Breaking news🚨 Iran plans to launch attack on Israel

It happened. Hezbollah fought and chased the Israeli out of South Lebanon and they provided help to the Bosnians. Even in this conflict Hezbollah could have completely stayed neutral but they chose to start targeting Israelis assets over the border, for which they have almost lost everything now. Let’s be historically accurate even we disagree with the twelvers.

I don’t doubt that they will fight invading zionists who plan to annex their territory (south Lebanon) into greater israel. What I doubt is it going any further to materially help the Palestinians.

The zionists have made it clear for a decade now they plan to attack iran and it’s allies. They do not want Muslims to have any strong military or independence so it was inevitable. It is in their interest of self preservation to resist this.

They will come for the Egyptian military too eventually. They are the ones who funded and helped Ethiopia build its dam to weaken Egypt. They want the Muslim world to be weak and further divided so that no one rises in the future that could fight them.
The comment section shows the view of most people.

Most Shia yes.

Anyway, I will also refrain from speaking negatively about Iran and its allies for now as it seems they will be attacked soon.

I dont want to be confused with those madkhalis or do or say anything that may benefit the satanic zionists.

InshaAllah they can beat the zionists back. Again, I hope for the best I was just being honest about what I have always heard and observing what I see today.

May Allah SWT grant them victory over the zionists and its allies (including the gulf leaders).
I can't wait for HMS to be destroyed so a new ISLAMIC group can emerge fighting for the sake of Allah and the shyness over the Prophet and the religion of truth.


I disagree with those who go too far. I would be happy to see them actually do something.

But have they ever? The scholars says they have never attacked or fought the transgressive kuffar in history only Sunnis. Sometimes siding with the gaalo.

We know they have a huge kill count of Sunni civillians. Even putting that to the side, how many Israelis? They have been making threats for years, what have they done? This is the second times they've sent missiles with 0 casualties but a Palestinian who accidentally was killed today.

Even for their own self preservation they do nothing. They worked with the zionists and the west to kill Sunnis during the war on terror.

InshaAllah khayr but someone @ me when they actually do something


