Many bantu were brought by the italians to work.
No they weren't that's just bizzare to say when Italians hated them and fought against them, read about Nasiib Buundo the Yao leader that fought against colonizers in gosha
It's not stupid, they don't have any samaale admixture as there wasn't any intermarriage historically, they live accross the whole riverine region ( dhoobey) and inter-riverine ( dooy), they weren't working amongst reer samaale's as they inhabited their own areas . For example Eyle resided in Buur Eyle region and also amongst other clans throughout dooy region and also along shabelle river amongst shiidle. Shiidle had their own territory historically and their region was known as shiidle .Most jreer have Somali admixture. It's stupid to assume otherwise. A minority who live across the south in pockets, working and living among a majority Somali upper class. For centuries, how could they not be admixed?
Afro Americans in the US look black as any west african you wouldn't believe thr average black American has 20% European admixture.
There's no need to say minority when a nation didn't exist at the time