Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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I'm Samaroon and all samples tested are T1a. They are not known to assimilate. Cissa are largely T as well. As are Sure. I can't speak for Issaq as they are split. Also D&M is a confederation with various haplogroups and origins. They are not equivalent. It is actually laughable you would use them as an example or dare to make the claim they have more T samples. They get various haplogroups. Please just stop discussing matters you know little about.
Even if it's a confederation there's certain T lineages such as the cumardiin clans which are numerous, there's the base origin and people that joined in which is natural for every clan. If there were the same sample sizes of dirs as cumar diin reewins then they would have more T samples
more accurate map?? the oromo found in the mudug is the reer Galan mohammed Gaal and the ones in southern sola are either jidda wardey or the oromo garre.
Complete waffle, what's Maay doing east of river shabelle and what's garre doing in bakool, reer xamar isn't even over xamar
Madoweyne is in the lower Shebelle argue with the wall the garre knfour also live in those area of somalia. Maay might be wrongly places but other then that the Akisho do live there.
Jàreerweyne is a political alliance created for 4.5, if a map is about clans you use clan names like shiidle makanne etc
if we add up the Oromo Bajuni shanshi digiiiil mirfle and madow populations they could probably add up to 5 million at least and 10 at max
Shaanshi is just one tribe out of the dozens of banaadiri tribes, There's more oromos within digil and mirifle clans , hawiye and darood than independent hawiyes.

And yes Digil and Mirifle, Banadiris,Bajunis, Jàreers (including jàreerweyn,hawiye jàreers and dir jàreers) and Wardaay would be much more than 5 Million
Shaanshi is just one tribe out of the dozens of banaadiri tribes, There's more oromos within digil and mirifle clans , hawiye and darood than independent hawiyes.

And yes Digil and Mirifle, Banadiris,Bajunis, Jàreers (including jàreerweyn,hawiye jàreers and dir jàreers) and Wardaay would be much more than 5 Million
yes. these are all the minority groups that if were added up would not be to much less then ethnical somalis or even more
I'm starting to question your intelligence level. I clarify myself in each and every single post. I'm ONLY talking about ethnic Somalis, why the constant need to insert the Somali national identity? And then use it to twist my words?

If you want to speak on Somali nationals for yourself, then do so. But stop making things about me. All I said was ethnic Somalis were majority. But since you're not interested about ethnicity of Somalia, then there's no point for my to continue.

I've never called/identified myself as 'Samaale supremacist'. But I'm glad that it got you triggered to the point of viewing me as a supremacist.
I don't need to question your intelligence your lack of basic comprehension is evident, you mentioned "Somali" identity being only used after colonization by only "minorities", that is clearly the national identity , meanwhile in reality it was used by most southerners after colonization , which I explained for you in detail.

As I've repeatedly said come together and come up with a common definition for this so called " ethnic somali" identity, each one so far comes up with their own personalized definition, until then don't bother throwing the word around meaninglessly
Not minority, these are the majority of south also "ethnic somali" isn't a real identity
Yes in the south the Borona Garre Wardey Digil mirfle, Shanshi, reer hamar (other Banadiri tribes) Bajuunis, and Madows outnumber the ''ethnic somali'' 1 to 5 in the south it is basically al of them verse Abigail the Ogaden nd mx r new comers


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The history of Maydh & surrounding sanaag regions when sheekh isxaaq landed is well known by the people living there. He married into three groups,

1) Magaadle Samaale woman. Who birthed the ancestors of Garxajis & Carab. The Habar Magaadle branch of Isxaaq

2) Harla Habesha woman. Who birthed the ancestors of Habar Jeclo. The Habar Xabuushed branch of Isxaaq

3) Mahe Dir woman. Who birthed the ancestor of Habar Awal. The Habar Shaariifo branch of Isxaaq.

There was no Oromo kings anywhere near that area that greeted the Sheekh.

& BTW, a lot of these old cadaan writers got Gaal confused with Galla. These were kafir Somali & Harla tribes not Oromos.
the book is the book you cant change this


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
According to the Richard Burton book that they were on about he came much later than that, around 14 generations ago apparently from his time
Most Isxaaq now count up to 28 - 30 names back to Sheekh Isxaaq. Doubt there was a increase of 15+ names from the 1860’s to now, he probably got lied to or messed up.

Garaad diinle

 
Yes I’ll trust a white man’s confusing rambles over my own clan’s abtirsi and told history
Hariire is a somali name so nothing surprising here a somali sultan in the somali coast with a somali name. Also there is more than one story in regards to the arrival of sheikh isaaq to the somali coast.

In regard to the so called galla, here it indicates the pre-islamic somalis that the foreign arab sheikhs are said to have married into. An english explorer explains the neighbouring isaaq and darood were insulting each other for not being of pure arab origin and that they have married into the "gaal" meaning the native pre-islamic somalis, in this case dir meaning magaadle and doombiro. Here in the following text he explain who these galla were.



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Even if it's a confederation there's certain T lineages such as the cumardiin clans which are numerous, there's the base origin and people that joined in which is natural for every clan. If there were the same sample sizes of dirs as cumar diin reewins then they would have more T samples
I feel like you want to argue for the sake of arguing. It's been confirmed that there are multiple origins among D&M. I don't care to explore who is T and who isn't among them. Don't compare apples and oranges. Samaroon and Cissa (which are Northern Dir) are not like them. They are nearly wholesale T. Now, please stop. You are not only making a fool of yourself but are talking about groups you know nothing of. Stick with focusing on the genetic origins of Shanshi and Ashraf.
I may have some wrongs but this is more accurate .

I don’t see any reason to keep this going. You’re still getting some of the Somali clans wrong.

As for the ‘Oromos’ in Somalia, how about pulling out the last clan census to see how of y’all live in Somalia? (Hint: almost nonexistent).

The entire Somali region is wrong as well. If you ever doubted the large territory Somalis inhabit in Ethiopia, you would've at least brought out the last clan census or even ethnic census to prove your point, instead of inaccurate fictional maps, lol. Writing Oromo clans in there will not change the reality on the ground :heh:
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