Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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Hariire is a somali name so nothing surprising here a somali sultan in the somali coast with a somali name. Also there is more than one story in regards to the arrival of sheikh isaaq to the somali coast.

In regard to the so called galla, here it indicates the pre-islamic somalis that the foreign arab sheikhs are said to have married into. An english explorer explains the neighbouring isaaq and darood were insulting each other for not being of pure arab origin and that they have married into the "gaal" meaning the native pre-islamic somalis, in this case dir meaning magaadle and doombiro. Here in the following text he explain who these galla were.

note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this.
alright let me conclude this. At first you claimed that the Yebir were Ethnic Somalis even though me and most people in this web probably know that they are Hebrew and in somalia everyone knows them as Hebrew. there name literally YE-BIR HE-BIR-EW already a similar name.brought sources claiming they were and you were quick to change the subject.
you also claimed the madibaan were one of the largest somali tribes in jijiga but less then 30 years ago they numbered 5k in ethopia "UN Emergencies Unit for Eastern Ethiopia" the population of jijiga being over 800,000 it doesn't seem possible they can make up a large presence in the Jijiga-Hargeisa region.

Later onwards you claimed the Gurgura (Literally an Oromo name) are Somali, I provided you sources showing they themselves admitted their oromo origin up untill less then a hundred years ago, but you refused and insisted to argue. I provided sources that claimed to they were Oromo, and your own sourcesays the following'' Gurgura, an intermediate region between the Issa and the Galla Noli, and the inhabitants speak the two languages although they belong to the Galla ''. after this you brought up the Futuh which has been updated multiple times. after we couldn't come to an agreement I brought up the sub clan names but unfortunately for you you couldn't debunk my evidence.

After you tried claiming the Oromo have no presence (Land) in SL and even tried saying the Akisho are Somali and their turf didn't include SL. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency Population of Ethiopia for All Regions At Wereda Level from 2014 p. 21 Somali region you will see there they are one of the largest clans at the border. they also live in Gabiley read the Galla in northern Somaliland book to be more educated about Oromos in Somaliland. by the way they are the indeginous people of Jijiga, and Gaal Gurey was from them I had asked Kadir Abdi the Akisho chief (the ones near Babille), and he had educated me even more. I tried asking you the meaning of Akisho, and there subclans in somali and you couldn't give me an answer.

I brought sources showing Oromo presence in SL (they were called Galla back then) but however you guys claimed they meant Gaal even though they wrote Galla, and there is evidence to support Galla presence in SL before the Darood, and Isaaq migrated you still won't accept this, I will provide yet again another source which shows that SL is partly oromo land read this "Supplementary Papers" it shows the Dhulbahante claim that before them the Harla, and Oromo had fought over control for Nugaal. as for the rest I have debunked what you have said before my following comments above, but you have yet mine, the only place you probably won this argument is the maps since im not very well educated in southern Somalia.

Garaad diinle

 
note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this.
You're one bothersome fella aren't you. Your not born in somalia nor do you speak somali or even identify yourself as a somali yet you seem pretty preoccupied with somali matters and history. You've obviously constructed a ridicules narrative undeterred in your believe despite our numerous clarification. Having dismissed much of what we said or presented you keep parroting what oromo expansionist say online. Nothing we say would convince you otherwise so why bother explain anything.
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Garaad diinle

 
Bro just look at the maps he made. At first I thought he was trolling, but when he made it clear that he was serious, I gave up. To make it worse, he doesn't even accept being wrong.

I swear, being this ignorant requires talent :kanyehmm:
I know right! The guy literally claimed geri koombe as being of oromo origin. The very same geri koombe with a long standing gaaradship descending from matan ibn uthman al Somali on their paternal side and from the house of the imam on their maternal side. This is beyond the limit of ridiculousness, but hey two can play this game how about we turn things around for a sec and see somalis that live in oromia.

Although borana decent from boran or borana they do so through the lineage of samaalo or samaale. Now keep in mind that borana are the closest to the original oromo having absorbed the least among the oromo clans meaning oromo in it's purest form that is borana are but an off shoot of a somali clan that intermixed with sidamaic omotic konso etc.


But why stop here let us proceed further, do you know what the name oromo mean? Oromo or orma among the warday is a somali word and comes from the root word horin. You see horin in it's plural form is hormo and it's also pronounced with a silent "h" making it ormo mean groups of people. Pretty fitting name for a nation consisting of numerous ethnicities wouldn't you say?



Hey while i'm still at it let's also make map. After doing my due diligence and research I've made the most accurate to date map of the original ethnic inhabitants of southern and south east of oromia.
You're one bothersome fella aren't you. Your not born in somalia nor do you speak somali or even identify yourself as a somali yet you seem pretty preoccupied with somali matters and history. You've obviously constructed a ridicules narrative undeterred in your believe despite our numerous clarification. Having dismissed much of what we said or presented you keep parroting what oromo expansionist say online. Nothing we say would convince otherwise you so why bother explain anything.
please address what I've brought up stop changing the subject will you?
I know right! The guy literally claimed geri koombe as being of oromo origin. The very same geri koombe with a long standing gaaradship descending from matan ibn uthman al Somali on their paternal side and from the house of the imam on their maternal side. This is beyond the limit of ridiculousness, but hey two can play this game how about we turn things around for a sec and see somalis that live in oromia.

Although borana decent from boran or borana they do so through the lineage of samaalo or samaale. Now keep in mind that borana are the closest to the original oromo having absorbed the least among the oromo clans meaning oromo in it's purest form that is borana are but an off shoot of a somali clan that intermixed with sidamaic omotic konso etc.


