Arab Professor says Somalis are Arabs from Yemen

Garaad Awal

Former African
We can agree to disagree. I believe that colonisation can be a fitting term, but I'm not insinuating that Islam was spread by the sword at all
It was a conquest and didn’t intend to replace the population nor did they convert the population. The fact you wouldn’t call the Spanish reconquista colonization but would call the Ummayad and the various Muslim dynasties afterwards colonizers is simply historically incorrect. Do you consider the Almoravids colonizers as well?

Garaad Awal

Former African
these niggz gonna see the light when they get called abeed ibn abeed

Shaking Head No GIF by GIPHY News
Has that happened to you? And which Arab country did this happen in?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
these niggz gonna see the light when they get called abeed ibn abeed

Shaking Head No GIF by GIPHY News
I've only have had amazing hospitality shown to me when ever I visited, be it Morocco, SA, and Dubai, now I've seen them treat Egyptians like shit.

edit: Our rep in the Arab world is pretty good, mainly due to the diaspora being businessmen and well connected.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Dude any mixing that happened, occurred over ten thousand years ago. It has nothing to do with the modern people who now live in Yemen.

10,000? What? My boy, this is Iron-Age admixture... It came to the Horn with Proto-Ethiosemitic (PES) which is at most around 3,000 years ago. Somalis have minor Iran-Chalocolithic ancestry which makes it pretty undeniable that this is post-Copper Age ancestry. At least 10% of your ancestry, as a Somali, was running around the Bronze-Age Levant.

That's undeniable at this point and current day Yemenis have pretty much preserved this Bronze-Age Semitic ancestry and their direct ancestors/cousins of their ancestors were pretty much the people who brought this ancestry and all those cultural influences from PES to camels to the Horn. What are you talking about, walaal?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
It was a conquest and didn’t intend to replace the population nor did they convert the population. The fact you wouldn’t call the Spanish reconquista colonization but would call the Ummayad and the various Muslim dynasties afterwards colonizers is simply historically incorrect. Do you consider the Almoravids colonizers as well?

People throw around "colonize" too flippantly. It's not synonymous with conquest and the normal historical phenomenon of humans migrating overland naturally as their population overshoots and they win battles against their neighbors.

It is an actual organized, thought-out ideology called "Settler Colonialism" where the population actually fully intends to settle an area, gradually expand, actively displace the locals either through ethnic cleansing, genocide or forced assimilation and where they also often form a cultish myth around why they should expand like what Israelis have done with the concept of Aliyah or Americans and "Manifest Destiny".
10,000? What? My boy, this is Iron-Age admixture... It came to the Horn with Proto-Ethiosemitic (PES) which is at most around 3,000 years ago. Somalis have minor Iran-Chalocolithic ancestry which makes it pretty undeniable that this is post-Copper Age ancestry. At least 10% of your ancestry, as a Somali, was running around the Bronze-Age Levant.

That's undeniable at this point and current day Yemenis have pretty much preserved this Bronze-Age Semitic ancestry and their direct ancestors/cousins of their ancestors were pretty much the people who brought this ancestry and all those cultural influences from PES to camels to the Horn. What are you talking about, walaal?
I don't think it's impossible but the haplogrups associated with proto ethiosemetic migrations were mainly j-haplogroups. We can see this with how more than 30-40% of amahar/tigray haplogroups are J. If somalis on avg had 9% south arabian dna which is not that much less than amahar/Tigray. Who have like a 15% contribution from the migrations. Wouldn't we see a bunch of j haplogroups? But it's like only 3% of somali haplogroups.
I've only have had amazing hospitality shown to me when ever I visited, be it Morocco, SA, and Dubai, now I've seen them treat Egyptians like shit.

edit: Our rep in the Arab world is pretty good, mainly due to the diaspora being businessmen and well connected.

so what would have happened if Soomalida had no lacag and were not well connected? anyway shit happens, soomalida naftigooda qaarkood waa cunsuriyiin so I don't want to generalize here.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I don't think it's impossible but the haplogrups associated with proto ethiosemetic migrations were mainly j-haplogroups. We can see this with how more than 30-40% of amahar/tigray haplogroups are J. If somalis on avg had 9% south arabian dna which is not that much less than amahar/Tigray. Who have like a 15% contribution from the migrations. Wouldn't we see a bunch of j haplogroups? But it's like only 3% of somali haplogroups.

It's not more than 30-40% at all. It's more like 20-25%. All Horner Ethiosemitic and Cushitic males are 50-70% E-M35. We've known this for ages now thanks to this study that sampled pretty much all of our ethnic groups and found the same consistent pattern which more than makes up for any skew of results that could be attributed to the smaller sample size per ethnicity:

Somalis just founder effected like crazy for E-Z813 and T-L208 as pastoralists are wont to do like how the Sahos we have so far keep turning up almost 100% E-V22 when I last checked or how Arabians are dominated by J1 like crazy when, in reality, their autosomal profile and taking a look at cousin groups like Jews and settled Levantines will tell you they once had a lot more diversity like lots of E-M35 lineages and even R1b-Z1205.

Not to mention that Somalis got the PES admixture via intra-Horn admixture by the looks of it so these were already 80%+ non-J1 carriers mixing with us. Of course we're not going to be significantly J1...
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10,000? What? My boy, this is Iron-Age admixture... It came to the Horn with Proto-Ethiosemitic (PES) which is at most around 3,000 years ago. Somalis have minor Iran-Chalocolithic ancestry which makes it pretty undeniable that this is post-Copper Age ancestry. At least 10% of your ancestry, as a Somali, was running around the Bronze-Age Levant.

