Babile A Historic Somali Town Has Fallen To Oromo


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Why can't we have a Somali pact on Oromo at least, just clean them up as a united bloc and return to our own conflict later this is the wise thing to do as they will not spare any of us, we can't even do that which is sad. Deni plus all Somalis must put aside their conflict untill external threats r dealt with, I don't believe this will cause any unity long term because siyad tried that Ethiopian enemy unity project and we know where it leads too, but I think we can convince even the most backwards person in all clan dagaalkeena waa loo soo noqonaya Lakin nimankan kibray oo Somali dandansi ku haayo since the fall of adal aan uu midowno, karbash the hell out of them untill we know their finished and then resume our conflict at a later stage.
The last time they tried to take Harawa Valley they got packed, they usually targeted isolated pockets, usually frontier areas close to their borders and slowly encroach.


Reer guri
Oromos do the same thing to other ethnic groups. For moyale they claim the Garre clan because they have good ties with borana. Borana Oromo are the least annoying Oromos and they aren’t as into the sheer thievery like the Oromos in eastern Ethiopia.

Thing is, Somalis have always lived good with ajanabis (or different ethnic groups) and have made alliances. But Oromos are obsessed with Somalis and take these alliances or good natured neighborly behaviour as we can take your culture and become you. That’s why this so called ethnic group has no shared culture. The ones that live near Amharas follow Amhara clothing/dances etc.

If we allow them to continue the Somalis that are isolated from others will become like the Harari. Go to Harar and find a Harari and find a Harari family, all you’ll find is Oromos dressed up in Harari clothes. They all fled to Dire dhabe and even that is oromized. There’s a reason why a wall was erected for these people.
Who told you borana are the least annoying? Northern Oromos, like the arsi and harar ones are angels compare to them. Borana for the most part wa gaalo. Somalis and borana have been fighting for centuries even until now. You see more oromos up north that have good relations with Somalis then anywhere else especially in the states. Garres and borana have been ruthless killing each other for awhile now lol.

Emir of Harar

Make Harar Great Again
Nin lagumaystaa doorasho iyo inuu waxdiido hakasugin!. Tabeelaha idiin muqdaa waa magaaladii Baabilleey ee Soomaalodu lahayd boqolaal qarni maanta Oramaa Dhufta Dhufta kuqoratay ayadoo waliba Soomaali wali deggantahay!?.

Waxaan xasuustaa ayadoo xarun u ah Ururkii Itixaadka oo waliba ay degaalo kula galeen ciidankii Tikreega maantana waxaa gabigeediiba lawareegay Oramo.
Dad baa ku’oranaya Oramadu waa walaalaheen haday walaalaheen yihiin maxay dhulkayaga u boobayaan oo dadkayaga u barakicinayaan?!.

Majirto hal tuulo oo Oramo degantahay oo Kikililka Soomaalida lagu wareejiyay halka Degmooyin aad ufaraban oo 100% Soomali degantahay Oramada iyo Canfarta lagoos geeyay!.

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The rumours were true then. They really are taking over the tuulos between baabili and dhagaxle.
Who told you borana are the least annoying? Northern Oromos, like the arsi and harar ones are angels compare to them. Borana for the most part wa gaalo. Somalis and borana have been fighting for centuries even until now. You see more oromos up north that have good relations with Somalis then anywhere else especially in the states. Garres and borana have been ruthless killing each other for awhile now lol.
Don’t bring religion into it. Borana don’t culturally assimilate Garre and claim them. You’re talking about camel herder squabbles and I’m seeing the bigger political picture.

The eastern Oromos are the worst. The frequently spy and utilize their language skills to cause discord. All the Oromos on this site are the arsi and harar angels you are referring to.


Reer guri
Don’t bring religion into it. Borana don’t culturally assimilate Garre and claim them. You’re talking about camel herder squabbles and I’m seeing the bigger political picture.

The eastern Oromos are the worst. The frequently spy and utilize their language skills to cause discord. All the Oromos on this site are the arsi and harar angels you are referring to.
Relax bro I’m not saying they’re angels I’m saying compared to boran they’re a lot better. Did you say camel herder squabbles? The biggest massacres committed by oromos are in Moyale. I’m talking about women, children, and elders. Not to mention the rapings of little girls. They burn masjids and homes down, they killed 5 elders two months ago outside of DDSI border. You cannot say you are garre and be proud crossing over to Oromia side they will kill you lol. Same way a Borana cannot come to dhawa zone

The problem is this modern nationalism ideology that turned it into Oromo vs Somali. Back in the days Oromo Muslims would take the side of the Somalis against the Habesha. During Selassie time a lot of Karanle in Bale also supported the Bale revolt of the early 60s with men and weapons this was the Wako Gutu movement that made deals with Aden Abdulle and General Daud to get support from Somalia they used Karanle contacts. Even Oromo Muslim scholars do abtirsi to Somali Muslim scholars.


