average benadiri and barawani dna results


There's one thing in common with the areas that those doors were found in and that is that Arabs lived there. It's obvious doesn't require mental gymnastics to reach an answer.

There's a reason you don't find doors like that in Gaalkacyo , Hargeisa, Beledweyne, Dhuusamareeb etc
Here is a similar door in Bargaal, Bari. I don't remember Arabs living or having any influence in Bargaal :kanyeshrug:



Interesting the door design is similar to other door designs in coastal cities through out somalia but also the swahili coast. It must've been a very popular architectural islamic design.



@Banadiri Warrior do you know any Arabs living in these towns?
Attached a screenshot of a mix of reer xamar, shanishis and banadiri results. I noticed they have higher amount somali compared to barwanis. Banadiris tend to look more Eritrean people or southern Egyptians compared to barwanis who look half somali half white/ Arab
bro is that you on the left. Im related to you I seen you my DNA matches bro that's wild
It's used by banadiris, yes they do call it mwiini(pronounced miini)and not only Hatimi and biida clans also Ashraaf clans and Oojis.We historically called it Bandar Barawa

I didn't use cerulli as a source, I used sources that he translated and he made assumptions based on what local sources he was presented.

And I'm sheekhaal jaziira also known as Reer jaziira. 12 Koofi and Mashayikh is a political title, people of marka and jilib marka just call themselves reer marka /jilib marka without mentioning 12koofi and mashayikh
what do you know about raa waili tribe from Barawa or the Sharif tribes in barawa who aren't related to the ashrafs who came later on like those who come from dada mastitis people
bro is that you on the left. Im related to you I seen you my DNA matches bro that's wild
Yes on the left side, right side are my DNA matches. If our DNA match from 1st to 3rd cousin we are definitely relatives. 4th cousins is 45 to 50 % chance and fifth is unreliable and sixth cousin might just be a noise prediction.

bro is that you on the left. Im related to you I seen you my DNA matches bro that's wild
I traced up to my 3rd grandparents and they are from these regions, K5 somali, SL, Bari no further than Garowe. So it must mean you have roots from those regions?

Garaad diinle

 
Yes on the left side, right side are my DNA matches. If our DNA match from 1st to 3rd cousin we are definitely relatives. 4th cousins is 45 to 50 % chance and fifth is unreliable and sixth cousin might just be a noise prediction.
Can you still be related to your second or third cousin despite having different paternal lineages that is to say two different haplogroups.
Can you still be related to your second or third cousin despite having different paternal lineages that is to say two different haplogroups.
That just means your related with your 2nd cousins not through paternal lineage ( father to grandfather.....) but from either maternal lineage or your paternal grandmother lineage if that makes sense. Like I have a second cousin who is dhulbahanty we meet on our paternal grandmother side who is dhulbahanty but i am sacad muuse.
what do you know about raa waili tribe from Barawa or the Sharif tribes in barawa who aren't related to the ashrafs who came later on like those who come from dada mastitis people
Yes I know about them ,Dada Masiti is from Ashraaf Mahdali , haven't heard about them coming later on , however ancestors of Ashraaf Nadhiiri came in early 11th hijri century , I doubt ancestors of Ashraaf Mahdali came after that.

The Ashraaf tribes in barawa are Ashraaf Nadhiiri, Ashraaf Ba Sakutah, Ashraaf Mahdali.

Have you matched with any Ra Waali, Ashraaf Ba Sakutah or Ashraaf Mahdali on 23andme?
Yaqut Al Hamawi mentioned in his book Kitab Mu'jamul Buldan that the inhabitants of mogadishu were غرباء meaning strangers as in different to inhabitants of the interior and they didn't have a king however their affairs were run by the advanced ie the tribe elders .
View attachment 265841

Also Ibn Battuta himself mentions that the traditions of the people of mogadishu in greetings were same as people of Yemen and this corresponds to reality as one of the oldest clans in mogadishu were Reer faqi (also known as Banu Qahtan)originally from yemen.

