Are Somalis proud Africans?

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
I have been to 3 Somali regions and met all sorts of Somalis. U only saw bosaso when you left 6 years as a refugee

I was never a refugee. And I've been to all over Puntland and Jubbaland and even somaliland, where I was welcomed as a queen. :hahaidiot:


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
Anyways what about the white afrikaners? They are considered africans but are they really africans?
I know a Dutch Afrikaan, she reps Africa to the fullest to the point she considers every African as her brother or sister. Do I consider her as an African? NO. Somalis should be the only white people dipped in chocolate in Africa.:rejoice:


Don't worry in 50 million years Somalis will no longer be a part of Africa. :dead:

Our prayers will be answered. Good to know.:siilaanyolaugh: Im proud over africa as much im proud over europe, asia or mother nature for that matter. The only thing im proud over is being a somali.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I know a Dutch Afrikaan, she reps Africa to the fullest to the point she considers every African as her brother or sister. Do I consider her as an African? NO. Somalis should be the only white people dipped in chocolate in Africa.:rejoice:

What... What a perfect analogy :wtf:

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
Alhamdlillah my father was Harari of the Arab stock and my mother Isaaq had good features too so I don't look "African":mjlaugh:. I never claim that dump you call Africa. I'd never want my kids to grow up "black" in America that's suicide. People never suspect I'm African and never find out till I tell them. I went thru 3 years of college claiming to be Italian :mjswag:for hoes of course.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Alhamdlillah my father was Harari of the Arab stock and my mother Isaaq had good features too so I don't look "African":mjlaugh:. I never claim that dump you call Africa. I'd never want my kids to grow up "black" in America that's suicide. People never suspect I'm African and never find out till I tell them. I went thru 3 years of college claiming to be Italian :mjswag:for hoes of course.



I'm ok with the label. The word "African" doesn't mean anything special it's like identifying with the term "North American".

Dire Dewa's son

Malik Obama 4 president.
They hate us too. :kanyeshrug: I make these statements based on my experiences. Most graduate students that are sub Saharan(except horners) African at my university are the biggest booty clappers for white colleagues and bosses. I see it every day these fobs are crawling under the professors desk for crumbs and back stabbing each other for white mans favor. :idontlike: I'll pass on your 1 Africa vision.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I don't understand, do you mean that the concept of Africa has a basis other than it being a landmass co-inhabited by groups of people?
I don't see how there are any relations between a Zulu and a Somali. We just happen to share a contiguous landmass.

that's not really what i mean. i'll try to explain it a little better and i'll use the whole eurasian mota fiasco as an example. essentially an ethiopian man dated 4,500 years ago was found with his DNA intact. originally it was postulated that there was a gigantic eurasian migration like 4,000 years ago for sub-saharan africa because Mota (the genome they found) did not possess the eurasian genetics they found within other Africans. basically it was an oversight and they realized a good chunk of that genetic material was always in Africa, and that it was taken directly from East Africa (but there was still a Eurasian expansion for the rest of the Horn).

this is statistically relevant because you have two originally unconnected areas being the confusion for an entire species. to put all that into perspective, because of the sheer fact that life originated here and dispersed throughout the continent before it reached other areas, the connotation of African is perhaps the only relevant continental monicker when we discuss exactly where we came from, and could be the clue into explaining everything from migration to language evolution over time.

so essentially you need to look beyond the lens of merely a group within the continent, and assess its significance as a whole. which is why the term isn't insignificant but perhaps the only real significant term until we can definitely explain everything about our history. the hilarious part is how the key to humanity is locked within the most ethnically diverse continent on the planet.

beyond that you have minute similarities like how impoverished the entire region is, the mutual history of being colonized (however there are differences even there), trade and now a continental union that is still in its infancy. so Africa went from being a completely baseless and unimportant monicker for just the North, to being the only continent with gaining relevancy in the new age. it's a purely 20th and 21st century product, but the relevancy lies therein.

so the point is bascially that it is relevant but not at all in the same way that europe or asia is relevant, and it has virtually no similarities to how they operate. it's a completely unique term and the only one with an entrenched disposition within the sciences (for now).


Not your typical Farah
What's the point of being proud of being an African? From an English point of view, African is define as some who's from Africa. It's not a nationality or an ethnicity. If you're talking about being a person with darker skin tone, then yes, I'm okay with my tone and I'm not self hater. But, why be proud of your color either? You didn't earn it. I will be proud of my accomplishments and the accomplishments of the people that help Africa become a better continent.
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