Breaking news🚨 Iran plans to launch attack on Israel

Sunni muslims need to stop being too hard on Iran and shias in general.

In the end times we will be ganging up on our common eternal enemies as forhold in the prophecies to the point where jews will be shitting in their pants hiding behind trees and rocks begging for mercy. Shit about to hit the fans yall better wake up. No such things as Sunni and shia when our enemies are fighting both Sunni Hamas and shia Hezbollah, they never cared a muslim is a muslim. Behold glad tidings for the believers.

Muslim victory has been approved and decreed by the Almighty creator of mankind. No stopping our destined VICTORY IN THE BATTLEFIELDS.

We have now officially entered the end times wether we like it or not wheter we are ready or not. Time to stand up and demand our long forgotten historic rights to self rule based on authentic Islamic values. Islam will win over Israel No doubt in my mind. They ask for it they will get it in many different ways.
You have no grasp of history or the past if you think this.

let me just give you one example of Shia betrayal that led to the demise of a Sunni land, in iraq during the 12th century, the armies of the mongols had amassed on Baghdad under Hulagu khan, for a week the Abbasid forces led by the caliph had resisted them with fiercely and kept them from assaulting the city, until the Shia vizier of the caliph went behind his back and made a deal with the mongols to get the Shia of baghdad to sabotage the siege and open the gates of the city in the dead of night for the mongols in exchange for not targeting the Shia quarter of the city, and well, the rest is history.

the Shia of that time had no reason to betray the caliph as the Abbasids were lenient towards the Shia and even promoted them through government and gave them powerful posts, so why did they do it? Simple, a shias greatest enemy is a Muslim not a Jew or a Christian.
Syria Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen were destroyed on behalf of Iran which supported sectarian groups loyal to it religious political system and you don't know the Sheikh or where he's coming from since you're very illiterate on what's happening in the middle east

Iraq was destroyed because it was a colonial invention like most Arab states and Saddam reigned through might and power through his family Sunni tribe. Pan Arabism and Arabism oppressed minorities like Kurds, Berbers, Iraq Shiites, Darfuris and many other communities, some of who were even denied the right to write their own languages.

Iraq was later destroyed by decades of sanctions and the USA coalition invasion of 2003. Did Iran take advantage of the Iraqi Shias rising to power, yes. But how does that equate to Iran destroying Iraq and how does that prove the Sheikhs assertion of Arabs being duped into destroying their own countries by Iran using Palestine as a gateway? You are just spewing drivel here with no historical accuracy. The Iraqi Shias and Lebanese are both Arabs btw and the divisions in those counties existed and still exist without or without Iran.

As for the death squads in Iraq, both sides committed atrocities against each other and large parts of the violence was caused by Al Qaeda in Iraq blowing Shia shrines.

As for Lebanon, it is nonsensical and absurd to claim Iran destroyed Lebanon. This country is just another colonial creation and the Sunnis, Shias and Christians have always been at each others throats. The Saudis and other Middle East states also support corrupt Sunni politicians. Again, how was Lebanon destroyed by Iran when Hezbollah fought the Israeli occupation since the 80s and they are also Arabs?

Syria. The Syrian revolutionary’s who revolted against Assad were largely funded and supported by Arab governments. Iran supported the Syrian regime and allowed it to survive through Russian and Hezbollah intervention. Syria has been destroyed by numerous actors including the disunity between Sunni insurgents and Isis. Iran is just one actor in the game. You can’t claim they destroyed Syria though. If Iran didn’t intervene, it would just be a Syrians still fighting and killing each other.

The Yemenis revolted like other Arabs against their president. The Houthis were actually at one point allied to Al Abdullah Saleh and later turned on him. While the Houthis are Iran are responsible for the state of state of Yemen, you can’t also not assign blame Saudi coalition for their siege against Yemeni population. I find it ironic some folks never dare criticise the Saudi regime for their tactics of war when they literally had similar civilian population punishment taxis the Iran-backed groups in Syria used.

These are the basics of these conflicts and most here would agree, I haven’t told one lie. Which part is illiterate? The illiteracy lies in not being able to think for yourselves and regurgitating the word of some Arab sheikhs (Arab nationalists) whose words some of you guys seemingly worship.