But why stop here let us proceed further, do you know what the name oromo mean? Oromo or orma among the warday is a somali word and comes from the root word horin. You see horin in it's plural form is hormo and it's also pronounced with a silent "h" making it ormo mean groups of people. Pretty fitting name for a nation consisting of numerous ethnicities wouldn't you say?



Hey while i'm still at it let's also make map. After doing my due diligence and research I've made the most accurate to date map of the original ethnic inhabitants of southern and south east of oromia.
I've never seen a waffle beer than this congratulations brother for winning the Waffle award. man said Oromo comes from the word horn, I never claimed the geri as a whole just the ones on the road to jijiga are Oromo and I will bring sources if you want??. and none of those are Borona subgroups you are lost bro Nole is AQ Babbu is also AQ Doobiro is not a Borona you have created these tribes your self. also your map is incredibly incorrect I don't even know how to describe it 100 out of 100, at least mine had some in place wow just woa this man has shocked me with his lack of intelligence subhanalla bro.
You're one bothersome fella aren't you. Your not born in somalia nor do you speak somali or even identify yourself as a somali yet you seem pretty preoccupied with somali matters and history. You've obviously constructed a ridicules narrative undeterred in your believe despite our numerous clarification. Having dismissed much of what we said or presented you keep parroting what oromo expansionist say online. Nothing we say would convince you otherwise so why bother explain anything.
note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this. I asked you debunk this debunk it
The Borona do not even border konso or sidama or any tribes you mentioned. the only tribes they border are Guji Gabra Orma Wardey, Garre, and Burji.
woah im actually shocked wtf warden somali word no way this man is actually delusional subhanallah this guy tried to claim the somali border konso, and sidama.
alright let me conclude this. At first you claimed that the Yebir were Ethnic Somalis even though me and most people in this web probably know that they are Hebrew and in somalia everyone knows them as Hebrew. there name literally YE-BIR HE-BIR-EW already a similar name.brought sources claiming they were and you were quick to change the subject.
you also claimed the madibaan were one of the largest somali tribes in jijiga but less then 30 years ago they numbered 5k in ethopia "UN Emergencies Unit for Eastern Ethiopia" the population of jijiga being over 800,000 it doesn't seem possible they can make up a large presence in the Jijiga-Hargeisa region.

Later onwards you claimed the Gurgura (Literally an Oromo name) are Somali, I provided you sources showing they themselves admitted their oromo origin up untill less then a hundred years ago, but you refused and insisted to argue. I provided sources that claimed to they were Oromo, and your own sourcesays the following'' Gurgura, an intermediate region between the Issa and the Galla Noli, and the inhabitants speak the two languages although they belong to the Galla ''. after this you brought up the Futuh which has been updated multiple times. after we couldn't come to an agreement I brought up the sub clan names but unfortunately for you you couldn't debunk my evidence.

After you tried claiming the Oromo have no presence (Land) in SL and even tried saying the Akisho are Somali and their turf didn't include SL. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency Population of Ethiopia for All Regions At Wereda Level from 2014 p. 21 Somali region you will see there they are one of the largest clans at the border. they also live in Gabiley read the Galla in northern Somaliland book to be more educated about Oromos in Somaliland. by the way they are the indeginous people of Jijiga, and Gaal Gurey was from them I had asked Kadir Abdi the Akisho chief (the ones near Babille), and he had educated me even more. I tried asking you the meaning of Akisho, and there subclans in somali and you couldn't give me an answer.

I brought sources showing Oromo presence in SL (they were called Galla back then) but however you guys claimed they meant Gaal even though they wrote Galla, and there is evidence to support Galla presence in SL before the Darood, and Isaaq migrated you still won't accept this, I will provide yet again another source which shows that SL is partly oromo land read this "Supplementary Papers" it shows the Dhulbahante claim that before them the Harla, and Oromo had fought over control for Nugaal. as for the rest I have debunked what you have said before my following comments above, but you have yet mine, the only place you probably won this argument is the maps since im not very well educated in southern Somalia.
also anyone

Garaad diinle

 
note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this. I asked you debunk this debunk it
Truth hurts i know but i'm simply stating the facts here bro. Oromo is but a nebulous social construct sustained by language and of somewhat of a cultural continuation with no common lineage. "oromos" Consist of numerous ethnicities with the so called original "oromos" if there are any making up a small minority much like how every one in egypt 100 million plus inhabitant think of themselves as arabs but in reality true arabs are a minority in country.
Truth hurts i know but i'm simply stating the facts here bro. Oromo is but a nebulous social construct sustained by language and of somewhat of a cultural continuation with no common lineage. "oromos" Consist of numerous ethnicities with the so called original "oromos" if there are any making up a small minority much like how every one in egypt 100 million plus inhabitant think of themselves as arabs but in reality true arabs are a minority in egypt.
note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this.

I will keep sending this till you debunk it lil n*ga keep changing the subject

Garaad diinle

 
note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this.

I will keep sending this till you debunk it lil n*ga keep changing the subject
Habibi be my guest.
Habibi be my guest.
note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this.

N*ga dont even know what to say
so basically you are lost for words you created one of the most unaccruate maps I've ever seen and tried changing tue subject after you found out that I had studied on these tribes??

note he said hurreira not hariire before you jump to conclusions please add the word possibly. As for what you're showing me now how does this make sense if Dir had an Arab lineage?? mans literally came to Africa to preach. even if Dir is not Arab Isaaq had multiple wives, and. how would the mj know they are not Isaaq themselves. by the Time sheikh Isaaq came 1300-1400 the inhabitants in the area had already established the Ifat Sutlanate which had its heard quarters in Zeila?? debunk this.
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