Breaking: Liyuu Boolis attack Dawaclay near Harti Sheekh!

Now you sing about ‘Somalinimo’ miya 😂
Iidoor become Somali when they are xasuuq’d the Somalinimo descends on them like the holy spirit through karbaash. OK sxb we are all Somali where can I donate to Iidoor victims fund? I do hate to see the humiliation and suffering of my fellow iidoorian somalians.
Sad Will Ferrell GIF by First We Feast
Pointing fingure on your hypocrisy and fake somalism doesn't mean I am appealing to Somalinimo and even if I do there is nothing wrong with that

With that said, you are the one who get karbaashed twice, I didn't want to post the images of dead somalis but the amount of karbash you get for killing innocent people is so bad so that your dead bodies are all over the place
What are they working on? They were all arrested like BLM protesters after looting a mall. Did you see the boodh on them after they were packed like xayawaan on those trucks 😂
That was random odays from gaashamo, attacking traditional leaders and innocent civilians doesn't amount to bravery, I can load random ogaden in sland and hawd into pickups but thats gunnimo, we kill only the perpetrators :trumpsmirk:



By the time of the 2007 census, Jigjiga’s Somali population had reached 57 per cent. Given rapid demographic growth and rural migration this share is likely to be between 60 and 70 percent today. Undoubtedly, the ‘Somalization’ of Jigjiga reflects shifting state formation dynamics in the Ethio-Somali frontier.

Are you out of your mind? Who on earth considers between 60% and 70% of the population of Jijiga being Somali as a win? What kind of gaslighting is this? You literally proved my point.

This was Jigjiga a few days ago:

Check this out for a daily occurence:
An Amhara man closed down an entire junction in Jigjiga for 36 hours to hold a party for his son and the city officials couldnt do anythingto stop him:

Just admit it, you only have xiniyo for other Somalis. Go try that with Oromos and Amhar.
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Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Are you out of your mind? Who on earth considers between 60% and 70% of the population of Jijiga being Somali as a win? What kind of gaslighting is this? You literally proved my point.

This was Jigjiga a few days ago:

Check this out for a daily occurence:
An Amhara man closed down an entire junction in Jigjiga for 36 hours to hold a party for his son and the city officials couldnt do anythingto stop him:

Just admit it, you only have xiniyo for other Somalis. Go try that with Oromos and Amhar.
Seems like the Amxaar enemy will be opening Orthodox churches in Jigjiga with their slave attendants soon :mjlaugh:
The Eydoor/ "Somaliland" / Al-Shabaab terrorists have been dealt a huge blow by the gallant Liyu Police forces of DDS (Somali region in Ethiopia).

Eydoor / "Somaliland" / Al-Shabaab terrorists want to destabilize the Somali region in Ethiopia. Their goal is for the Ethiopian government to let their small strip area be designated as a federally administered area, much like Addis Abeba & Dirir Deba. So they decided to cause havoc in DDS in order to get the attention of the Ethiopian government.

Well, the DDS intelligence forces have been collecting intelligence for quite a while visavi the dangerous game that the Eydoor/Adan Sunne-led Al-Shabaab terrorists have been scheming.

The Eydoor/ "Somaliland" / Al-Shabaab terrorists initiated the attack and killed innocent Liyu forces' commanders. They then started wearing the uniforms of those assassinated Liyu Police commanders and bragged about it on social media.

After all peaceful avenues of resolving the issue had been exhausted, the Liyu Police leadership gave them the order to take the gloves off with these anarchists and terrorists. The end result has been the defeat of the terrorists and the complete eviction of the terrorist militia from DDS.

That evil woman first reportedly called for innocent Ogaadeens to be killed with knives. And after the Al-Shabaab terrorists led by her cousin and second-in-command Aden Sunne were defeated, she is now calling for the "international community" to intervene. This is a law and order operation and the gallant Liyu Police forces have done their duty to defeat the terrorists.

Eydoors & "Somaliland" through their Al-Shabaab terrorist proxy group first destroyed the peace and stability in the rest of Somalia. They've now set their eyes on the peaceful Somali region in Ethiopia.

