well it's certainly not prettybut I agree in the fact that they only use these words for african/asian practices.
Honestly people would be in favor of a solid multiple point of view discussion surrounding this topic without using unnecessarily derogatory and divisive language such as "mutilation" and zero-tolerance policies, barbaric etc...
Vast majority of women who had it performed don't see themselves as "mutilated", "victims", or "survivors".
Read this article > http://www.shiftingsands.org.uk/fgm-i-hate-that-word-its-not-me-im-not-mutilated/
Getting an optional surgery (probably under anesthetics) is not the same has forcing it on a young girl (you don't think any young girl agrees to that do you?
That's the irony, so why do they prosecute African Women over the age 18 for doing the same surgery? Its hypocritical and ironic that some of those who believe that removing parts of the labia is awful even choose to remove parts of their for aesthetics sake. Makes no difference if it is for aesthetic or because of belief. Just because you add a fancy word "hood reduction" or "surgery" or ''cosmetic'' it is still the same circumcision. Which even gynecologists point out.
Even white girls as old as 9 years old get the practice done on them in European and western countries.
It is Racist and that is the only point I'm trying to make. If people for even a second try to dismiss it they are confirming what i'm saying is that the Anti-FGM crew do not care about anyone but themselves and profitting from it.
It accepted because majority are sexist people , it doesn't make a difference if jews practice it or not. The fact they lament over children rights and consent when it comes to girls but remain mute when the topic is about boys. Shows how insincere, opportunistic and sexist they are.Ok first of all, male circumcision is widely accepted because it's a jewish practice
At least be fair in your standing is all I'm saying and not hypocritical.
And 2.) nothing wrong with female circumcision either, a lot of girls have gotten it done as babies, it's for hygenic purposes, and it leaves no traumatic memories as opposed to fgm which is done when she is older and cuts off more.
First lets adress the term ''FGM'' it is just constructed for pure shock value to charge some moral outburst in human beings. The term itself is racist to be frankly honest. The only difference between FGC in the West and what the racist call FGM in Africa are the terms they use for them.. FGC is very popular in the west even done on girls as young as 9 years old and to their adulthood.
The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has declared that many types of FGM and FGCS are anatomically similar -
so, why are there still legal distinctions between FGM and FGCS based on race, ethnicity, geographic origin, socioeconomic class etc...?
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