I know that they all claim one abtirsi descend from digil, reewin descend from sheikh maxamed digil whereas tunni are cisse digil and so on but this is not about the abtirsi but linguistics sxb. Us darood claim to be descendants of arabs does that make us arab in your view? My point is, linguistics have shown already many decades ago that af maay and af maaxa tiri are more similar to each other than to the digil dialects and this corresponds to what reewin themselves say about these digil dialects/languages, if you have some evidence to back up your claim that af maay is more similar to af jiddu than to af maxaa tiri I would like to see it walaalAlso the people who speak af maay are also digil ,so to classify af tunni af jiddu and af dabarre seperately is wrong. Digil Diinsame is the ancestor of mirifle. As mirifle is son of Reewin son of Safar son of Kaalmogi son of talmadar son of Maxamed son of Digil.
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This is from المنارة الهادية إلي تاريخ إمارة بارطيري a book written by Sheeq Eething Sheeq Si'id, the man in that video.
Also by the way, when I'm talking about "digil dialects/languages", I'm using the term linguists use to refer to (af tunni , af (dabarre, irole), af karre,..) without af maay, but you're right obviously that reewin are digil too.
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