I'm not into any body mods, even my the holes in ears have closed but yes I'm ok with a grown woman doing anything she wants to her body.

Nucleus you're embarrassing. So because white women in the west does it has to be okay Somali women do it? FGM is a Somali/African issue. It's sexist abusive roots are well documented. That it can cause infections, infertility and cause life long pain for the woman is also well documented. Using the argument that European women order designer vaginas does not take away from the fact that FGM is wrong, inhumane, abusive and a savage practice. Maybe you're not noticing it but you've been constantly trying to justify FGM.
Everything that's part of our culture isn't sacrosanct and beautiful.
Diya is shit
FGM is shit
Discrimination against ethnic Somali minorities is shit
Forced marriages in the past were shit
Nomadism is shit
Clans are and will forever be shit
Yes but FGM isn't just about little girls anymore. It's been expanded on to women over the age of 18. I'm only against circumsion for those under 18. I wouldn't have it done myself and I would advise my friends and family against it, but having a law against a grown women having this body modification is wierd and hypocritical.
The law actually perplexes me, because type two is actually performed in the west, it's called clitral hood removal and labioplasty. It's not even that uncommon. I highly doubt @Barni would call the plastic surgeons savages tho. Lol
Everything that's part of our culture isn't sacrosanct and beautiful.
Diya is shit
FGM is shit
Discrimination against ethnic Somali minorities is shit
Forced marriages in the past were shit
Nomadism is shit
Clans are and will forever be shit
Culture change but not through forced methods.I'm actually not a fan of all those things but it's not up to white people to outlaw it. With time and a good government something else will come to replace all of them. INshallah.
Yeah sure but what does the medical studies say.
Reviews of the medical and demographic literature and direct comparisons of matched samples of “uncut” and “cut” (primarily type II) African women suggest that, from a public health point of view, the vast majority of genital surgeries in Arica are safe, even with current procedures and under current conditions. According to some medical experts, with a proper input of medical resources, the potential for harm can be reasonably managed. The exceptions, where and when they occur, are usually the result of inadequate surgical conditions, hygiene, or mal practice, as well as relative deficiencies in the general health care system in Africa. Significantly, reviews of the medical literature indicate that most of the widely publicized claims about high morbidity or mortality and negative reproductive health consequences of female genital surgeries do not standup to critical scientific analysis. In countries in Arica where morbidities (infertility, stillbirths, menstrual problems, damage to the perineum) are relatively high compared to North American or European standards, those morbidity levels are just as high for “uncut” women.
In Western countries, some medical experts who treat affected African women suggest that instances of morbidity may be related more to miscommunication,fear, distrust, delays in seeking care, and avoiding medical and surgical interventions than to surgical genital modification per se.
Everything that's part of our culture isn't sacrosanct and beautiful.
Diya is shit
FGM is shit
Discrimination against ethnic Somali minorities is shit
Forced marriages in the past were shit
Nomadism is shit
Clans are and will forever be shit
Top reasons why the Anti-FGM campaign is racist,ethnocentric and sexist
1) Usage of inflammatory divisive deragotary language like ''Barbaric'', ''Mutilation'', ''Child abuse'' that victimizes and stigmatizes people
well it's certainly not prettybut I agree in the fact that they only use these words for african/asian practices.
2) Western feminists are imposing their cultural biases about female sexuality on African women.
3) Perpetuation of Myths about female circumcision not supported by science or research. See Seven Things to Know about Female Genital Surgeries in Africa
4) It discriminates between Non-African girls and Africans who have had genital surgeries. Singling out African women and violating their privacy and dignity.
depends on what kind
5) Western women having genital surgeries (Designer Vaginas) are seen as vogue and fashionable, while African women with the same procedure is characterized as backward, mulitating and primitive.
Getting an optional surgery (probably under anesthetics) is not the same has forcing it on a young girl (you don't think any young girl agrees to that do you?)
5) It discriminates between male and female circumcision the latter being more acceptable.
Ok first of all, male circumcision is widely accepted because it's a jewish practice
And 2.) nothing wrong with female circumcision either, a lot of girls have gotten it done as babies, it's for hygenic purposes, and it leaves no traumatic memories as opposed to fgm which is done when she is older and cuts off more.
If anyone over 18 wants to get it done I'm for it. Grown women have the right to do what they want on their bodies. Underage girls should not go through circumcision though. There should be laws against underage FGM.
Male circumcision is utterly pointless in this day and age.
But that's exactly the point. I know most don't die from the procedure but that risk still exists just as it exists in organ transplants for instance. The difference between the two you ask transplants benefits outweigh it's risks by a mile. What benefit is it to a woman that she has her clitoris or labia cut saaxib and that's the question most should be asking.
. According to some medical experts, with a proper input of medical resources, the potential for harm can be reasonably managed
The tiny risk only exist because the Anti-FGM crew isolate them and force them outside healthy clinics with unclean utilities.
The same mal practices exist among male circumcision just as much in Africa but they wont show you Anti-MGM campaign will they or film little boys anecdotal highlights showing them on Sky news will they?
You can't compare circumcision to an organ transplant, you are not cutting of an organ nor are you cutting of the whole clitoris or else the person will die.
The uncircumcised clitoris and penis are considered homologous aesthetically and hygienically. Just as the male foreskin covers the head of the penis, the female foreskin covers the clitoral glans. Both, they argue, lead to build-up of smegma and bacteria in the layers of skin between the hood and glans. This accumulation is thought of as odorous, susceptible to infection and a nuisance to keep clean on a daily basis. Further, circumcised women point to the risks of painful clitoral adhesions that occur in girls and women who do not cleanse properly, and to the requirement of excision as a treatment for these extreme cases. Supporters of female circumcision also point to the risk of clitoral hypertrophy or an enlarged clitoris that resembles a small penis. For these reasons many circumcised women view the decision to circumcise their daughters as something as obvious as the decision to circumcise sons: why, one woman asked, would any reasonable mother want to burden her daughter with excess clitoral and labial tissue that is unhygienic, unsightly and interferes with sexual penetration, especially if the same mother would choose circumcision to ensure healthy and aesthetically appealing genitalia for her son?
Bruv just admit you're not neutral on this position.