Ancient Nubia?

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You are confusing Nubians with Kushites.

The kings of Kush were dark reddish-brown, marin, not black like the Nubians. Their closest modern relatives are the Beja, who are recognized as Cushitic.


The kings of Kush. Do these folks look negroid to you?

The Kushites are the ancestors of the people of North Sudan today. The people of Kush practiced agriculture along the Nile Valley building one of the very early world civilizations. According to the Biblical Table of Nations, the Kushites are the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. According to the classification system in linguistics, the modern Nubian language is defined as a Nilo-Saharan language, though other studies classify it as Afro-Asiatic.

After the intensified migration of Arab populations into Sudan, starting from the fourteenth century CE, many Arab tribes settled and intermarried with the local population. As most of the immigrants were men, and since Arabs follow a patreliniar tradition (i.e. the children take the identity of their fathers), a majority of Sudanese today define themselves as Arabs.

Groups of nomads, closely related to the Kushites, have inhabited the eastern and western deserts relieng on subsistent agriculture. Th nomads of the east were known to the Kushites as "Meded", to the Egyptians as "Medjay", to the Arabs as "Beja," and to the Romans as "Blemmyes." Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the western deserts have practiced pastoralism, side by side with the Libyans.

Intermarriages with other foreigners took place at different times and in other parts of Sudan, which caused the Kushite identity to disappear and the Nubian identity to wither greatly. For example, in Western Sudan, some of the indigenous nomads, who inhabited those regions since ancient times, had intermixed with West- African immigrants, as well as with Arab settlers. A minority of Sudanese today along the Nile still identify as Nubians.
Today, the language and culture of the bulk of Sudanese people is obviously an Arabic one. Yet, the physical features and genetics of today's Sudanese population proved to be mainly native. The Anthropological studies of mummies from ancient Sudan and the sharp and clear colored drawings of people found inside Kushite burials that go back as far as 3000 years, prove that the ancient people of Kush looked typically like the modern people of North Sudan with their dark-red complexion and curly or wavy hair.

North Sudanese:





the guy is a confused dude he was arguing about how Somalis
where arabised in my thread of arabs are the enemy to our identity

sudanese are do doubt part of the cushite peoples of north east africa closely related
to thier horn cushites

and btw i heard youre a white european dude
thats fascinating tell me about youreself grant
You are confusing Nubians with Kushites.

The kings of Kush were dark reddish-brown, marin, not black like the Nubians. Their closest modern relatives are the Beja, who are recognized as Cushitic.


The kings of Kush. Do these folks look negroid to you?

The Kushites are the ancestors of the people of North Sudan today. The people of Kush practiced agriculture along the Nile Valley building one of the very early world civilizations. According to the Biblical Table of Nations, the Kushites are the descendants of Ham, the son of Noah. According to the classification system in linguistics, the modern Nubian language is defined as a Nilo-Saharan language, though other studies classify it as Afro-Asiatic.

After the intensified migration of Arab populations into Sudan, starting from the fourteenth century CE, many Arab tribes settled and intermarried with the local population. As most of the immigrants were men, and since Arabs follow a patreliniar tradition (i.e. the children take the identity of their fathers), a majority of Sudanese today define themselves as Arabs.

Groups of nomads, closely related to the Kushites, have inhabited the eastern and western deserts relieng on subsistent agriculture. Th nomads of the east were known to the Kushites as "Meded", to the Egyptians as "Medjay", to the Arabs as "Beja," and to the Romans as "Blemmyes." Since ancient times, the inhabitants of the western deserts have practiced pastoralism, side by side with the Libyans.

Intermarriages with other foreigners took place at different times and in other parts of Sudan, which caused the Kushite identity to disappear and the Nubian identity to wither greatly. For example, in Western Sudan, some of the indigenous nomads, who inhabited those regions since ancient times, had intermixed with West- African immigrants, as well as with Arab settlers. A minority of Sudanese today along the Nile still identify as Nubians.
Today, the language and culture of the bulk of Sudanese people is obviously an Arabic one. Yet, the physical features and genetics of today's Sudanese population proved to be mainly native. The Anthropological studies of mummies from ancient Sudan and the sharp and clear colored drawings of people found inside Kushite burials that go back as far as 3000 years, prove that the ancient people of Kush looked typically like the modern people of North Sudan with their dark-red complexion and curly or wavy hair.

North Sudanese:




I agree that an Afro-Asiatic people that were majority North African DNA wise lived there before the Nilotes overran the region.

They resembled modern Cushites.


East African pastoralist. Cushite. Samaale.
Kushites = Nile Cushites.

