Attack on the holy city

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You piece of shit don't you know that thousands of somalis go to umrah every ramadan.

My father and brother where there when the explosion happened. Do you know how we felt? Them not picking up their phone and us not knowing what happened to them? But you don't care since they are somali muslims right? You are celebrating the death of innocent muslims because you hate arabs/Saudi when in fact you have hatred and grudge against islam and muslims including somali muslims.


I only care about Somalis, I thought that was clear. Muslim Somalis, Lesbian Somalis, Communist Somalis etc
They are fine alxamduliah nothing happened to them. We were shocked and scared and thought the worst nighmare when they didn't pick up their phone.

Alhamdulillah they are well sis. Hope they make it back home safely inshaAllah.

Some of the comments on this thread are disgusting. Celebrating the loss of life whether the victims are Muslims or non-Muslims is callous and pathetic.
No sympathy. These fuckers told the US to pressure Ethiopia to invade Somalia.

May their children also lose their parents.


I hope the authorities are watching your page.

P.S. You do realize that Madinah is an international city, with millions of Muslims from every country in the world visiting that city for religious and pilgrimage reasons. When you visit Madinah, you'll inevitably realize that the majority of people there aren't even from Saudi Arabia. But you want to celebrate the deaths of innocent people just to satisfy your blood-lust.

f*ck you.
Hmmm. When Somalis laugh at Somali victims, the bootyclappers dont say a word. I recall the Gashaamo Liyuu attack and Galgaduud attack threads. But when Somalis do it to Arabs, they get angry and very emotional and say "how dare you". You can see their explosion from their post.

Arab bootyclappers.

Of course it's unfortunate but I don't know why Arab victims of terrorism always get more views and posts than Somali victims of terrorism.

We have people here claiming to be Muslims yet they're laughing at the fact that the Prophet's Mosque was just attacked by these terrorists, and then you wonder why people here are annoyed by it? Are you fucking kidding me?

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
You piece of shit don't you know that thousands of somalis go to umrah every ramadan.

My father and brother where there when the explosion happened. Do you know how we felt? Them not picking up their phone and us not knowing what happened to them? But you don't care since they are somali muslims right? You are celebrating the death of innocent muslims because you hate arabs/Saudi when in fact you have hatred and grudge against islam and muslims including somali muslims.

the funny thing is it's the same people who say that those somali victims somehow deserved it somehow anyways. :rolleyes:

Didn't see AJ commenting on either of those threads neither, but if a non somali stubs their toe he'll perform a vigil. :gnzbryw:


Scary times to be a a muslim. :frdfvsb:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Salafi religion believe the grave of prophet inside the masjid is xaraam and it's shirk... saudi spread this hate ideology called wahaabis aka salafism to the world.. now the chicken is coming home to roost .. same hate ideology salafism is the one whos killing people around the world every day.. The city of ,Madina and so called islamic univiersities in madina ar the place where people had being brainwashed educated to believe salafism is the oriinal islam and whit saudi oil money this hate cult wahaabism was spread around the world.. so don't be surprised if you hear kabah and prophets grave are tottaly destroyed by suicide bomber.. this is what saudis was spreading around the chicken coming home to roost .

f*ck you salafism and saudi arabia..

Wallahi I truely believe most of you get your propaganda entirely from western media. Salafi idealogy is pretty accessible, in fact fortunately/unfortunately the most accessible version of Islam to learn nowadays.Wahhabism is anti political and anti destabilization of (the Saudi) government(s) ( for obvious reasons lol).
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