You thick idiots seem to think that any nuance of historical corrections means people are pro Shia or Iran.

And I am still waiting for you guys to show us the Arab country’s which were destroyed on behalf of Iran and Palestine was the excuse for to. Name the countries then?
And I am still waiting for you guys to show us the Arab country’s which were destroyed on behalf of Iran and Palestine was the excuse for to. Name the countries then?
Since its establishment under Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran has leveraged the Palestinian cause as a political tool to enhance its influence across the region. Khomeini infamously stated that “The Road to Al-Quds passes through Karbala,” while it's minions such as Hezbollat leader Hassan Nasrallat (la) asserted that “the road to Quds runs through Homs, Aleppo, Qalamoun, and Idlib. Such rhetoric illustrates how Iranian leaders have intertwined their geopolitical ambitions with the Palestinian struggle, often employing it to justify military and ideological interventions in conflicts throughout Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen. While it's Pro-Iranian media often frame opposition movements as part of a Zionist conspiracy, reinforcing this narrative.

Despite these proclamations, the pathway to Jerusalem remains fraught with diversions. Ultimately complicating their claims and aspirations for solidarity with Palestine. Thus, while the banner of "resistance" persists, it frequently becomes entangled in a web of reinforcing the Iranian national interests of resisting any opposition to it's hegemony. Transforming the quest for Quds into an arduous and convoluted journey marked by numerous detours resulting in the displacement and loss of millions of Arab lives in the name of liberating Palestine.

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Iraq was destroyed because it was a colonial invention like most Arab states and Saddam reigned through might and power through his family Sunni tribe. Pan Arabism and Arabism oppressed minorities like Kurds, Berbers, Iraq Shiites, Darfuris and many other communities, some of who were even denied the right to write their own languages.
Iraqi shia's were never oppressed the way the kurds were by the Baathist regime or the ones before it. Since you don't any historical background on Iraq and its people, let me tell you the ones that regime did persecute and kill, they all belonged to the Shia political group called Hizb Da'awa the first such kind of Shia group to come by that called for the establishment of a shia "Islamic" state founded by a cleric that belonged to Sadr family and it modeled itself or got inspired by the works of Sayid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood and that ideology even went to Iran and inspired Khomeni who laid down the foundation on how a shia state could be established under the absence of the Mahdi because the main reason why Shia Arabs in Iraq or in Lebanon couldn't get active on politics in the country was for them to wait for the reappearance of the Mahdi who will establish his reign and state but the students in the Howzat and young clerics in Najaf wanted their sect to be active and there's no need to wait the Mahdi to apply their version of shari'ah on the land and it was revolutionary idea that moved young shi'as both in Iraq and Iran which led such groups to be classified as a threat to both regime.

Iraq was later destroyed by decades of sanctions and the USA coalition invasion of 2003. Did Iran take advantage of the Iraqi Shias rising to power, yes. But how does that equate to Iran destroying Iraq and how does that prove the Sheikhs assertion of Arabs being duped into destroying their own countries by Iran using Palestine as a gateway? You are just spewing drivel here with no historical accuracy. The Iraqi Shias and Lebanese are both Arabs btw and the divisions in those counties existed and still exist without or without Iran.

Iran during its war with Iraq after it kicked out all Iraq troops from its territories in 1982, Khomeni instead of taking the victory and calling for a ceasefire, he openly declared to topple Saddam's regime and export its revolution throughout the region thus the war took another bloody 6 years without Iran achieving its goal of invading Iraq but it get a lot of support from the Iraqi Shi'as who got inspired with the Islamic shia system Khomeni put in place in Iran and many have declared their allegiance to him and his system.

With that support Iran got from Iraq Shi'as it created for them a political opposition groups and militias who will carry out terrorist acts inside of Iraq and call for the regime downfall by lobbying western states to sanction Iraq.

That group is Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, (SCIRI), and its leader was Abdul Aziz al-Hakim who was member of the governing council set up by Paul Bremer diring the early days of the occupation and he was a loyal to the waliya al fiqih of Iran who's Khamenei.


