Black Immigrants In France Rejoice As Somali Got Called The N Word

I’m starting to think you don’t interact with the somalis at all and just love demonizing young men in our community I have younger brothers,cousins,neighbours etc that I talk to regularly none of them discuss these things whatsoever there’s 1 million Somalis in the west these accounts are no more then a few hundred individuals you need to get a grip of reality
You lack reading comprehension. How does calling out the growing social media influence of Somali incels and trolls equate to demonizing all Somali men? You are using emotional subjective reasoning. I am not propagating that all these social media trolls are a representation of all Somali men. Somali trolls are always harrassing random black people and Somali women online.

Their repetitive anti-black sentiment and raging misogynist tweets have become well known on social media. I am not the first person to allude to this. We need to have a constructive dialogue about the growing social media presence of these trolls and how to put an end to their harassment campaign online.


Somali youth need to stop beefing these insecure people. It's a waste of your time and now they use us as engagement fule. Views looking a little low?? Just mention somalis and watch them all flood in. It's honestly pathetic.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
30 teenagers kulaha. Somali incels and trolls rising social media presence is well known.

Have you had a good look into mirror lately?

Meme Reaction GIF

