Ancient Nubia?

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look at how the egyptians depicted the puntites the guy is a selfhater
he even defended arabs against somalis in my thread

As egyptians depicted themselves no differnt than to the people of punt, thought today to be somalia, we can get a gist of their phenotype.



So we can say physically the egyptians resembled todays nubains/kushites and may come from the same branch of people.
You're spreading more BS. The Ancient Egyptians were full Eurasians & since they deemed the Puntites as their racial kin it would allude to the fact that the Puntites were also full North Africans/Eurasians as well.

Plus, Punt was only a mere trading colony of Egypt. Nothing to take pride in.

Ancient Egyptian DNA:


You're spreading more BS. The Ancient Egyptians were full Eurasians & since they deemed the Puntites as their racial kin it would allude to the fact that the Puntites were also full North Africans/Eurasians as well.

Plus, Punt was only a mere trading colony of Egypt. Nothing to take pride in.

Ancient Egyptian DNA:
saxib you're confusing youreself

forget this eurasian nonesence they where a kin

they where closely related its true cushites and egyptians are close reletives
proven by dna and you yourself you even know this
doesnt matter youre lying about hsitory saxib
thats sad coming from you i thought you where a proud somali guy turns aout youre a selfhater

they egyptians depicted the land of punt people just like themselves saxib dont deny that
also the people of kush called themselves cushites i dont give damm
if you say their negroid dont make a diffrence thats like peeple calling somalis black
Telling the truth does not equal self-hate.

You're very deluded to say the least. History is not on your side.


Telling the truth does not equal self-hate.

You're very deluded to say the least. History is not on your side.
history is on my side saxib

whether you liek it or not sudanese cushites are horn cushites
one of the same deny it all you like

call the cushites negroid if you lik, like how selfhaters call somalis black

it will fall on death ears saxib
saxib you're confusing youreself

forget this eurasian nonesence they where a kin

they where closely related its true cushites and egyptians are close reletives
proven by dna and you yourself you even know this
No, you're the one that's clearly confused on this topic.

Ancient Egyptians were North African Caucasoids, they had little to no SSA admixture.

Ancient Kushites were Africans as depicted by the Egyptians. The fact you're trying to claim Kushites were related to Egyptians is pure stupidity or you're trying to peddle Afrocentric BS.

Modern Cushites, like Somalis carry up to 50% SSA ancestry/Admixture, same goes for Nubians & Bejas etc.



lool somalis cushites for example are more related to egyptians and berbers then to other blacks

geneticly more closer to north africans
hair texture closer to north africans
facial structure north african
body north african
just skin colour is black nothing else

the same for nubians beja somalis ethiopians and the other horn of africans


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
The Ancient Egyptians clearly depicted them as such & weren't to fond of them either, since they called them "Wretched kush".

Then how come early on they spoke a Cushitic language before switching to a Nilo-Saharan one? Language shift occurred because they were overran by True Nilotes from the South. Kingdom of Kush was located in Southern Egypt/North Sudan.
Then how come early on they spoke a Cushitic language before switching to a Nilo-Saharan? Language shift came because they were overran by True Nilotes from the South. King of Kush was located in Southern Egypt/North Sudan.
The Kerma culture that preceded Kush was likely inhabited by a people that were mostly North African/Eurasian racially. Hence why they spoke a Cushitic language before the Nilotes overran the region.


The Kerma culture that preceded Kush was likely inhabited by a people that were mostly North African/Eurasian racially. Hence why they spoke a Cushitic language before the Nilotes overran the region.
wrong nilotes didnt overun kherma
they overan the kingdom of kush ending it


The humble one
Then how come early on they spoke a Cushitic language before switching to a Nilo-Saharan one? Language shift occurred because they were overran by True Nilotes from the South. Kingdom of Kush was located in Southern Egypt/North Sudan.
1.The Nubian languages had always been in the afroasiatic branch however when they did study them it was found that they show affinity with nilosaharan languages

2. Kush is believed to have been crumbled by the pressure from a rising kingdom from abysinnia( probably the first one from there, early Axum)

3. Besides the beja they’re no other cushites up there thus their genetics can’t greatly affect a whole population
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East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
The Kerma culture that preceded Kush was likely inhabited by a people that were mostly North African/Eurasian racially. Hence why they spoke a Cushitic language before the Nilotes overran the region.

