Black Immigrants In France Rejoice As Somali Got Called The N Word


I put Books to the Test of Life
You lack reading comprehension. How does calling out the growing social media influence of Somali incels and trolls equate to demonizing all Somali men? You are using emotional subjective reasoning. I am not propagating that all these social media trolls are a representation of all Somali men. Somali trolls are always harrassing random black people and Somali women online.

Their repetitive anti-black sentiment and raging misogynist tweets have become well known on social media. I am not the first person to allude to this. We need to have a constructive dialogue about the growing social media presence of these trolls and how to put an end to their harassment campaign online.
I really wonder how they became this way maybe its something to do with the years of anti Somali sentiment from the Madow community you worship, and I promise you theirs more Anti Somali agenda that has been on the internet and propagated from Madows and with more outreach compared to those trolls you assert too.


Guul iyo Gobanimo
So if my Puerto Rican colleagues should identify as Mexican sorely because a racist caadan called them an illegal taco eating wetback? Should I just start calling myself Muslim sorely caadan/maadows mistake me for me ALL.THE.TIME , even if I’m wearing a catholic Manila veil with crosses decorated all over my jewelry and clothes.

I mean, if you call him an Englishman or God forbid a Jew, he would become irate.
What are you even talking about?:westbrookwtf:Where did I mention Somalis racial identity?
Central and West African diaspora kids really do themselves a big disservice, they come from cultural backgrounds that have existed despite colonialism, have their own languages, cuisines and so forth, but still want to identify as a colour. Instead of being angry at Somalis for choosing to identify as an ethnic group, they should copy us instead.

There are no Africans left. Just Black Americans and pretenders. There is no benefit in identifying as an African, only ridicule and shame. It's an old story. Why do you think that french african wants to say you're "not black". The corolllary being you're an African.
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@Qeelbax do African Americans bully you in shithopeless? Why are you acting like these uk folks that get bullied by Jamaicans:ivers:
Most of us Somali Americans don’t issues with our AA brothers and Sisters.
Never that
I am a proud black woman