BREAKING NEWS: Two Somali girls stabbed to death in Ottawa tonight

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This @Bahal character will say anything! I may not be an expert on Somali culture and never claimed to be, but I have mouth with which to ask ppl far older than you and I.

When everyone was equal kulaha:damn:

Yeah sure, our very own once upon a utopia! There can even be class disparities between members of the same subtribe u bald-faced liar :camby:

You have some nerve, but I expect that from you. It's not like you're objective.


If you actually knew anything about our culture, you would know this is a postwar phenomenon that is more a class issue, with the relatively wealthy diaspora somewhat exploiting the destitute souls who didn't have the luck to migrate.
Again, its a new phenomenon. When everyone was equal, no one was marrying a crazy dude.
It's a class issue in a society that has never really had class distinctions before the civil war division between diasporans and extremely impoverished locals blah
He is talking about 150 years ago when people where mostly shepherds. Do you think marriage between a sane woman and an insane man would be common place in those days?

:cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:What a leap! Even so, like it mattered!

The lengths you go to :susp:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
:cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:What a leap!

150 years ago when everyone was equal nobody was marrying crazy people.

After people started abandoning the nomadic lifestyle and started arriving in cities we saw the emergences of a class divide. When the civil war happened the class divide grew only wider as diaspora Somalis became considerably more wealthy than their counterparts in Somalia. I am sure this is what he was referring to when he said everybody was equal and when he said before the civil war.

What makes you think marriage between sane and an insane person would occur for any other reason? Do you talk out of your ass all the time? Or do you have a contempt for all things Somali?


150 years ago when everyone was equal nobody was marrying crazy people.

After people started abandoning the nomadic lifestyle and started arriving in cities we saw the emergences of a class divide. When the civil war happened the class divide grew only wider as diaspora Somalis became considerably more wealthy than their counterparts in Somalia. I am sure this is what he was referring to when he said everybody was equal and when he said before the civil war.

What makes you think marriage between sane and an insane person would occur for any other reason? Do you talk out of your ass all the time? Or do you have a contempt for all things Somali?
Stop this outright lying!! Can class and clout be used as a vehicle to perpetuate this practice? Yes, I never denied that! But this is the underlying logic behind marrying would be mental patients off to sane girls:
Well this is completely different adeer. I am for the right for a man to leave a legacy whether mental or not. I believe that he should be married to a female where he is in a controlled environment for the purpose of procreation.

To procreate!

Most times they are married off to relatives. Little do they know (or care) they're just making matters worse in that sense (mental illness + lack of gene variation).

The very first step is owning up to this madness.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Stop this outright lying. Can class and clout be used as a vehicle to perpetuate this practice? Yes! But this is the underlying logic behind marrying would be mental patients off to sane girls:

I am not saying it is right. Just pointing out your bullshit lol.

Islamically an insane person has no responsibility. They don't need to pray and fast, I am sure they are not supposed to be married. So it definitely does not come from our religion. Also this trend is not as a result of our culture, this started happening only recently. These people are just trying to get some poor girl to look after their ill child. It has nothing to do with being Somali or being Muslim. Just some people doing business with poor people. You look after my sick son and you get a better life than the one you already.


I am not saying it is right. Just pointing out your bullshit lol.

Islamically an insane person has no responsibility. They don't need to pray and fast, I am sure they are not supposed to be married. So it definitely does not come from our religion. Also this trend is not as a result of our culture, this started happening only recently. These people are just trying to get some poor girl to look after their ill child. It has nothing to do with being Somali or being Muslim. Just some people doing business with poor people. You look after my sick son and you get a better life than the one you already.
Islamically salamically! You're flying all over the place now. Is FGM islamic? As if Somalis have a track record of being devout practioners. We're not talking about religion here, we're talking about culture. And culturally, Somalis have shown no in between in how to treat a mental person, even with the benefit of a diaspora education; they treat mentally ill ppl either as if they are an animal or a sane person.

This is not some new-fangled horror the diaspora inflict on the locals as you would like us to believe. It happens locally as well, and it was happening in peace times. Menace's view is the societal view! Now, you can spin this as some kind of benign show of humanity on the part of Somali culture as @Dhabaal once argued (to a audience of a barrage of maniacal likes, which says a lot!), or you can condemn it and argue for rehabilitation of the insane person as I have, but I will not allow you to side-step it as some "recent", "new class phenomenon" for the sake of serving your pathetic egos. It is widespread to a cultural backdrop. The sooner it is admitted, the sooner we can take some self-corrective steps.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
:mugshotman::mugshotman::mugshotman::mugshotman: WTH.

