Are Somalis proud Africans?

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
What's the point of being proud of being an African? From an English point of view, African is define as some who's from Africa. It's not a nationality or an ethnicity. If you're talking about being a person with darker skin tone, then yes, I'm okay with my tone and I'm not self hater. But, why be proud of your color either? You didn't earn it. I will be proud of my accomplishments and the accomplishments of the people that help Africa become a better continent.

yeah pride is not the wording worth using here

i guess acknowledgement and "is this relevant?" is what should be discussed


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
that's not really what i mean. i'll try to explain it a little better and i'll use the whole eurasian mota fiasco as an example. essentially an ethiopian man dated 4,500 years ago was found with his DNA intact. originally it was postulated that there was a gigantic eurasian migration like 4,000 years ago for sub-saharan africa because Mota (the genome they found) did not possess the eurasian genetics they found within other Africans. basically it was an oversight and they realized a good chunk of that genetic material was always in Africa, and that it was taken directly from East Africa (but there was still a Eurasian expansion for the rest of the Horn).

this is statistically relevant because you have two originally unconnected areas being the confusion for an entire species. to put all that into perspective, because of the sheer fact that life originated here and dispersed throughout the continent before it reached other areas, the connotation of African is perhaps the only relevant continental monicker when we discuss exactly where we came from, and could be the clue into explaining everything from migration to language evolution over time.

so essentially you need to look beyond the lens of merely a group within the continent, and assess its significance as a whole. which is why the term isn't insignificant but perhaps the only real significant term until we can definitely explain everything about our history. the hilarious part is how the key to humanity is locked within the most ethnically diverse continent on the planet.

beyond that you have minute similarities like how impoverished the entire region is, the mutual history of being colonized (however there are differences even there), trade and now a continental union that is still in its infancy. so Africa went from being a completely baseless and unimportant monicker for just the North, to being the only continent with gaining relevancy in the new age. it's a purely 20th and 21st century product, but the relevancy lies therein.

so the point is bascially that it is relevant but not at all in the same way that europe or asia is relevant, and it has virtually no similarities to how they operate. it's a completely unique term and the only one with an entrenched disposition within the sciences (for now).

I see what you are saying. "Africa" is a fact on the ground and the idea exists because the Europeans managed to put disparate groups of black colored people in one category and in contact with on another. Interesting view :nvjpqts:
I would never disrespect mama Africa :rejoice:

How the f*ck are you ppl going to look down on other African countries when Somalia is literally a shit hole.:kanyehmm: Mess


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I see what you are saying. "Africa" is a fact on the ground and the idea exists because the Europeans managed to put disparate groups of black colored people in one category and in contact with on another. Interesting view :nvjpqts:

nah fam that isn't about their classifications of race or even ethnicity. it runs contrary to what they think (or thought).

but i guess the concept of african genetics works in spite of their ill-conceived notions of homogeneity so that IS worth mentioning. basically they homogenized themselves, we will never have that fear but the terminology of African will still be statistically relevant in contemporary scientific literature in contrast to those original classifications.

to put it bluntly; african cannot and will never mean what they wanted it to mean and that's a good thing.
Yea, to collect intel for your Ethiopian masters. I'm on to you, bruh.

He claims warsangali but when I asked him about his subclan guess what ? Mixed it with different one and I corrected it for him. Imagine guy who went several times to Somalia and met his relatives!!!!! However I like him, he is not vulgar like the rest of them. I could never believe it that Somali in Scandinavia will convert to Eastern Orthodox which lose their believers yearly to Protestant/Anglican. Even the Christian Somalis during 19 century followed the Protestant never ever orthodox. Sorry khathead I still like you.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
He claims warsangali but when I asked him about his subclan guess what ? Mixed it with different one and I corrected it for him. Imagine guy who went several times to Somalia and met his relatives!!!!! However I like him, he is not vulgar like the rest of them. I could never believe it that Somali in Scandinavia will convert to Eastern Orthodox which lose their believers yearly to Protestant/Anglican. Even the Christian Somalis during 19 century followed the Protestant never ever orthodox. Sorry khathead I still like you.
Waa yaab. I remember reading a post by @Cadmus saying how there were undercover Ethiopians on this forum to sow discord. Wallahi I laughed, but it turns out he was right all along. But you're right khathead is ok.


tfw no habesha gf
He claims warsangali but when I asked him about his subclan guess what ? Mixed it with different one and I corrected it for him. Imagine guy who went several times to Somalia and met his relatives!!!!! However I like him, he is not vulgar like the rest of them. I could never believe it that Somali in Scandinavia will convert to Eastern Orthodox which lose their believers yearly to Protestant/Anglican. Even the Christian Somalis during 19 century followed the Protestant never ever orthodox. Sorry khathead I still like you.

I like you too @Canuck. Only been to Somalia 2 times. But I swear my father said I'm nur Omar Ali Samartar or something like that. My family is originally from Yube but they moved to Ceerigabo. I was never interested in Qabil until I started going on Somali sites on the internet. Then I discovered this site and now I'm interested in qabil, Somali history and what's going on in the country. I would never lie about the glourious Warsangeli clan


tfw no habesha gf
Khathead never feel ashamed of not knowing qabil

It means your parents loved you

I know fam. If I get kids I will only tell them they are warsangeli, only so they can answer if some odey asks them what they are. Won't talk shit about other qabils and won't say we are better or anything like that, just like what my parents did. Didn't even know other qabils except Warsan and Isaaq a couple months ago
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