Arab dude: I want a Somali girl but they go to shisha and are not submissive

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Is this is what it has come to ? I was at a shiisha spot and some guy said bla bla bla .firstly ,stop smoking that destructive shiisha. Secondly ,we don't care what guys who chat you up @ shiisha joints say to you .thirdly ,bun shiisha conversations .what next ,pub conversations ..lastly ,brush your teeth .
Is this is what it has come to ? I was at a shiisha spot and some guy said bla bla bla .firstly ,stop smoking that destructive shiisha. Secondly ,we don't care what guys who chat you up @ shiisha joints say to you .thirdly ,bun shiisha conversations .what next ,pub conversations ..lastly ,brush your teeth .
It could be a lie for all we know. Maybe she's combating the Somali view that xalimos are very docile to ajaanibta like the guy above said.

According to the mentality of the Arab men if you give your sister to the above Muslim Arab brother Abu Basal Janna is guarnteed. ..

If you eat the coochie of this Arab sister also the Janna is guarnteed.

If this isn't how your back looks like forget going to jannah
Arab man: can I date ur sister :mjpls:
Me: Stfu :pacspit:
Arab man: bu-but muh umma-
Me: shut the f*ck up sand :hahaidiot:
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Algerian and Egyptian guys are pretty fine wallahi

Met this mixed Egyptian model once and I almost dieeeeeeed :whew:

but I'm not bout that submissive life
well sometimes i am
depends on my mood :win:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Arab men want to beat their woman if she says hi to the supermarket cashier. They want to throw acid on women


Not your typical Farah
Where do people gets this idea that Somali women aren't submissive and aren't treated like subhuman? There are loads, people. Maybe the new ones changed, but some old school one's have fucked up views and internalized some hardcore shit. And some elders forcing them to stay together doesn't help.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We have our problems but they pale in comparison to others like Arabs and south Asians


The Bad Ali of Jigjiga
Is this is what it has come to ? I was at a shiisha spot and some guy said bla bla bla .firstly ,stop smoking that destructive shiisha. Secondly ,we don't care what guys who chat you up @ shiisha joints say to you .thirdly ,bun shiisha conversations .what next ,pub conversations ..lastly ,brush your teeth .

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