Anti Somali xenophobia is very normalized

I feel like most somali teens that I've met, have some element of crazy inside them. The ones that don't just keep to themselves anyways so they don't seek validation.
That element of crazy will dissappear if this hate doesn't end. The newer generation will be much more quieter and defenseless. And the fee confident ones will just bring in cringe somali humour to not be bullied. Things aren't looking good tbh
It's not smoke, it sounds like a cadaan who definitely knows some somalis and is cracking jokes to earn brownie points with them. I've seen this so many times, 99%of ajanabis I've met who knew somalis always make it clear the strong effect they had on them, we are popular, nor hated. Do you know how many ajanbis have approached me trying to speak somali to me? They were good friends with or were impacted by a somali or somalis and because every somali they met was friendly, they feel the security to approach me. I dont take offense in this, I take pride that we're an infectious, generous people
We are definately hated those ajanabis you are speaking of are few in numbers compared to the vast majority. Especially here in the uk. The whole Somali impact is going to die soon since we are being replaced by self deprecating somalis such as yusuf7.


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