Attack on the holy city

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I precisely asked for numbers, do you know how many innocent people lost their lives due to explosions in Mogadishu this month?

No, you don't balaayay foolxumo badani.
You lowlife scum, the numbers don't matter, it's still individuals who lost their lives. But if you're still hung upon the numbers then I think it was about 18 who died (AUN). Being called ugly though.:francis:
Has occurred to you godless pricks that the majority of the pilgrims are not your Arab boogeymen?

So ironic when these 'enlightened' cunts are rejoicing at the death of innocent people, but cry when westerners are killed. Hypocrites:pacspit:

Stop lying, no one is rejoicing. People are merely pointing out that these sort of atrocities are the natural end product of religious dogma. The more dogmatic the society, the more likely you are to see these senseless slaughter of the innocent. How many Suuni and Shia mosques have been blown into smithereens in Iraq? Where is the sympathy and outrage?
:yacadiim:To many dirty kuffar waging their extremist atheist jihaad on this site.
Allah haunaxariisto to our bros and sisters who died in the holy land.

Bombs near the prophets tomb:faysalwtf:isadkayso walaaloyaal wallahi these are the times :francis:


future pirate king
Celebrating anyone's death regardless of what you think of them is really fucked up, too many of you have black hearts.
This isn't atheist spot either and a place to bash islam and celebrate innocent muslims death.

Why can't you find it within yourself the decency to unequivocally condemn suicide bombings and the enabling Wahabist teachings? Stop attacking other people and say no to Islamic terrorism.

Every time there is another Jihadist outrage, Muslims are quick to engage in red herrings about "Western foreign," "the Israel-Palestine," "Islamophobia," etc.

Sadly, so long as this is the case Jihadis will continue to commit heinous acts like the one in Medina today. Silence and duplicitous talk are the biggest boost to terrorism today.
This isn't atheist spot either and a place to bash islam and celebrate innocent muslims death.
lol we're not the ones complaining about the muslims on this site so dont give me that athiestspot bullshit. muslims celebrated the deaths of people that died in the orlando attack. what makes me different from you guys?


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Saudi Arabia has been funding this for the past 40 years, the chickens are coming home to roost.
They burned down our already failed country with their terrorist version of Islam, and fund to this day the various schools which teach this criminal ideology to millions of Muslim students everyday from Senegal to The Philippines.

I care about what happens to Saudi Arabia, but I care more about them destabilizing good Muslim countries like Malaysia, which has had a suicide bombing today.
Saudi Arabia has been funding this for the past 40 years, the chickens are coming home to roost.
They burned down our already failed country with their terrorist version of Islam, and fund to this day the various schools which teach this criminal ideology to millions of Muslim students everyday from Senegal to The Philippines.

I care about what happens to Saudi Arabia, but I care more about them destabilizing good Muslim countries like Malaysia, which has had a suicide bombing today.

True. I think a lot of us want the Saudi regime to completely fall due to their corruption. But the backlash and the power vacuum that will be left is a scary thought. It's inevitable that their faulty version of Islam which was spread by the help of the colonizers will come to an end, the entire umma will feel the consequences( unable to attend hajj, civil war in the arab peninsula etc..). It's all leading up to the time. that we know are coming.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Saudi Arabia has been funding this for the past 40 years, the chickens are coming home to roost.
They burned down our already failed country with their terrorist version of Islam, and fund to this day the various schools which teach this criminal ideology to millions of Muslim students everyday from Senegal to The Philippines.

I care about what happens to Saudi Arabia, but I care more about them destabilizing good Muslim countries like Malaysia, which has had a suicide bombing today.
This ain't about al saud the stooges of America Aramco, this about the holy mosque of medina where prophet Muhammad pbuh is buried Muslims from all over the world every race are there performing their holy pilgrimage.

You have no compassion nor empathy for your fellow man.
Lets be honest though , the majority of the victims are ordinary people who didn't deserve it , while the fat bastards who spread this ideology are partying in vegas having the time of their lives.
true, but if that same ideology where to turn around and burn their country to the ground, I'm sure they'll care then.
I doubt the house of Saud will ditch Wahabism anytime soon. Wahabism is a useful tool for them to control the populace without it they're vulnerable. They have also inter-married with ibn wahhabs descendants which complicates things further, they are not only bound through religion and politics but also blood .They are too intertwined so If wahhabism goes so will the Sauds and vice versa. The best they can do is limit their crazy ideology to Saudi Arabia , but with wahabism being a memetic virus of sorts containing it would be hard. Lets just hope their oils runs out before these idiots acquire nukes.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This thread proves atheists have no moral compass, they rejoice at the death of innocents then cry about gay rights later in muslim countries.

They are a shallow, arrogant and shameless, stop using Somali name as a trojan horse for your disbelief.

You know whats funny? All atheists here are cowards, their leader even refuses to come out of the closet in fear his salafi parentz finding out hes a godless buttfucked
This thread proves atheists have no moral compass, they rejoice at the death of innocents then cry about gay rights later in muslim countries.

They are a shallow, arrogant and shameless, stop using Somali name as a trojan horse for your disbelief.

You know whats funny? All atheists here are cowards, their leader even refuses to come out of the closet in fear his salafi parentz finding out hes a godless buttfucked
This thread proves atheists have no moral compass, they rejoice at the death of innocents then cry about gay rights later in muslim countries.

They are a shallow, arrogant and shameless, stop using Somali name as a trojan horse for your disbelief.

You know whats funny? All atheists here are cowards, their leader even refuses to come out of the closet in fear his salafi parentz finding out hes a godless buttfucked

Sspot is one the one place they can truly be themselves. Let them be


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
f*ck ur bootyclapping wars nacalaa, this couldve been any of ur relatives who went to 'umrah this season
I can't believe people are celebrating the deaths of muslims on this forum. Shame on you lot. Really goes to show how deeply messed up some folks are on here.
Salafi religion believe the grave of prophet inside the masjid is xaraam and it's shirk... saudi spread this hate ideology called wahaabis aka salafism to the world.. now the chicken is coming home to roost .. same hate ideology salafism is the one whos killing people around the world every day.. The city of ,Madina and so called islamic univiersities in madina ar the place where people had being brainwashed educated to believe salafism is the oriinal islam and whit saudi oil money this hate cult wahaabism was spread around the world.. so don't be surprised if you hear kabah and prophets grave are tottaly destroyed by suicide bomber.. this is what saudis was spreading around the chicken coming home to roost .

f*ck you salafism and saudi arabia..
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