Black Immigrants In France Rejoice As Somali Got Called The N Word

I don’t think there is no sabaean descendants in the Horn of Africa right now
Habeshas have substantial Ancient Yemeni ancestry. Especially the ones in Eritrea. The Cushitic-Speaking peoples in Eritrea also carry same levels of Ancient Arabian ancestry as the Habeshas.
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We are madows, at least to non africans, it's a social construct to be black tho
Kind of but also no, a FOB Chinese and Pakistani guy both thought I was “Middle Eastern” and I don’t look that more noticeably Eurasian shifted from the avarage Somali, they were legit suprised when I said I’m African. Fob non-Africans who aren’t from the west actually tend to point out how horners don’t look “black” more than westerners who see more varied types of madows and have a stronger idea of who and what horners look like.

like, what would the poster say if some somali got racially abused as a “brown” person? I’m sure it happens, it even happened to ilhan omar but I don’t see Arabs clammering to claim Somalis as brown in those instances, it’s just so weird. I swear madows are a lost and insecure community.

Either way I’ve never been offended by people calling me black or Middle Eastern, the only people who would get offended is the types who don’t have a strong sense of identity, like the people in the post. Why are they so obsessed with how others perceive them to the point that they want everyone else to be deeply impacted by how other see them? I think it’s just jealousy that Somalis have a strong identity and that they’re not really impacted by what others call them as much. Cause their masters gave them a name and identity do we have to have one as well?
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Emir of Zayla

𝕹𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖔𝖋 𝕻𝖔𝖊𝖙𝖘
They do but there isn’t sabean descendants
Some Somalis carry ancient Yemeni dna (sabaean and others ) but they ain’t descendants the same goes for habesha or anyone in the horn.
Carrying someone’s dna means you’re their descendant. This is common sense
Central and West African diaspora kids really do themselves a big disservice, they come from cultural backgrounds that have existed despite colonialism, have their own languages, cuisines and so forth, but still want to identify as a colour. Instead of being angry at Somalis for choosing to identify as an ethnic group, they should copy us instead.
Central and West African diaspora kids really do themselves a big disservice, they come from cultural backgrounds that have existed despite colonialism, have their own languages, cuisines and so forth, but still want to identify as a colour. Instead of being angry at Somalis for choosing to identify as an ethnic group, they should copy us instead.
They way they’re happy that Turkish man called the n word is pretty funny.

They want us to be part of them it’s like they can’t survive without us


Everything unuka leh
30 teenagers kulaha. Somali incels and trolls rising social media presence is well known. They dedicate their entire time and energy to harrassing random black people online and throwing derogatory slurs at them. They have gone viral on numerous occasions with their bizarre, anti-black and misogynist tweets. Their anti-black sentiment and constantly reiterating that they are not black has gone viral on multiple social media platforms.

These trolls and Incels are not a few individuals. Their social media influence is sadly growing and they are radicalizing young Somali boys to hate black people and Somali women. Every day they are causing havoc on social media.
Why don't you get a job bruv, this is insane
You don't even slide a single chance to call us incels (even though majority of somalis marry at a young age.).
Get a life bro


They will call anyone who is dark skin the n word.

I've even seen Asians being called the n word.
I call anyone Nigga, be it white, pink or yellow, I use it as alternative to bro. - only when I am with my core friend who are all African.
I never understood this obsession these French niggas have with us, have they even ever met a Somali? Somebody needs to check their mental health because it feels like they live chronicle online.
So if my Puerto Rican colleagues should identify as Mexican sorely because a racist caadan called them an illegal taco eating wetback? Should I just start calling myself Muslim sorely caadan/maadows mistake me for me ALL.THE.TIME , even if I’m wearing a catholic Manila veil with crosses decorated all over my jewelry and clothes.

I mean, if you call him an Englishman or God forbid a Jew, he would become irate.

