Bruv just admit you're not neutral on this position.
it does not damage the functioning of the genitals and it more or less meant to inhance it according to medical experts
Why would anyone support 7 years old girl getting her clittoris remove and sewing with her labia baffles me.
I am not an activist nor do I support their media exposures and their money making business. FGM in the west hardly happens. It is true cadaans take advantage of this matter and accuse and stereotype somali parents that they are mutilating their daughters whenever they leave the country but it's our own fault that most somalis don't know their legal rights.
Again anyone who advocates this disgusting, haram and unislamic practice should be ashamed of themselves.
Why would anyone support 7 years old girl getting her clittoris remove and sewing with her labia baffles me.
It enhances the functioning of the genitals according to medical experts?War delete your account.
It enhances the functioning of the genitals according to medical experts?War delete your account.
That's clitoral hood removal and he's right.![]()
The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has declared that many types of FGM and FGCS are anatomically similar -
That's clitoral hood removal and he's right.![]()
How is that comparable to FGM? FGM is done without consent by untrained individuals, involves the removal of most ( if not all) of the external genitalia and leads to life long health issues/complications including death during childbirth. Comparing the mutilation of little girls to an opt-in procedure done by trained professionals is absolutely ridiculous. Let's not do this. Let's not try to excuse the inexcusable because we disagree with the parasitic anti FGM activists.
Do you call a habaryar who had a child but then gets closed up disgusting? Honestly I think you forget how common it is for most women over a certain age. Who am I to tell them what to do. It's absolutely none of my business.
But that act is technically illegal, and I should call the authorities.
How is that comparable to FGM? FGM is done without consent by untrained individuals, involves the removal of most ( if not all) of the external genitalia and leads to life long health issues/complications including death during childbirth. Comparing the mutilation of little girls to an opt-in procedure done by trained professionals is absolutely ridiculous. Let's not do this. Let's not try to excuse the inexcusable because we disagree with the parasitic anti FGM activists.
The British Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has declared that many types of FGM and FGCS are anatomically similar -
Things have change even back home. We are more educated about this matter. We know this is pre-islamic practice which is haram.
Habaryars can sew herself as much as she likes afterall she is an adult who makes her own decision. However I do not support cruelty against children FGM being number 1 where short sighted old woman is using rusty makinad to cut young girls clitoris.
I know plenty somali women including my mother, grandmother and aunties that do not support FGM because they are islamically educated now.
I think you misinterpreted the topic then. The majority of the cases of FGM that have been found outside of Africa were adult women who were getting resewn after birth or children who already came in to the country having it done.
That situation is extremely rare and pretty much never happens in the west.
Nowadays women who want to get restructive surgery are to scared to go to the gynaecologist, for free of judgement or even criminal punishment.
You can read the info and literature, medical journals about it and then form an opinion. But you are soo bigoted that you wont even do that.
You are against it for the sake of being against it. How are you any different than these wacko pedophile Anti-FGM activists who get a kick on looking at little girls phannies.![]()
Did you just call me a pedophile?
So I'm a pedophile for stating that FGM is child abuse, but you're not a pedophile for starting a topic about the genitalia of little girls and defending this practice ?''We’re told that we’re psychologically damaged as a consequence of being abused. But we were not abused. Our parents did it out of love for their children. We continue to love our ‘abusers’ and feel proud of them for having stopped the practice - Asha''
You claim to be neutral on this subject, yet you're jumping through hoops to try to excuse it. 'Don't call it mutilation', 'what about male crcumcision', 'it's like designer vajayjays' GTFOH. My bad for thinking I could have a rational discussion with you.[/