BBC Witness looks back at the Ogaden War! WOW! Didn't know a whole lot of it

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The Soviet deal was to literally have Ethiopia annex Somalia, I'm not even joking. They called MSB arrogant for refusing.


The Ogaden war was a just war, unfortunately the limp wristed peanut farmer didn't have the balls to challenge the Soviets. If only based Reagan were in office.


Hey....i like that country bumpkin Jimmy Carter...


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
f*ck that cuck, he was so afraid of the Russians it wasn't even funny. Kulahaa we can't afford an escalation with the Soviets so soon after Vietnam. He let them do anything they wanted because he was afraid of ending detente and escalating the Cold War. After Somalia, the Soviets got bold and launched a full scale invasion of Afghanistan. He came to the aid of proto-Al Qaeda but screwed us.



Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Iraq helped Somalia actually.

The war against Ethiopia will always have conspiracy theories behind it. Some say he went to war because the Army was growing too powerful so he needed to keep them busy and preoccupied. That's why he called up many former enemies (Aideed, Yeezy etc) to lead the front lines hoping they'd die in the process.

That theory would make sense if Aidid was sent to the front lines, but him and the Galaal dude in the video were military administrators at the presidential office during the war and after the war he was sent as ambassador to India. Yey, however, was leading from the front lines and this is what the Ethiopian General who faced Yey's men on the other side had to say in his autobiography.

Col. Amsalu, a former student of Gen. Demissie Bulto at the Harar Military Academy and who was imprisoned by Mengistu because of his support for the coup, talked about the tension between Gen. Demissie and the Mengistu regime and the Gen. Demissie’s effort to ameliorate the effects of some of the policies within the army. Gen. Wassihun described the strength of the Somalian army that invaded Southern Ethiopia through Bale and Sidamo and its hand picked leader Col. Abdulahi Yussef (who was president of the transitional government of Somalia until recently). When Gen. Demissie was appointed commander of the Southern Corps, the Somalian Army was only 60 KM from Awasa.

Col. Abdulahi’s army was marching to Addis Ababa emboldened by his success at controlling vast territories and dawning of Ethiopian fighter jets and capturing the famous Ethiopian fighter jet pilot, Col. Legesse Tefera.It took three days for the then Col. Demissie Bulto to reorganize the retreat ting Ethiopian army, turn it into a fighting force, and drive the Somlian army beyond the border. Gen. Wassihun concluded that what prevented the elite Somalian force and its prized leader was the strong leadership of Gen. Demissie and the heroic deeds of many under his command. The military operation in the South against the Somalian army is one of the marbles yet to be chronicled in the annals of war in Ethiopian history.

I think the Ethiopian general is describing the retreat of Somali army because awassa is like 250 miles from Ethiopia.

As for the topic, I don't believe the 95% deal. There are records of Soviet leaders telling Siyad, they would side with Ethiopia. He might have hoped for US support, because he knew Soviets would side with Ethiopia, but they too sided with Ethiopia. I do believe Siyad was honest in his quest for conquering the Ogaden.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
That theory would make sense if Aidid was sent to the front lines, but him and the Galaal dude in the video were military administrators at the presidential office during the war and after the war he was sent as ambassador to India. Yey, however, was leading from the front lines and this is what the Ethiopian General who faced Yey's men on the other side had to say in his autobiography.

I think the Ethiopian general is describing the retreat of Somali army because awassa is like 250 miles from Ethiopia.

As for the topic, I don't believe the 95% deal. There are records of Soviet leaders telling Siyad, they would side with Ethiopia. He might have hoped for US support, because he knew Soviets would side with Ethiopia, but they too sided with Ethiopia. I do believe Siyad was honest in his quest for conquering the Ogaden.

I don't believe the conspiracy theories either. I genuinely think that was siyaads finest hour to prove himself. Ummada way mideysnaayeen
That theory would make sense if Aidid was sent to the front lines, but him and the Galaal dude in the video were military administrators at the presidential office during the war and after the war he was sent as ambassador to India

Somali army was no match for Ethiopian and Cubans troops plus Soviet advisers.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
How did your Somali captors treat you, Luis?

Is this the lunatic Luis.

I heard he was involved in the war, on the side of the Cubans and he went berserk. Now he dwells in Somali forums and waits like a tiger to pounce on any topic abt Ogaden war
That theory would make sense if Aidid was sent to the front lines, but him and the Galaal dude in the video were military administrators at the presidential office during the war and after the war he was sent as ambassador to India

Somali army was no match for Ethiopian and Cubans troops plus Soviet advisers.
dont forget the yemeni soldiers, it took 4 countries to hold off somalia :kanyehmm:
Yes,you are right

I made a mistake.

Do you know the opinions of somali generals about Ogaden War?

Have you read any book written by Somali generals about Ogaden War?

I heard that there was a new conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia in 1982.

Do you know something about Balambale war?

Ethiopia captured two somali towns but SSDF/Ethiopian invasion was forced to withdraw.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Yes, the Ethiopians and their lackeys were humiliated by the gallant forces of the Somali Democratic Republic.


The 95% deal is obviously bullshit. There are transcripts in the records that record the meetings between key figures from the Soviet Union, Cuba, Ethiopia and Somalia. Ethiopia and Cuba wanted Somalia and Ethiopia to form a federation. As communists they coudn't conceive of the ethnic nationalism that the Somali government was peddling. They also didn't buy Barre's marxist mantra and believed his loyalty to the cause to be hubris and no more than a show for his people.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Maniac Luis, the war was generations ago fam caadi iska dhig


Walahi Luis reminds me a local madman here in town. I see him around as I drive on my daily activities. This guy wears his uniform from the Vietnam war. He does this imaginary salute. He stands in attention and the reads some military commands. He has no idea that he is in public but he is in this imaginary era and time.
Yes, the Ethiopians and their lackeys were humiliated by the gallant forces of the Somali Democratic Republic.

This is not true, Ethiopian and SSDF left Somalia but they captured two somali towns. I think the ethiopian adventure was not a total disaster after all, because they could capture part of somali territory.
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