The Eydoor / "Somaliland" / Al-Shabaab terrorists' goal here is to cause havoc and make enough noise, so the Ethiopian government makes their small area in DDS a federally administered area.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Ogaden Liyuu Polis might be the thing that causes Somalis in the region to unite. Sometimes Allah indeed has a plan for everything. I think all clans needs to start co-ordinated front against the Ethio Liyuu colonial force
I agree, its a great idea, a resistance movement in Ethiopia minus these lackeys could very much succeed. They have been the biggest obstacle to peace in Galbeed. Sheekhaal, Marehan, Isaaq and Samaroon should unite and share intel. They will think twice before attacking us if we do this. Attack on one clan should be an attack on all, similar to NATO. It would be a great deterrence.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
I agree, its a great idea, a resistance movement in Ethiopia minus these lackeys could very much succeed. They have been the biggest obstacle to peace in Galbeed. Sheekhaal, Marehan, Isaaq and Samaroon should unite and share intel. They will think twice before attacking us if we do this. Attack on one clan should be an attack on all, similar to NATO. It would be a great deterrence.
I don't like liyuu boolis at all however it's the isaaq that started this war and they have no one to blame for themselves.

Liyuu boolis should do their job to keep the peace between both combatants every time and not take sides, that's when they can be trusted as police force that will protect all SR inhabitants.
This is the video of cagjar when he was hanpicked to be misleader (president) of the somali region calling somali region apartheid for not allowing the noble amhara to have their representation and promising a more representation to them


But the representation went out of control so that 97% of Somali region workers in jigjiga are amhara, here is someone complaining about the administration's nepotism in favor of amhara and excluding of the local somalis from the governmal jobs in jigjiga, he is telling that he is a certified engineer with a douple degree yet he couldn't still get a job cuz he is not amhara, it was 5 days ago

But the more interesting thing here is that, the same man who can't get hired in his town cuz he is 5th column somali is worried about isaaqs defending their towns from the the same regime that has appeased all of his basic rights to amhara as if isaaqs are the ones who robbed his land and job from him and made him a foreigner in his own town:snoop:

I told you guys, cagjar and liyuu are foreign agents and the majority of ogaden is supporting them only for one reason, they hate on the other somalis more than they love to live with dignity, thats why they wanna make their last remaining free tuulo a buffer zone to the same black colonialists that are ccupying 90% of ogaden territories


The Dawacaley campaign is over. The terrorists have been defeated and fled across the border. The illegal settlers have also been evicted. The Absame native inhabitants of the land are beginning to return back to their ancestral homelands.

A similar anti-terror campaign will soon start in the Daroor and Gaashaamo districts. Terrorists and illegal settlers will be removed from the area God willing.

Once the Northern border is secure, the focus will shift to the southern and eastern borders to deal with the terrorists there and the criminal smuggling networks that have infiltrated the area. It’s been a good year Alhamdulilah



Iiddoor who wanted to go Addis to meet Abiy were told to go Jigjiga as they come under them. They were welcomed by Cagjar’s chief of staff. Cagjar gave his apologies, unfortunately he was too busy to meet them. I heard they managed to get some time with the Deputy President of DDS the Ciise guy after they begged.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
A similar anti-terror campaign will soon start in the Daroor and Gaashaamo districts. Terrorists and illegal settlers will be removed from the area God willing.

Once the Northern border is secure, the focus will shift to the southern and eastern borders to deal with the terrorists there and the criminal smuggling networks that have infiltrated the area. It’s been a good year Alhamdulilah
Soon anti terrorist campaigns will be used as opportunity to evict other clans and this the ultimate goal of liyuu, which is why no other clan trusts them.

> Ogaden will attack a clan

> Said clan will fight back

> Liyuu will attack said clan

>fighting will continue until one side bends the knee or an agreement is reached.

> rinse and repeat.



This guy claims the SSC uprising that began in Jigjiga (and was also funded by DDS btw) was a precursor to this, weaken Iiddoor in the East so Absame could reclaim their lands. Absame ergo also went Las Canod a few days ago. Maybe it’s all true


Soon anti terrorist campaigns will be used as opportunity to evict other clans and this the ultimate goal of liyuu, which is why no other clan trusts them.

> Ogaden will attack a clan

> Said clan will fight back

> Liyuu will attack said clan

>fighting will continue until one side bends the knee or an agreement is reached.

> rinse and repeat.
You have the benefit of advanced warning. Start packing your stuff, we are coming for our ancestral lands. The 1890 border will be enforced EVERYWHERE.