As for Lebanon, it is nonsensical and absurd to claim Iran destroyed Lebanon. This country is just another colonial creation and the Sunnis, Shias and Christians have always been at each others throats. The Saudis and other Middle East states also support corrupt Sunni politicians. Again, how was Lebanon destroyed by Iran when Hezbollah fought the Israeli occupation since the 80s and they are also Arabs?
Hezbollah was founded by the IRGC in the 80s with the help of the Syrian regime and its allegiance first and foremost lies to Iran and its supreme leader.

After the end of Israel occupation in Lebanon , the Hezb should have dropped all its weapons and dismantled it armed wing but no it took Lebanon into another disastrous war in 2006 when they abducted 3 Israeli soldiers by infiltrating into Israel and Hassan Nasarallah admitted to the public that if he knew Israel will act the way it did , he wouldn't have approved the abduction of IDF soldiers.

In 2008 Hezb and its allies forcefully took over and occupied Beirut to topple the Lebanese govt that took some drastic measures against them and it only took Qatar intervention to end the hostilities that cold have sparked another civil war but the winner was Hezbollah as it took the state under its hands and since then nothing could have been moved forward without the approval of the Hezb with the latest being the vacant presidential post where Lebanon hasn't had a president for almost 3 years now.

Syria. The Syrian revolutionary’s who revolted against Assad were largely funded and supported by Arab governments. Iran supported the Syrian regime and allowed it to survive through Russian and Hezbollah intervention. Syria has been destroyed by numerous actors including the disunity between Sunni insurgents and Isis. Iran is just one actor in the game. You can’t claim they destroyed Syria though. If Iran didn’t intervene, it would just be a Syrians still fighting and killing each other.

Syrian revolution was people led revolt against the autocratic sectarian atheist Baathist regime that has been in power for almost 40 years and the regime has responded to the people who demanded a change in the most horrific ways by abducting activist and torturing them in their jails and sending the army to shoot to kill the people who have gathered in squares in the center of the cities so those soldiers who didn't want to carry out those orders, defected and fought against the regime and the regime called help from Iran who send their men and its proxies from Iraq Lebanon Afghanistan and Pakistan to kill and displace Syrians from their homes for being Sunnis as Iran have stated their presence in Syria the land of the Ummayads was a religious duty to avenge the blood of Hussein from Yazid followers aka Syrian people.

The Yemenis revolted like other Arabs against their president. The Houthis were actually at one point allied to Al Abdullah Saleh and later turned on him. While the Houthis are Iran are responsible for the state of state of Yemen, you can’t also not assign blame Saudi coalition for their siege against Yemeni population. I find it ironic some folks never dare criticise the Saudi regime for their tactics of war when they literally had similar civilian population punishment taxis the Iran-backed groups in Syria used.
Saudi Arabia was the main reason on why the revolt against Ali Abdullah Saleh succeeded where the president stepped down and handed over the power to his vice president this bringing an end to the revolt or uprising.

Houthis on the other hand a launched a sectarian armed struggle rebellion against the state with weapons and experience provided by Iran through its proxy the Hezb in which they violently took the capital Sana'a 10 years ago which ignited the civil war and Yes Ali Abdullah Saleh shares the blame for that group being power as he thought through them he can get back to rule Yemen again but he underestimated the group's power and how they subjugated most of the tribes through bringing back the Imamah zaydi style of governing in the society so the Republicanism spirit in that has become the identity of his home city during 26th of September revolution in 1962 was gone and it was already too late when he found out about it and he got himself killed at the hands of the Houthis whom he helped to take over the state.

And I am still waiting for you guys to show us the Arab country’s which were destroyed on behalf of Iran and Palestine was the excuse for to. Name the countries then?
Syria Yemen and Lebanon.
Since its establishment under Ayatollah Khomeini, Iran has leveraged the Palestinian cause as a political tool to enhance its influence across the region. Khomeini infamously stated that “The Road to Al-Quds passes through Karbala,” while it's minions such as Hezbollat leader Hassan Nasrallat (la) asserted that “the road to Quds runs through Homs, Aleppo, Qalamoun, and Idlib. Such rhetoric illustrates how Iranian leaders have intertwined their geopolitical ambitions with the Palestinian struggle, often employing it to justify military and ideological interventions in conflicts throughout Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen. While it's Pro-Iranian media often frame opposition movements as part of a Zionist conspiracy, reinforcing this narrative.

