Bantu Countries Invaded Congo to Cleanse M23 Tutsis.

I thought it was only the kenyans that had it below 38 (it was like 37.8), pretty sure the north is over 40?
I'll need to check, but if it's about MENA ancestry it's 40-45 but it's pure eurasian it's 38 on average because our ancestors were neolithic egyptians that had some ssa
I'll need to check, but if it's about MENA ancestry it's 40-45 but it's pure eurasian it's 38 on average because our ancestors were neolithic egyptians that had some ssa
Yes but some groups (like southerners) got additional eurasian over time, or some have higher indigenous hunter gatherer.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
It's stuff like this that gets people killed. Saying Tutsi are foreigners is inaccurate and dangerous. Xenoohibic mobs will remove the "foreigners".

This video promotes tribalism in a beef that Somalis have nothing to do with. Complete madness.
Tutsis themselves say they migrated to the Great Lakes from the north in the 1500’s. There’s nothing wrong with being immigrants their khasaro neighbours need to learn that 🤷🏿‍♂️ there was zero energy for the white Belgium man colonizing their country but skinny nosed black people get the bullet? :mjlol:
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How much Nilo-Saharan ancestry do the Tutsi have? I want to know so that I can decide if I support them or not

Must be substantial, because no population in Africa (without Nilotic ancestry) is that damn tall

They probably have significant nilo saharan in them. Nilo saharans were once the largest group in the great lakes and were there before even the southern cushites migrated. The Central sudanic people and sog eastern sudanic peoples ("Sog" is another word for the Kuliak people of Northeast Uganda) were the ones previously dominating the great lakes region including Rwanda/Burundi. The word for cow in bantu languages in the great lakes comes from nilosaharan rather than cushitic.


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the congolese ain't innocent either sxb, they literally eat miskiin native pygmies and want to ethnic cleanse the native tutsi from their land
It's not their land, they don't even appear on colonial maps. They migrated out of Rwanda, Burundi first in the 19th century to escape taxes and they were welcomed by the Bashi, Balega and others natives of Kivu. Then other who fled violences in Rwanda and Hutu takeover joined them but they imported their tribalism(Hutu vs Tutsi) in Congo and strated claiming the land which wasn't theirs to begin with. The fact that they were helped by Rwanda afterwards which are considered the enemy by most congolese is contradictory with their aim to be accepted as congolese. What's needed is a growing presence of congolese forces, institutions on the ground and the respect of traditional lands. As long as the congolese government doesn't control well it's eastern territories, it will go on


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