Somalis were Arabs who were blackened by harsh sun and due to their religious devotion according one of the scientists in the video above

What African privilege? You know they were hunting Africans in Tunisia not long ago cause of Afro supremacists promising they'll re-conquer north AfricaYou're absolutely right. You should told them that they have Cadaan privilege in the west, and now it's your turn to enjoy your God given African privilege![]()
Nah the few of the videos I've seen that flared up the racial tensions were of French African speakers. Not one I saw was an English speaker. Yes there are minority madow natives of the maghrib but these videos enraged the TunisiansThose were simply a minority of african americans, most sub saharans simply just want to reach europe. They are not interested in tunisia or anything, besides southern maghreb has always had a variety of brown and black skin tone historically.
He didn’t really realized he received Arab privilege. They probably thought he was a Southern TunisianWhat African privilege? You know they were hunting Africans in Tunisia not long ago cause of Afro supremacists promising they'll re-conquer north Africa![]()
The Iron Age, spanning approximately 1200–550 BC, aligns with the TMRCA of the Dir lineage. Genetic evidence suggests that J1, which is present in Somalis, also arrived during this period, distinct from the populations of Ethiopia and Eritrea.10,000? What? My boy, this is Iron-Age admixture... It came to the Horn with Proto-Ethiosemitic (PES) which is at most around 3,000 years ago. Somalis have minor Iran-Chalocolithic ancestry which makes it pretty undeniable that this is post-Copper Age ancestry. At least 10% of your ancestry, as a Somali, was running around the Bronze-Age Levant.
That's undeniable at this point and current day Yemenis have pretty much preserved this Bronze-Age Semitic ancestry and their direct ancestors/cousins of their ancestors were pretty much the people who brought this ancestry and all those cultural influences from PES to camels to the Horn. What are you talking about, walaal?
We are Arabs but not Yemenis. Also the South Yemeni brigade that was sent to Ethiopia refused to fight Somalis, compare that to your “Cushitic” Oromo brothers who slaughter Somalis whenever they get boredI do not want to be from Yemen especially after they helped Ethiopia in killing Somalis. I do not see myself as Arab. Lets wrap up this convo lmfao.
YOU can call yourself Arab. Don't lump the rest of this with this nonsense. We are Somali. Our ancestors were Somali and were even proud to distinguish themselves as Somali. Its embarrassing how the grandchildren of such proud people try to adopt other peoples identities. And Yemen did aid in the killing of Somalis I would know cuz I knew people who escaped the war and were there dumbass. Where did I ever mention Oromo? All I said was Yemen aided in the killings of innocent Somalis. If you guys want to call yourself Arab go create a new identity and don't lump the rest of us Somali's with this nonsense.We are Arabs but not Yemenis. Also the South Yemeni brigade that was sent to Ethiopia refused to fight Somalis, compare that to your “Cushitic” Oromo brothers who slaughter Somalis whenever they get bored
We don’t have Yemeni admixture,this whole vahaduo is entertainment not very accurate
The Yemeni samples have added East African ancestryIt's just a statistical model based on Somalis' clustering in a 25 dimension global PCA. Pretty able to elucidate deep ancestral patterns and often aligns well enough with format statistical models and ADMIXTURE and it makes sense historically, regionally and archaeologically but believe what you wish, walaalkiis.
The Yemeni samples have added East African ancestry
Do you think we got the Yemeni admixture from other CushitesThat's debatable. In the G25 they don't actually show any Dinka or Mota so any models positing that they are "Somali" or "Cushitic" admixed are probably just finding the inverse. Then there's the issue that the Yemeni percentages in Habeshas align too perfectly with what we find in ADMIXTURE and formal stat runs and what would kinda make sense historically so that lends a little too much credence in turn to the percentages in Somalis.
Couple that with the fact that the better fitting models are in fact "Highland -> Somali" models verses "Yemeni -> Somali" models and it becomes clear this is just a remnant of real intra-Horn admixture. Our ancestors mixed with other Cushites and Ethiosemites who had PES ancestry, not with Yemenis. The only actual Yemeni mediated admixture we might have is our T-L208 and that would have been a different event more connected to whenever people from South Arabia brought things like camels, asiatic admixture in our other livestock and so on.
Exactly man. If they are really that insecure about themselves, why can’t they at least claim ancient Egyptians or ancient Nubia or something? Why claim to be descended from a desert gypsy?why are some somalis so bent on being yemenis what's so appealing to them, when somalia/somalis have better history and culture, why be a midget goat fucking desert gypsy when you can be a noble somali
At least he takes time to explain unlike you, manage your anger issues
I think the Alchemist and yourself are the few who explain this stuff almost succinctly.Pretty much. Was probably caused anything from when agriculture spread internally in our region like the Durra complex:
The Durra Complex in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia on JSTOR
Clarke Brooke, The Durra Complex in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia, Economic Botany, Vol. 12, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1958), pp.
Or even maybe just internal Cushitic migrations that may very well have brought Afo-Soomaali itself to our peninsula. We'll know with deeper linguistic, archaeological and ancient DNA study someday inshallah.
I think the Alchemist and yourself are the few who explain this stuff almost succinctly.
Do you agree that the silly 60% Nilotic, 40% Eurasian will be refined in light of new evidence namely ancient DNA samples?
If so why are so many brashly proclaiming it prematurely as the outright truth?
One big mystery to me is that if you look up the oldest human DNA we have from north africa and the Levant they're are both roughly around 15 thosuand years ago. But the north african samples is described as being 2/3 Epipaleolithic levran8ntin a.ka nafutifna and 1/3 hazda/west african. So there is obviously some deeper ancestry here. But the things is the last glacial maxium only ended 20k years ago. My understanding was that before then travel waa extremely diffcult and human migration was low.The fact that we are 60-62% Native East African and 38-40% Eurasian isn't going to be changed by ancient DNA coming out. It's a very simple statistical result you can get by running formal stats or clustering us on a global PCA.
All ancient DNA is going to give us some detail on the sources of these sides of our ancestries. What specific Nilotic related and MENA groups, for example.
But the admixture itself is a fact and actually syncs very well with Horners' mtDNA frequencies where about 40% of Somali maternal lineages are Eurasian and 50% of Habesha maternal lineages are Eurasian. I myself carry a Eurasian maternal lineage; N1a1a3 which pretty much seems to have come from Epipaleolithic and Neolithic Anatolia where all its sister clades have so far been found.