Pardon :ftw9nwa:

So fully Eurasian North Africans occupied North Sudan after our ancestors left for the Horn? The Beja are still there ninyahow.
Pardon :ftw9nwa:

So fully Eurasian North Africans occupied North Sudan after our ancestors left for the Horn? The Beja are still there ninyahow.
Re-read my post. Did not claim they were full North Africans. They were most likely majority North African DNA wise.

The Kermans probably did resemble modern Cushites.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
The Nubian languages were in the afroasiatic branch however when they did study them it was found that they show affinity with nilosaharan languages

Like I said, Nubians = mixed Nilo-Saharans (their language has a ton of Cushitic loans they were most likely Maasai looking)


Re-read my post. Did not claim they were full North Africans. They were most likely majority North African DNA wise.

The Kermans probably did resemble modern Cushites.
These Cushites have become assimilated into Nilo-Saharan cultures becoming the modern day Nubians. DNA has proven that Nubians are genetically closely related to their Cushitic and Ethio-Eri Semitic (Afro-Asiatic) neighbors instead of their fellow Nilo-Saharan speakers.

In the case of northern Sudan Cushitic culture is extinct, but it continues to flourish in the case of eastern Sudan with the Beja people.



East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Re-read my post. Did not claim they were full North Africans. They were most likely majority North African DNA wise.

The Kermans probably did resemble modern Cushites.

I'm willing to accept they were most likely Cushites (Horn types) mixed with Ancient Egyptians thus being mostly Eurasian DNA wise.
There's an ongoing confusion regarding the race of the Kushites, since many modern Cushites like to claim this kingdom that heavily copied the Ancient Egyptians that karbashed them on numerous occasions. Was Ancient Kush inhabited only by a people that resembled Modern Cushites, was it a Nilotic/Nubian kingdom or was it a mix of both?

The Ancient Egyptians had immense hatred for the Wretched Kush & depicted them as Negroids/Madows:
View attachment 64344

Pharaoh Ramesses II smiting a Nubian Madow:
View attachment 64345

Make sure to provide historical evidence to back up your claims.

You are confusing Nubians with Kushites.

The kings of Kush were dark reddish-brown, marin, not black like the Nubians. Their closest modern relatives are the Beja, who are recognized as Cushitic.


The kings of Kush. Do these folks look negroid to you?

The Kushites are the ancestors of the people of North Sudan today. The people of Kush practiced agriculture along the Nile Valley building one of the very early world civilizations. According to the Biblical Table of Nations, the Kushites are the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. According to the classification system in linguistics, the modern Nubian language is defined as a Nilo-Saharan language, though other studies classify it as Afro-Asiatic.

After the intensified migration of Arab populations into Sudan, starting from the fourteenth century CE, many Arab tribes settled and intermarried with the local population. As most of the immigrants were men, and since Arabs follow a patreliniar tradition (i.e. the children take the identity of their fathers), a majority of Sudanese today define themselves as Arabs.

Groups of nomads, closely related to the Kushites, have inhabited the eastern and western deserts relieng on subsistent agriculture. Th nomads of the east were known to the Kushites as "Meded", to the Egyptians as "Medjay", to the Arabs as "Beja," and to the Romans as "Blemmyes." Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the western deserts have practiced pastoralism, side by side with the Libyans.

Intermarriages with other foreigners took place at different times and in other parts of Sudan, which caused the Kushite identity to disappear and the Nubian identity to wither greatly. For example, in Western Sudan, some of the indigenous nomads, who inhabited those regions since ancient times, had intermixed with West- African immigrants, as well as with Arab settlers. A minority of Sudanese today along the Nile still identify as Nubians.
Today, the language and culture of the bulk of Sudanese people is obviously an Arabic one. Yet, the physical features and genetics of today's Sudanese population proved to be mainly native. The Anthropological studies of mummies from ancient Sudan and the sharp and clear colored drawings of people found inside Kushite burials that go back as far as 3000 years, prove that the ancient people of Kush looked typically like the modern people of North Sudan with their dark-red complexion and curly or wavy hair.

North Sudanese:




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