Despite these proclamations, the pathway to Jerusalem remains fraught with diversions. ultimately complicating their claims and aspirations for solidarity with Palestine. Thus, while the banner of "resistance" persists, it frequently becomes entangled in a web of reinforcing the Iranian national interests, transforming the quest for Jerusalem into an arduous and convoluted journey marked by numerous detours.

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You have a really bad tendency to go on tangents which have nothing to do with what is being discussed.

None of this proves Iran has destroyed any Arab country or tricked Arabs into destroying their countries using Palestine as an excuse. Hezbollah are actually Arabs and the Palestianian factions have also historically being involved in the Lebanon conflict.
Iraqi shia's were never oppressed the way the kurds were by the Baathist regime or the ones before it. Since you don't any historical background on Iraq and its people, let me tell you the ones that regime did persecute and kill, they all belonged to the Shia political group called Hizb Da'awa the first such kind of Shia group to come by that called for the establishment of a shia "Islamic" state founded by a cleric that belonged to Sadr family and it modeled itself or got inspired by the works of Sayid Qutb and the Muslim Brotherhood and that ideology even went to Iran and inspired Khomeni who laid down the foundation on how a shia state could be established under the absence of the Mahdi because the main reason why Shia Arabs in Iraq or in Lebanon couldn't get active on politics in the country was for them to wait for the reappearance of the Mahdi who will establish his reign and state but the students in the Howzat and young clerics in Najaf wanted their sect to be active and there's no need to wait the Mahdi to apply their version of shari'ah on the land and it was revolutionary idea that moved young shi'as both in Iraq and Iran which led such groups to be classified as a threat to both regime.

Iran during its war with Iraq after it kicked out all Iraq troops from its territories in 1982, Khomeni instead of taking the victory and calling for a ceasefire, he openly declared to topple Saddam's regime and export its revolution throughout the region thus the war took another bloody 6 years without Iran achieving its goal of invading Iraq but it get a lot of support from the Iraqi Shi'as who got inspired with the Islamic shia system Khomeni put in place in Iran and many have declared their allegiance to him and his system.

With that support Iran got from Iraq Shi'as it created for them a political opposition groups and militias who will carry out terrorist acts inside of Iraq and call for the regime downfall by lobbying western states to sanction Iraq.

That group is Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, (SCIRI), and its leader was Abdul Aziz al-Hakim who was member of the governing council set up by Paul Bremer diring the early days of the occupation and he was a loyal to the waliya al fiqih of Iran who's Khamenei.

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Hezbollah was founded by the IRGC in the 80s with the help of the Syrian regime and its allegiance first and foremost lies to Iran and its supreme leader.

After the end of Israel occupation in Lebanon , the Hezb should have dropped all its weapons and dismantled it armed wing but no it took Lebanon into another disastrous war in 2006 when they abducted 3 Israeli soldiers by infiltrating into Israel and Hassan Nasarallah admitted to the public that if he knew Israel will act the way it did , he wouldn't have approved the abduction of IDF soldiers.

In 2008 Hezb and its allies forcefully took over and occupied Beirut to topple the Lebanese govt that took some drastic measures against them and it only took Qatar intervention to end the hostilities that cold have sparked another civil war but the winner was Hezbollah as it took the state under its hands and since then nothing could have been moved forward without the approval of the Hezb with the latest being the vacant presidential post where Lebanon hasn't had a president for almost 3 years now.

Syrian revolution was people led revolt against the autocratic sectarian atheist Baathist regime that has been in power for almost 40 years and the regime has responded to the people who demanded a change in the most horrific ways by abducting activist and torturing them in their jails and sending the army to shoot to kill the people who have gathered in squares in the center of the cities so those soldiers who didn't want to carry out those orders, defected and fought against the regime and the regime called help from Iran who send their men and its proxies from Iraq Lebanon Afghanistan and Pakistan to kill and displace Syrians from their homes for being Sunnis as Iran have stated their presence in Syria the land of the Ummayads was a religious duty to avenge the blood of Hussein from Yazid followers aka Syrian people.