FGM is not Islamic. It is an African practice, not an Islamic practice, or even a muslim practice. That is an example of a problem of our society. Not this, this isn't even widespread.

Menace's view is Menace's view. You can't just extrapolate like that lmao. Yea there are people that think like him, but you can't just say that the entirety of Somalis hold that view lmao. Surely you can't be serious.

I said it was wrong and you still got mad at me. You are even suggested that I am dismissing the entire problem lmao. All I said it isn't a customary practice. It has only started recently and is being practiced primarily by a small wealthy group of Somalis. Sure it could be practiced locally but the premise is still the same. It is being done by a small wealthy group that is taking advantage of the poor.

Forget what I said anyway. I shouldn't have even gone there, it is completely irrelevant. I shouldn't be talking about the reasons for why it is taking place, or why it is wrong. The problem is you simply saying it is a part of our culture. It is not, it has only begun recently. Somalis never practiced this nonsense historically. It is outrageous to say it is a part of our custom, it is completely false. Do you have anything to prove it is cultural?


:mugshotman::mugshotman::mugshotman::mugshotman: WTH.

FGM is not Islamic. It is an African practice, not an Islamic practice, or even a muslim practice. That is an example of a problem of our society. Not this, this isn't even widespread.

Menace's view is Menace's view. You can't just extrapolate like that lmao. Yea there are people that think like him, but you can't just say that the entirety of Somalis hold that view lmao. Surely you can't be serious.

I said it was wrong and you still got mad at me. You are even suggested that I am dismissing the entire problem lmao. All I said it isn't a customary practice. It has only started recently and is being practiced primarily by a small wealthy group of Somalis. Sure it could be practiced locally but the premise is still the same. It is being done by a small wealthy group that is taking advantage of the poor.

Forget what I said anyway. I shouldn't have even gone there, it is completely irrelevant. I shouldn't be talking about the reasons for why it is taking place, or why it is wrong. The problem is you simply saying it is a part of our culture. It is not, it has only begun recently. Somalis never practiced this nonsense historically. It is outrageous to say it is a part of our custom, it is completely false. Do you have anything to prove it is cultural?
Reread my post, I'm honestly starting to think u have problems comprehending. I never said FGM was Islamic. I never said the entirety of Somalis hold "Menace's view", I said it's a societally widespread view.

And I didn't get mad at you, but I cannot allow this to be thrown aside as some recent, small phenomenon as you keep trying to paint it. It's real and it happens, and u should stop trying to brush it under the rug, and be honest for once! It's one thing for it to make you uncomfortable, but it's another thing to resort to falsehood for your own petty ends.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
1) Somalia has traditionally been an egalitarian society with little to no class distinctions.

2) The civil war has created a new class system that makes it possible for handicapped/insane diasporans from relatively well off families to "wed" desperate locals.

3) This is can also be observed through the modern phenomenon of diasporan men marrying second and third wives in Somalia, often hidden from the first wife living back in the West.

4) You do not have enough information to come to the sweeping and frankly wrong conclusions you've come to, especially in light of the fact that, for example, you didn't even know what dumaal was before somalispot.

5) Despite claiming to be far removed from what you termed our "primitive" and "backward" culture, you display the classically Somali traits of stubbornness and inability to admit you don't understand a particular subject. You remind me of a cousin of mine who refused my help despite watching him try to put in a VHS tape into the VCR vertically :icon lol:.
He will be undergoing a mental evaluation before it can be determined if he can stand trial it has been revealed today


1) Somalia has traditionally been an egalitarian society with little to no class distinctions.
Lemme guess, "150 years ago when we were shepards, right?" :mjlol:

I love that you try and maintain the preposterous idea there was no concept of class and clout in pre-war Somalia. An outright lie on your part.
2) The civil war has created a new class system that makes it possible for handicapped/insane diasporans from relatively well off families to "wed" desperate locals.
As pointed out, this is NOT a new phenomenon involving purely locals and diasporans, it was happening prior to the breakdown of the country and happens locally to this day.

The would-be mental patient is often sent permanently to the motherland to live with the sane wife, or is even transported brought back and forth.
3) This is can also be observed through the modern phenomenon of diasporan men marrying second and third wives in Somalia, often hidden from the first wife living back in the West.
Modern :damn:I wonder what else u consider modern!

Again, not a NEW phenomenon. Men in Somalia, prior to the outbreak of the civil war, were marrying secret wives, often hidden from the first wife.

