Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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Many bantu were brought by the italians to work.

No they weren't that's just bizzare to say when Italians hated them and fought against them, read about Nasiib Buundo the Yao leader that fought against colonizers in gosha
Most jreer have Somali admixture. It's stupid to assume otherwise. A minority who live across the south in pockets, working and living among a majority Somali upper class. For centuries, how could they not be admixed?

Afro Americans in the US look black as any west african you wouldn't believe thr average black American has 20% European admixture.
It's not stupid, they don't have any samaale admixture as there wasn't any intermarriage historically, they live accross the whole riverine region ( dhoobey) and inter-riverine ( dooy), they weren't working amongst reer samaale's as they inhabited their own areas . For example Eyle resided in Buur Eyle region and also amongst other clans throughout dooy region and also along shabelle river amongst shiidle. Shiidle had their own territory historically and their region was known as shiidle .

There's no need to say minority when a nation didn't exist at the time
Nope those aren't many and those are the ones from wealthy families,as I've explained before. There's more mixed with reer samaale's wether they're banadiris from the coast or interior
Banadiris aren’t a big group most did before the war indeed come from comfortable families due to centuries of being in the trading industry. Your paternal ancestors came as traders and the slave trade was the most profitable. Also, Arabs, Persians had no qualms with taking Bantu women as wives or concubines whilst for Somalis that was considered taboo. Call them ignorant if you want, but you can see it in the DNA profiles since ethnic Somalis never or hardly have Somali Bantu blood and the ones that do tend to be mixed with Banadiris.
I've seen madoweyn on tiktok & youtube ge t10 - 15% Somali on their DNA tests & some of their tribes claim to have never been enslaved. :pachah1:
I believe it. Look at pictures of the family that OP posted. The children look like pure ethnic Somalis. If that man was a pure Somali Bantus, the children would not look like that. Those kids can and will pass undetected in the Somali community.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
Nope not all bantus have been there for centuries, not the ones in gosha atleast.

Most jàreerweyn aren't admixed with reer samaale
Cadcads are miskeen people. Why are you acting like the savage lamagoodle? Are you conflicted from an excess of fardheer blood? It would be best to protect your people from the ravenous hordes by preserving your line through cousin marriage. These xaywaan clearly can't make sweets like Shushumow proficiently.
I've seen madoweyn on tiktok & youtube ge t10 - 15% Somali on their DNA tests & some of their tribes claim to have never been enslaved. :pachah1:
I've seen it. That is nominal and likely indirect from marrying Cadcads. Surprisingly, those guys are more Somali admixed than them. Though a combo of various groups.


No they weren't that's just bizzare to say when Italians hated them and fought against them, read about Nasiib Buundo the Yao leader that fought against colonizers in gosha

It's not stupid, they don't have any samaale admixture as there wasn't any intermarriage historically, they live accross the whole riverine region ( dhoobey) and inter-riverine ( dooy), they weren't working amongst reer samaale's as they inhabited their own areas . For example Eyle resided in Buur Eyle region and also amongst other clans throughout dooy region and also along shabelle river amongst shiidle. Shiidle had their own territory historically and their region was known as shiidle .

There's no need to say minority when a nation didn't exist at the time
They were a minority though? What does that have to do with a nation? Somalis were the overwhelming majority, over 90%. Some thousands imported Bantus inhabited farms ruled by Somalis.

Yes it's true Somali men largely refrained from intermarriage with their bantu slaves whilst taking their Ethiopian/Oromo slave women as concubines and assimilating them. As Ethiopians were considered the same stock/race by Somali slave owners.

However the nature of slavery and the duration of it would naturally lead you to believe in some Somali admixture. Not too big as they are clearly a distinct group. But still admixed to a degree, varying region/person to person. Like benadiri.
Let's not be entitled now. There's ethnic somali clans that are still denied marriage to the lamagoodle
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Somalis really need to adopt an assimilation model. All people in the Horn of Africa should be feel comfortable calling themselves Somali.

Think the relation between European Muslims and Turkey. There are more Albanians, Bosniaks, Armenians, Greeks, etc in Turkey than their respective nations, because the Turk identity is fluid enough to accommodate. Should either change the name of the country or run a system like Oromos do.
Somalis really need to adopt an assimilation model. All people in the Horn of Africa should be feel comfortable calling themselves Somali.

Think the relation between European Muslims and Turkey. There are more Albanians, Bosniaks, Armenians, Greeks, etc in Turkey than their respective nations, because the Turk identity is fluid enough to accommodate. Should either change the name of the country or run a system like Oromos do.

They should be able to call themselves Somali if they are part of the Somali nation and have been present there for centuries, but we should not accept assimilations on a larger scale. That would only lead to tearing down the very social fabric that the (ethnic) Somali society, clans in particular, is built upon.