Saudi Arabia was the main reason on why the revolt against Ali Abdullah Saleh succeeded where the president stepped down and handed over the power to his vice president this bringing an end to the revolt or uprising.

Houthis on the other hand a launched a sectarian armed struggle rebellion against the state with weapons and experience provided by Iran through its proxy the Hezb in which they violently took the capital Sana'a 10 years ago which ignited the civil war and Yes Ali Abdullah Saleh shares the blame for that group being power as he thought through them he can get back to rule Yemen again but he underestimated the group's power and how they subjugated most of the tribes through bringing back the Imamah zaydi style of governing in the society so the Republicanism spirit in that has become the identity of his home city during 26th of September revolution in 1962 was gone and it was already too late when he found out about it and he got himself killed at the hands of the Houthis whom he helped to take over the state.

Syria Yemen and Lebanon.

Yet again none of those Arab countries were destroyed by Iran. The mess in these countries is largely due to internal forces fighting each other and external actors supporting various groups. Iran is just one actor and they wouldn’t be able to take advantage if these states weren’t such a shambles in the first place. Arabs use to blame Jews for everything, now Iran is the cause of their failed states.

BTW- I’m still waiting for one Arab country destroyed by Iran using Palestine as a cover? Can you muster up a convincing argument between you and the other dude apart from some Wikipedia-like robotic retelling of Arab fadhi ku dirir talking points?
And it's support to US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.
And from which bases did the USA fly from to bomb Iraq? Who was the scholar that made blanket Takfir on all baathists and allowed US bases in Saudi? Sure, Iran took advantage of the Iraqi invasion by supporting their Shia friends, but how does that equate them destroying Iraq using Palestine as a proxy? Iraq war never part of same great of Persian agenda against Arabs. Iraq is a natural sphere of influence for Iran.
BTW- I’m still waiting for one Arab country destroyed by Iran using Palestine as a cover? Can you muster up a convincing argument between you and the other dude apart from some Wikipedia-like robotic retelling of Arab fadhi ku dirir talking points?
Syria as the late Hassan Nasrallah said that road to Quds is through Syria! :)

And from which bases did the USA fly from to bomb Iraq? Who was the scholar that made blanket Takfir on all baathists and allowed US bases in Saudi? Sure, Iran took advantage of the Iraqi invasion by supporting their Shia friends, but how does that equate them destroying Iraq using Palestine as a proxy? Iraq war never part of same great of Persian agenda against Arabs. Iraq is a natural sphere of influence for Iran.
Lmao you're delusional kid that an Iraqi if he read what you wrote would slap your face with his shoes 😂😂

The ones who're running and ruling Iraq for over 20 years now are pro Iranian regime.

This man who you see in that pic having a dinner or launch with US forces in Iraq is the former PM of Iraq Nouri Maliki whose ruling party or coalition group is part of the Iranian led "Axis of Resistance" :pachah1:

And from which bases did the USA fly from to bomb Iraq? Who was the scholar that made blanket Takfir on all baathists and allowed US bases in Saudi? Sure, Iran took advantage of the Iraqi invasion by supporting their Shia friends, but how does that equate them destroying Iraq using Palestine as a proxy? Iraq war never part of same great of Persian agenda against Arabs. Iraq is a natural sphere of influence for Iran.
Saudi Arabia is seen clear by everyone, it maintains a consistent and unequivocal foreign policy stance, clearly delineating its alignment with Western powers, particularly the United States.

Conversely, Iran has been utilizing the Palestinian cause as foundation to enhance its political leverage a image as a defender of the oppressed, and has portrayed itself as a entity bolstering anti-American sentiment the cornerstone of its narrative. While engaged in cooperation with the United States during the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and similarly with Russia in the oppression of the Syrian people.

Only a fool would fall for the rafidhi theater.
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