Reer guri
A harar ‘angel’.
Trust me when I tell tell you walaalo these folks are better. I will tell you first hand from someone who knows people from Moyale, north eastern Somali region, and oromos from haraghe. Those eastern oromos have some of our dhaaqan and they are Muslim. But this not me saying Eastern oromos as are not trying to kill us, they are 100% trying murder us and take our land.
So then you would know that Daawo also exists in Somalia language and is an Arabic loanword. Why would Somalis substitute the word Daawo, a word they are familiar with, for Dhaba/Dhabbe, which has a different meaning in Somali?

You’ve also assumed the Somalis say the word literally means striking swords which isn’t the case.
my brother what does dire mean ? in somali stop making your self look stupid dawoh and dawa same meaning different languages. never heard dire dawoh.

probably named after Mohammed Elemo Musse Dawa.
Who told you borana are the least annoying? Northern Oromos, like the arsi and harar ones are angels compare to them. Borana for the most part wa gaalo. Somalis and borana have been fighting for centuries even until now. You see more oromos up north that have good relations with Somalis then anywhere else especially in the states. Garres and borana have been ruthless killing each other for awhile now lol.
garre and corona signed peace ages ago. oromos somalis have been killing eachother for centuries, somalis have been conquering and murdering other somalis for centuries just for land. nothing new...
Not gonna go on a 2 page argument with you let’s agree to disagree.
census literacy shows, Borona is a majority Garre is number 3 after Gabbra Gare are oromo themselves in a big identity crisis how can one be gardheere the other be dir and a segment somehow end up in maay these people need help to find their true identity.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
my brother what does dire mean ? in somali stop making your self look stupid dawoh and dawa same meaning different languages. never heard dire dawoh.

probably named after Mohammed Elemo Musse Dawa.
It's Dirdhiba you donkey, plus Dire might be bastardized mention of Dir.


Ptolemy' map dating back to 2nd century A.D
It's Dirdhiba you donkey, plus Dire might be bastardized mention of Dir.

View attachment 342468
Ptolemy' map dating back to 2nd century A.D
if its Dirdhaba why is it called Dire dawa before we even go there you just linked Dir, and Dire together one of the most uneducated people ive ever encountered on the net. Dire Dawa is a new city my friend just established in the 20th century. Look at were the Issa ugaas seat was before 1875 (Adigale) after the Egyptians had destroyed and weakened the oromos they migrated to Jeldessa in which 1842 was described to be a Nole oromo city, when the Ugaas migrated to Jeldessa they had made the city a commercial city which was on the road to Djibouti literally the predecessor of Dire dawa. The Issa continued to expand from here until they reached erer which previously served as a border between the Afar and Alla oromo clans.

the border went from Adigale to Errer within a centuries time before 1875 there was 0 somalis near the modern day Dire area.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
if its Dirdhaba why is it called Dire dawa before we even go there you just linked Dir, and Dire together one of the most uneducated people ive ever encountered on the net. Dire Dawa is a new city my friend just established in the 20th century. Look at were the Issa ugaas seat was before 1875 (Adigale) after the Egyptians had destroyed and weakened the oromos they migrated to Jeldessa in which 1842 was described to be a Nole oromo city, when the Ugaas migrated to Jeldessa they had made the city a commercial city which was on the road to Djibouti literally the predecessor of Dire dawa. The Issa continued to expand from here until they reached erer which previously served as a border between the Afar and Alla oromo clans.

the border went from Adigale to Errer within a centuries time before 1875 there was 0 somalis near the modern day Dire area.
Diridhiba means to send hardship if translated directly, it's built on much older ruins over Hubat(dating back to the 9th century), just like the Amhara you oromos like to rename things, you have no history to the region before the 16th century so be a good little boy and sit at the kid's table.

Your bastard name of Dire Dawa will never stick, the area was never barren nor empty, all around the region you'll find camel remains, the only group that consumes camel meat are us and the Afar.

"the border went from Adigale to Errer within a centuries time before 1875 there was 0 somalis near the modern day Dire area."

:mjlol: :mjlol: :mjlol:

I'm not going to waste my time friend, you need to stop reading Ethiopian revisionist books, grab a actual history book instead.
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


Reer guri
census literacy shows, Borona is a majority Garre is number 3 after Gabbra Gare are oromo themselves in a big identity crisis how can one be gardheere the other be dir and a segment somehow end up in maay these people need help to find their true identity.
Dhiigooda halal waaye. You should be helping the garres expand into these lands even more. You are Muslim right? These boran you know their weird pagan culture they got. Raping little girls and burning masjids something you probably defend. Garre gardheere samaale iyo quranyow maxamed hiniftire ready to karbash your pagan brethren at any moment. As a Muslim your help would be appreciated.


Reer guri
garre and corona signed peace ages ago. oromos somalis have been killing eachother for centuries, somalis have been conquering and murdering other somalis for centuries just for land. nothing new...
It’s the modern day bro we have our respected borders and let’s respect it. Boran and garre did not sign a peace treaty lol. It is war bro, it is war forever. Unless these folks pay blood money for all the little girls and elders they killed, which I don’t know if that’s even an Oromo thing. They would also have to build the masjids that they burned as well.