About five years ago, a woman back home came calling my uncle's widow and family claiming she was his daughter through another woman. As it turned out, she was daughter to a secret wife of his, searching for her long dead father.

It's the same thing where Somali men in the diaspora hide wives from their first wife either out here, or by going back home where it's obviously easier. This is another example where the act itself (secret wives) is not new phenomenon, but one that has adapted to the situation, and the same is the case with marrying off of the mentally insane. It's not likely a diasporan woman will entertain marrying a mentally insane man and they are far less inclined to entertain second-wifehood as well, hence exploiting the locals becomes a "no-brainer". Some men back home have secret wives, as do men here in the diaspora. Men in the diaspora go back home for the decreased likelihood of being caught, NOT bc it's a new-fangled custom or a newly thought up dupe lmao, but for convenience.

It is NOT a new thing, despite your desperate attempts to label either as such.
4) You do not have enough information to come to the sweeping and frankly wrong conclusions you've come to, especially in light of the fact that, for example, you didn't even know what dumaal was before somalispot.

How does not knowing about effing dumaal relate to any of this?

You did not know about uncles marrying their dead brothers' wives, therefore you don't know what you're talking about and can't have gained any knowledge on this subject. :fittytousand: -Bahal

5) Despite claiming to be far removed from what you termed our "primitive" and "backward" culture, you display the classically Somali traits of stubbornness and inability to admit you don't understand a particular subject. You remind me of a cousin of mine who refused my help despite watching him try to put in a VHS tape into the VCR vertically :icon lol:.
It's primitive and backward in so many ways, there is no denying that. In this case, per the marrying off of mental men to sane women. But, of course, in your eyes the problems either do not exist bc egalitarian :dead:, or they're not problems, which explains our state and likely forecasts our demise if this attitude isn't brought around.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Lemme guess, "150 years ago when we were shepards, right?" :mjlol:

I love that you try and maintain the preposterous idea there was no concept of class and clout in pre-war Somalia. An outright lie on your part.
As pointed out, this is NOT a new phenomenon involving purely locals and diasporans, it was happening prior to the breakdown of the country and happens locally to this day.

The would-be mental patient is often sent permanently to the motherland to live with the sane wife, or is even transported brought back and forth.
Modern :damn:I wonder what else u consider modern!

Again, not a NEW phenomenon. Men in Somalia, prior to the outbreak of the civil war, were marrying secret wives, often hidden from the first wife.

About five years ago, a woman back home came calling my uncle's widow and family claiming she was his daughter through another woman. As it turned out, she was daughter to a secret wife of his, searching for her long dead father.

It's the same thing where Somali men in the diaspora hide wives from their first wife either out here, or by going back home where it's obviously easier. This is another example where the act itself (secret wives) is not new phenomenon, but one that has adapted to the situation, and the same is the case with marrying off of the mentally insane. It's not likely a diasporan woman will entertain marrying a mentally insane man and they are far less inclined to entertain second-wifehood as well, hence exploiting the locals becomes a "no-brainer". Some men back home have secret wives, as do men here in the diaspora. Men in the diaspora go back home for the decreased likelihood of being caught, NOT bc it's a new-fangled custom or a newly thought up dupe lmao, but for convenience.

It is NOT a new thing, despite your desperate attempts to label either as such.

How does not knowing about effing dumaal relate to any of this?

You did not know about uncles marrying their dead brothers' wives, therefore you don't know what you're talking about and can't have gained any knowledge on this subject. :fittytousand: -Bahal

It's primitive and backward in so many ways, there is no denying that. In this case, per the marrying off of mental men to sane women. But, of course, in your eyes the problems either do not exist bc egalitarian :dead:, or they're not problems, which explains our state and likely forecasts our demise if this attitude isn't brought around.

Back home youll be treated like a criminal if you got mental illness you Will be chained up to a Wall half passed out from all the drugs they give you

This is a money making business now lol


Back home youll be treated like a criminal if you got mental illness you Will be chained up to a Wall half passed out from all the drugs they give you

This is a money making business now lol
Yes, I know about that.
Postwar :mjlol:

You've been doing it all along! In Somalia itself, it's either they're marrying them off and pretending they're normal, or chaining them to walls like animals. At least, they can be excused for ignorance and lack of resource, but meanwhile the diasporan, the one with resources that could be used for rehabilitation (and presumably better knowledge) is doing the exact same thing and using those resources to...marry them. It isn't a knarly "postwar" coincidence. It isn't some isolated incident of class, its a widespread go-to!
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