Bantu Countries Invaded Congo to Cleanse M23 Tutsis.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
How much Nilo-Saharan ancestry do the Tutsi have? I want to know so that I can decide if I support them or not

Must be substantial, because no population in Africa (without Nilotic ancestry) is that damn tall

I’m sorry brotha but they our Reer Cush lakiin you can still support the Tutsi as a fellow Reer AEA decedent 💪🏿🇸🇸🇸🇩🇹🇩🇳🇪🇪🇹🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇷🇼🇧🇮



Scientologist | Against Trudeau's antiBlack racism
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:jcoleno: No one touches our noble lost Cushitic kin! Guul iyo gobanimo for the Tutsis! May they dominate south East and central Africa!

Why are Tutsis so tall? They seem taller than average than Somalis.
There is a full scale war going in the Congo against the Tutsis The Bantu Expansion is still happening Kagame alone supporting The Tutsis
Mean while the Bantus are already blaming us after getting their ass whooped
Wallah these south african are unhinged someone needs to do study on these people #full-blown chimpanzees
They Actually got more Nilotic DNA than bantu sometimes they classified as Nilo saharen they your people, u mus support them kkk:mjlaugh:

The Tutsi are Bantu speaking, however, they do resemble the Maasai in genetic terms; the Maasai are 50% Nilotic and Cushitic.


How much Nilo-Saharan ancestry do the Tutsi have? I want to know so that I can decide if I support them or not

Must be substantial, because no population in Africa (without Nilotic ancestry) is that damn tall

Except Somali people mate
I’m sorry brotha but they our Reer Cush lakiin you can still support the Tutsi as a fellow Reer AEA decedent 💪🏿🇸🇸🇸🇩🇹🇩🇳🇪🇪🇹🇪🇷🇩🇯🇸🇴🇷🇼🇧🇮

It's stuff like this that gets people killed. Saying Tutsi are foreigners is inaccurate and dangerous. Xenoohibic mobs will remove the "foreigners".

This video promotes tribalism in a beef that Somalis have nothing to do with. Complete madness.
Somalis have a portion of the same ancestry (Ancestral East African) that Nilotes have, so that clearly explains your height.

Africans (without AEA/Nilotic ancestry) are scarcely taller than Asians

Without the "38 Eurasian" we would just look and be genetically similar to Nilotes people forget that fact.


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