View attachment 265843

Prior to Islam by 8 centuries , Mogadishu was inhabited by Himyaris and their ruler was Sultan As'ad Al-Himyari also known as Abi Karb
The people of Muqdisho were the same as the people of Zeila and were Barbara with dark skin. The sultan of Mogadishu was dark skinned and spoke a language other than Arabic

The people of Muqdisho were the same as the people of Zeila and were Barbara with dark skin. The sultan of Mogadishu was dark skinned and spoke a language other than Arabic
View attachment 313497
View attachment 313498
كتاب معجم البلدان ياقوت الحموي
الجزء الثالث صفحة 164
هم جيل من السودان في طرف أرض الحبشة، وهم مسلمون وأرضهم تعرف بالزيلع، وقال ابن الحائك: ومن جزائر اليمن جزيرة زيلع فيها سوق يجلب إليه المعزى من بلاد الحبشة فتشتري جلودها ويرمى بأكثر مسائحها في البحر. وزيلع، بالعين المهملة: قرية على ساحل البحر من ناحية الحبش، حدثني الشيخ وليد البصري وكان ممّن جال في البلدان أن البربر طائفة من السودان بين بلاد الزنج وبلاد الحبش
Kitāb Mu'jam al-Buldān by Yāqūt al-Rūmī al-Ḥamawī (1179–1229) ( Arabic : معجم البلدان ) "Dictionary of Countries".
volume Three, page 164 :
They are a nation from the Sudans ( the blacks ) on the edge of the land of Abyssinia. They are Muslims and their land is known as Zaila.

Ibn al-Haik said: From the islands of Yemen, the island of Zaila has a market to which goats are brought from the country of Abyssinia
( alhabasha ), their skins are bought and most of their skin is thrown into the sea .

And Zaila: A village on the sea coast in the region of Abyssinia
( alhabasha ).
Sheikh Walid Al-Basri, who was one of those who traveled around the countries, told me that the Berbers are a sect from The Sudans
( the blacks ) between the lands of the Zanj and the lands of Abyssinia
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Don't try dodging the question, just say you don't know and keep it stepping, the tribes of xamar are known now if you can name one tribe that lived in north xamar and zaylac, otherwise don't bother replying
Warya that’s not a valid question. If I say Both Kyushu and Fukushima were both Japanese and then you say what tribes from Kyushu lived in Fukushima?
You understand why that’s stupid, right?
Yes the Tokugawa lived in Fukushima and the Shimadzu lived in Kyushu but in the end both these tribes are Japanese. This is like saying Hargeisa doesn’t have the same ethnicity as Dhusamareeb because the same tribes don’t live there
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Don't try dodging the question, just say you don't know and keep it stepping, the tribes of xamar are known now if you can name one tribe that lived in north xamar and zaylac, otherwise don't bother replying
What language was the Sultan speaking that Ibn Battuta refers to as Maqdishi why is the Sultan called dark skinned until you explain these two questions you have no leg to stand on
The people of Muqdisho were the same as the people of Zeila and were Barbara with dark skin. The sultan of Mogadishu was dark skinned and spoke a language other than Arabic
View attachment 313497
View attachment 313498

بَرْبرَةُ : هذه بلاد أخرى بين بلاد الحبش والزنج واليمن على ساحل بحر اليمن وبحر الزنج، وأهلها سودان جدّا ولهم لغة برأسها لا يفهمها غيرهم، وهم بواد معيشتهم من صيد الوحش، وفي بلادهم وحوش غريبة لا توجد في غيرها، منها الزرافة والببر والكركدّن والنمر والفيل وغير ذلك، وربما وجد في سواحلهم العنبر ....... وقد ذكرت ذلك وسنّتهم فيه في الزيلع،
وذكر الحسن بن أحمد بن يعقوب الهمداني اليمني فقال: ومن الجزائر التي تجاور سواحل اليمن جزيرة بربرة، .....
ويقال لبلاد هؤلاء سواحل بربرة

Berbera : This is another country between the countries of the Abyssinians, the Zanj, and the Yemen, on the coast of the Yemen and Sea of the Zanj . Its people are very Sudanese ( very dark ) , and they have a language that no one else understands. They are Bedouins who make their living by hunting animals. In their country there are strange beasts that are not found in any other country, including the giraffe, the tiger, the rhinoceros, the leopard, the elephant, and others. That, and perhaps amber was found on their coasts....... I mentioned that and their Sunnah regarding it in Al-Zayla.
Al-Hasan bin Ahmed bin Yaqoub Al-Hamdani mentioned Al-Yemeni mentioned , and he said: " Among the islands that border the coast of Yemen is the island of Berbera ......" .
The country of these people is called the coasts of Berbera.
كتاب تقويم البلدان أبو الفداء

وكذلك بلاد السودان في جهة الجنوب، فإنها أيضا بلاد كثيرة لجنوس مختلفة
من الحبش والزنج والنوبة والتكرور والزيلع وغيرهم

Taqwim al-Buldan ("A Sketch of the Countries") :

As well as the country of The Sudans ( the country of the blacks ) in the south, it is also a country of many different races, including the Abyssinians, the Zanj, the Nuba, the Takrur, the Zaila ( the Saylac ) and others .

