Arab Professor says Somalis are Arabs from Yemen


Alhamdulillah it’s known Arab tribes reside in Somalia (Jabarti, Ishaqis, Shekhal, Hatimis and smaller ones)
Not all. Just our neighbors yemen. It stems from an inferiority complex. They're the Oromos of the Arab world. I see them getting karbashed everywhere online nowadays
It's not more than 30-40% at all. It's more like 20-25%. All Horner Ethiosemitic and Cushitic males are 50-70% E-M35. We've known this for ages now thanks to this study that sampled pretty much all of our ethnic groups and found the same consistent pattern which more than makes up for any skew of results that could be attributed to the smaller sample size per ethnicity:

Somalis just founder effected like crazy for E-Z813 and T-L208 as pastoralists are wont to do like how the Sahos we have so far keep turning up almost 100% E-V22 when I last checked or how Arabians are dominated by J1 like crazy when, in reality, their autosomal profile and taking a look at cousin groups like Jews and settled Levantines will tell you they once had a lot more diversity like lots of E-M35 lineages and even R1b-Z1205.

Not to mention that Somalis got the PES admixture via intra-Horn admixture by the looks of it so these were already 80%+ non-J1 carriers mixing with us. Of course we're not going to be significantly J1...
What does Pes stand for in this context