That's undeniable at this point and current day Yemenis have pretty much preserved this Bronze-Age Semitic ancestry and their direct ancestors/cousins of their ancestors were pretty much the people who brought this ancestry and all those cultural influences from PES to camels to the Horn. What are you talking about, walaal?
ninyahow caawa waxaad la soo istaagtay yemeninimo. kaa aqbali mayno sxb. i say this as a self appointed representative of the maqaaxi debate club.
It's not more than 30-40% at all. It's more like 20-25%. All Horner Ethiosemitic and Cushitic males are 50-70% E-M35. We've known this for ages now thanks to this study that sampled pretty much all of our ethnic groups and found the same consistent pattern which more than makes up for any skew of results that could be attributed to the smaller sample size per ethnicity:

Somalis just founder effected like crazy for E-Z813 and T-L208 as pastoralists are wont to do like how the Sahos we have so far keep turning up almost 100% E-V22 when I last checked or how Arabians are dominated by J1 like crazy when, in reality, their autosomal profile and taking a look at cousin groups like Jews and settled Levantines will tell you they once had a lot more diversity like lots of E-M35 lineages and even R1b-Z1205.

Not to mention that Somalis got the PES admixture via intra-Horn admixture by the looks of it so these were already 80%+ non-J1 carriers mixing with us. Of course we're not going to be significantly J1...
Ok first you say Yemeni brought PES to us and now you say we have PES admixture, ser how can one be mixed with Pro Evolution Soccer?! Konami fell off and I have no indhoyaar diig in me :birdman:
It's not more than 30-40% at all. It's more like 20-25%. All Horner Ethiosemitic and Cushitic males are 50-70% E-M35. We've known this for ages now thanks to this study that sampled pretty much all of our ethnic groups and found the same consistent pattern which more than makes up for any skew of results that could be attributed to the smaller sample size per ethnicity:

Somalis just founder effected like crazy for E-Z813 and T-L208 as pastoralists are wont to do like how the Sahos we have so far keep turning up almost 100% E-V22 when I last checked or how Arabians are dominated by J1 like crazy when, in reality, their autosomal profile and taking a look at cousin groups like Jews and settled Levantines will tell you they once had a lot more diversity like lots of E-M35 lineages and even R1b-Z1205.

Not to mention that Somalis got the PES admixture via intra-Horn admixture by the looks of it so these were already 80%+ non-J1 carriers mixing with us. Of course we're not going to be significantly J1...
But how is it possible for ethiosemegic speakers to have the same proportion of haplogroups as somalis ? Shifting lanaguges from cushitic to ethiosemetic doesnt just happen. It Requires massive replacement of the male pouplation. Which shows up in the haplogroups. Like if you look at India for example they only have a very small amount of Indo-European ancestry. But they mainly speak Indo-European Lanaguge. If you look at their haplogroup it's 30-40% mainly Indo-European ones.


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
ninyahow caawa waxaad la soo istaagtay yemeninimo. kaa aqbali mayno sxb. i say this as a self appointed representative of the maqaaxi debate club.

This is so weird, niyahow. I was just reading old posts of yours on Safavid Iran. Waa akhri the shaydaan and he shall appear, miyaa?


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
But how is it possible for ethiosemegic speakers to have the same proportion of haplogroups as somalis ? Shifting lanaguges from cushitic to ethiosemetic doesnt just happen. It Requires massive replacement of the male pouplation. Which shows up in the haplogroups. Like if you look at India for example they only have a very small amount of Indo-European ancestry. But they mainly speak Indo-European Lanaguge. If you look at their haplogroup it's 30-40% mainly Indo-European ones.

Firstly, walaal, data is data. The fact that we have this admixture appears a simple statistical fact. There's not really arguing with data. We can theorize into infinity around how we got the ancestry but I'm not arguing with you about data unless you have an actual case for how these results are somehow fake?

That aside, I'm not following your train of thought. Somalis are like 60-70% one single Haplogroup; subclades of E-Z813 and then Northwestern Somalis are almost completely dominated by T-L208 (particularly the Dir) with the other tribes showing some minor frequencies of it so like 20-30% overall that one Haplogroup and its subclades.

These are clear founder-effects that would have wiped out or minoritized much of the other lineages our ancestors would have definitely had even before PES admixture entered the Horn like A-M13, E-M329, E-V6 and E-V22. How is it hard to accept that these founder effects also prevented J1 from finding any significance beyond 1-5% among Somalis. In fact, it's remarkable how its frequency among Somalis mirrors the frequency of A-M13 which is another lineage all other Horners have in much more significant percentages and the fact that these two survive the most as minority lineages whereas the other lineages like the M35 clades only appear extremely rarely pretty much tells you they were once much more numerous before being usurped.

Plus, it's not even that different from the frequencies of Highland Ethiopians when you do the math:

  • Highland Ethiopians are 15-25% J1 (I'm counting Sidamics)
  • Highland Ethiopians are 20-25% Iron-Age Yemeni

Cut both of those even just in half and you get?

  • 7-13% J1
  • 10-15% Iron-Age Yemeni

That's not remotely far off from Somalis and the small discrepancy in Y-DNA is easily explained by the over-dominance of T-L208 and E-Z813.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Here comes the cooning imagine claiming Midget Yemenis of all people you people are making Our Somali identity an inferior ethnic group stop hoteping and be proud of your self we don't share nothing with Arabs
Only thing we share is Islam