It's no different from those suggesting to mix people of different clans and settle them in different parts of the country through political means, as a way to solve clannism. It's counter productive and most likely doomed to fail before reaching the implementation stage.


Somalis really need to adopt an assimilation model. All people in the Horn of Africa should be feel comfortable calling themselves Somali.

Think the relation between European Muslims and Turkey. There are more Albanians, Bosniaks, Armenians, Greeks, etc in Turkey than their respective nations, because the Turk identity is fluid enough to accommodate. Should either change the name of the country or run a system like Oromos do.
We should retake harar and build a new Adal. Assimilate the horn through Islam and the identity and Heritage of the Adalite Sultanate.
We should retake harar and build a new Adal. Assimilate the horn through Islam and the identity and Heritage of the Adalite Sultanate.

It's one thing to create a new common identity that could unite us. But that doesn't mean that we have to dilute our ethnicity for some political objective.

In your example, if it came into fruition, being Somali (or another native ethnic group) + Adalite could work.

Though, anything of this nature is highly unlikely to happen if we're realistic. So we have to make the best of what we can in our present day nation, Somalia.


That would only lead to tearing down the very social fabric that the (ethnic) Somali society, clans in particular, is built upon.
This should be the goal of any Somali government that has actual power. Basically to do what the Bolsheviks did in Central Asia and uplift it.
Banadiris aren’t a big group most did before the war indeed come from comfortable families due to centuries of being in the trading industry. Your paternal ancestors came as traders and the slave trade was the most profitable. Also, Arabs, Persians had no qualms with taking Bantu women as wives or concubines whilst for Somalis that was considered taboo. Call them ignorant if you want, but you can see it in the DNA profiles since ethnic Somalis never or hardly have Somali Bantu blood and the ones that do tend to be mixed with Banadiris.
There weren't bantu jàreers taken as wives especially in the city, there were non bantu jàreers taken as wives in the interior however like shiidle or eyle or any of the big tribes to strengthen trade connections
I've seen madoweyn on tiktok & youtube ge t10 - 15% Somali on their DNA tests & some of their tribes claim to have never been enslaved. :pachah1:
Name the tribes atleast, saying "jàreerweyn" alone doesn't tell anything useful, name atleast their clan and subclan for Example from each side, that's got nothing to do with enslaving unless their ancestors were former slaves and that would make no sense
Cadcads are miskeen people. Why are you acting like the savage lamagoodle? Are you conflicted from an excess of fardheer blood? It would be best to protect your people from the ravenous hordes by preserving your line through cousin marriage. These xaywaan clearly can't make sweets like Shushumow proficiently.

I've seen it. That is nominal and likely indirect from marrying Cadcads. Surprisingly, those guys are more Somali admixed than them. Though a combo of various groups.
No such thing as cadcad, say banadiri, cadcad isn't an identity.

The guy just said jàreerweyn how're you coming up with bizzare conclusions when there's hardly any information mentioned? Jàreers mixed with gibil cad are extremely rare if they even existed as usually it would be the gibil cad trader marrying a jàreer in the interior and not the jàreer coming to the city and marrying a gibil cad
This should be the goal of any Somali government that has actual power. Basically to do what the Bolsheviks did in Central Asia and uplift it.

We're in another time epoch now with different circumstances. In a Somali context, the best opportunity would've been pre-colonial times by a movement or a leader rising in power and subsequently either by force or through with mutual support of the public, make it happen. There were also a window of potential post-independence up until 90s.

Today, the civil war has done heavy damage to our society. Forget about adding foreigners, there's rampant scepticism/distrust amongst ourselves. Moreover, if a government managed to exert power, we are guided by clan elders on this matter, whom most of us hold to high regards. Even more so than politicians. Any attempt to change it would be met with resistance (unless we are uniting behind Islam).

As I said before, the only way I see could happen is if there's a separate identity outside of 'Somali'. Otherwise, we're better of letting nature take its course and see how things look a century from now.
They were a minority though? What does that have to do with a nation? Somalis were the overwhelming majority, over 90%. Some thousands imported Bantus inhabited farms ruled by Somalis.
We're talking about areas inhabited by jàreers, Madows were the majority there, who said I'm talking about imported bantus? Those are a minority amongst jàreers, I'm talking about qabiils you're not even concentrating on the topic at hand
Yes it's true Somali men largely refrained from intermarriage with their bantu slaves whilst taking their Ethiopian/Oromo slave women as concubines and assimilating them. As Ethiopians were considered the same stock/race by Somali slave owners.

Exactly you're only proving my point
However the nature of slavery and the duration of it would naturally lead you to believe in some Somali admixture. Not too big as they are clearly a distinct group. But still admixed to a degree, varying region/person to person. Like benadiri.
You're contradicting yourself, basically you're saying bantu jàreer slaves took free reer samaale wives and that the mixture comes from that
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