not to mention everyone passing thru airport will go to their airport hotel for life(hard dollars) so they didn't even stop the pimp hand at the port and airport and also even the hospitals. Plus nothing is partnership model with locals or diaspora. All that shit goes straight back to Turkey.

I know it's criminal if PL pulls out of the South, even SYL was founded by PL the second their kingdoms fell, as the south were happy being south African black Subjects to Italian overlords. These clowns are building real estate(for diaspora small population) but not setting up social or hard infrastructure, legal environment, economic policies to increaae their people wallet size.

Their just not good at politics Mogadishu folks but are hard headed seeking something their clearly not gifted naturally or have any talent(educated), when they should really pursue where your gifted so your time returns something positive.
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You know what i'm saying is correct but you don't like it. Nothing will come out of the autonomy situation. On the other hand if PL put it's resources and troops behind FGS you would see real change for the better. I think if that happens then sure it's a good thing. Only the combined power of the regions behind the FGS can stop the what's coming.

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Horta adiga kaale maxaa laga siiya Puntland? Shaqo yeelo.

A cringy sight is seeing Southerner talk about Puntland. You guys are worst. Aren't we Fashaqta ugu weyneed?

The kid is on the right path. Illaahey Subhannahu Wa tacala ayaa soo hadeeyey. Shaytan haku noqonin. Orodoo tuuladdaada jigjiga yar ku meereyso.


Horta adiga kaale maxaa laga siiya Puntland? Shaqo yeelo.

A cringy sight is seeing Southerner talk about Puntland. You guys are worst. Aren't we Fashaqta ugu weyneed?

The kid is on the right path. Illaahey Subhannahu Wa tacala ayaa soo hadeeyey. Shaytan haku noqonin. Orodoo tuuladdaada jigjiga yar ku meereyso.

It's just an opinion. Every thread about Puntland is mentioning SL it's not a big thing. Everyone can have opinons.
How about puntland gets rid of this tribal militia and unites and builds a well armed professional army that can be used to free various parts of the south? We need to think in a more proactive way instead of building more barriers.
How about puntland gets rid of this tribal militia and unites and builds a well armed professional army that can be used to free various parts of the south? We need to think in a more proactive way instead of building more barriers.
Why can’t the south free itself?
It's just an opinion. Every thread about Puntland is mentioning SL it's not a big thing. Everyone can have opiopinons

You are talking about inamadda la qaldey ee reer Puntland ah balse don't care about anything besides the South and Northwest.

They come in different forms:

1. One that was born in the South and all he says is waxaa waaya anaka haddan reer Puntland nahay but doesn't pay tax, follow up, give back to his society.
2. Dhulbahante that is dancing like xirta with Rabbi sali cala HSM.
3. Daneyste that only cares about his calool.

Hadaba, I will tell you, the real xalaal Puntlander, only cares about Dantiisa, iyo Puntland. Whether we marry from your tribes or not. Ever heard of Puntland first or Fatherland? War wuxuu waa biyo xareed. Water that drips from the sky and cleanses the body and mind.

Ina Muuse Bixii, adeerkaadda needs you @ jigjiga yar.


As a puntite i wish well for the rest of the Somali lands, may allah empower them to fix all their issues and get rid of the enemies within them(ameen).
That being said theres two things puntland should do:
  1. Avoid full re-integration at this stage and in the forseeable future
  2. Ensure that puntland militia are focused solely on the security of Puntland
No puntlander should invest in the south or SL, whats the point of researching history if we do not learn from it.