"Nubians" came later and they didn't live in what was later called Nubia.


And those Nilotic Nubians essentially stole/co-opted the Kushite identity.

Makes sense tbh.
still confused
like how the arabs invaded egypt and cultraly influenced them
and the berber north africans
or how ethiopian cushites speak south semitic

thier basicly cushites still they havent moved they basicly switched to speaking nubian
but their close bejas cousins still kept the language of their cushitic ancestors


Here is a description of the Nubians by the Greek sophist Flavius Philostratus 2000 years ago:

β€œIt was a market place to which the Ethiopians bring all the products of their country; and the Egyptians in their turn take them all away and bring to the same spot their own wares of equal value, so bartering what they have got for what they have not. Now the inhabitants of the marches (Nubian/Egyptians border) are not yet fully black but are half-breeds in matter of color, for they are partly not so black as the Ethiopians, yet partly more so than the Egyptians.”


The one and only 4head
Here is a description of the Nubians by the Greek sophist Flavius Philostratus 2000 years ago:

β€œIt was a market place to which the Ethiopians bring all the products of their country; and the Egyptians in their turn take them all away and bring to the same spot their own wares of equal value, so bartering what they have got for what they have not. Now the inhabitants of the marches (Nubian/Egyptians border) are not yet fully black but are half-breeds in matter of color, for they are partly not so black as the Ethiopians, yet partly more so than the Egyptians.”

so they were more like Somalis?
There was an ethnic divide in this period between Upper and Lower Egypt, and Upper Egyptians were more closely related to the people of Kerma, both of whom were inhabitants of Ta-Seti the Land of the Bow.

The Lower Egyptians in turn were more closely related to the ancient North Africans. There were many different tribes in Kush and Egypt and Libya in this time and they were all distinct, so looking at the situation from a modern stance of nationalities is going to be problematic as the tribes spanned kingdom borders. The people of Aswan were technically Egyptian (Kingdom of Upper Egypt) and the people of lower Nubia immediately south of Aswan were Kushites (Kingdom of Kush or Meroe) but the two people were the same tribe, there was even a treaty where the tribe clans south of Aswan could travel across the border to worship at the temple of Isis there.
According to Genesis, these are the tribes of Egypt. Because Genesis is largely allegorical, the family trees can actually be used as a source on ancient tribe dynamics.

Tribes of Misr: (Somali spelling to preserve pronounciation)
  • The Luud (?)
  • The Canaam (?)
  • The Lahaab (Libyans)
  • The Naftuux (Lower Egyptians)
  • The Fatruus (Upper Egyptians)
  • The Kasluux (Kushites, the Biblical Kuush ibn Xaam actually refers to Sumerians)
According to some sources, Luud was a tribe that lived in modern Libya (not ancient Libya which refers to the western part of Egypt) and Canaam was another Egyptian tribe that lived in the Nile Delta.
Another interesting tidbit but the Filistiiuun (the ancient Palestinians) were descended from Kasluux and a lot of old Arabic sources refer to the "other Berbers" (Somalis and Afars) as being related to the ancient Filistiiuun
Another interesting tidbit but the Filistiiuun (the ancient Palestinians) were descended from Kasluux and a lot of old Arabic sources refer to the "other Berbers" (Somalis and Afars) as being related to the ancient Filistiiuun
In old literature, Horn Africans were labelled as "Eastern Berbers" which signified our Afro-Asiatic heritage.


In old literature, Horn Africans were labelled as "Eastern Berbers" which signified our Afro-Asiatic heritage.

Berber is actually an ancient ethnic slur and means Barbarian.

The real Berbers call themselves Amazigh and to this day still have issues with accepting the term Berber over Amazigh.
The most intriguing possibility relates to ancient Arabian poetry. In the poetry of ancient Arabs they refer to a king named Ifriqis ibn Qays ibn Sayfi al-Himyari who crossed over the ocean and conquered the "Berbers" of Africa, killing the king Jarjir.

This has long been rejected by Amazigh historians who state no such invasion occurred and has been dismissed as a legend, but it is not widely known that horn Cushites were also called Berbers. This could be a true history describing the Habesh invasion of Eritrea, conquering a kingdom probably located in Adulis ruled by a probably Saho king named Jarjir.
Berber is actually an ancient ethnic slur and means Barbarian.

The real Berbers call themselves Amazigh and to this day still have issues with accepting the term Berber over Amazigh.
I know it's a Greek slur, however the point i was trying to make was that they also called us "Berbers" because they believed we have a racial connection to the Berbers. Other Sub-saharan africans outside the HOA were called "Aethiopians"
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