Caitlyn Jenner uses Trump Tower Women's Restroom

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@JohnDoe @rational @supz @afrosomali @VicePrez @54321

I choose you

Good luck.

The West will put you on trial and jail you or execute you if you decide to do it.
Who the heck is the west man? I own the west you dhadhaan. With khaniis and incompetent people in power, it shouldn't be too long before you're humbled by barefooted bedouins.


I like most aspects of Western culture, but their degenerate acceptance of fags/trannies/gender fluids or what have you is one thing I truly detest.
Who the heck is the west man? I own the west you dhadhaan. With khaniis and incompetent people in power, it shouldn't be too long before you're humbled by barefooted bedouins.

How do you own the West?

If you hate homosexuals, why don't you go back to Xamar?
I like most aspects of Western culture, but their degenerate acceptance of fags/trannies/gender fluids or what have you is one thing I truly detest.

Maybe you should head back to Somalia. You don't see atheists and homosexuals fleeing to the East. Why do Muslims flee to the West when Western values is against they stand for?


Maybe you should head back to Somalia. You don't see atheists and homosexuals fleeing to the East. Why do Muslims flee to the West when Western values is against they stand for?

I don't care about Atheists. At least they are not so in your face about it like the homos.

Most of the West was totally against homosexuality a mere generation ago, both in public opinion and legislation. Something degenerative happened to Western culture around the turn of the millennium.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
How do you own the West?

If you hate homosexuals, why don't you go back to Xamar?
Out of 195 countries, there's like between 80-90 countries were homosexuality is illegal.
Around 17-20 countries in Europe are non-LGBTV←R2↑L2→L1→R1↔↝ friendly.
It's frowned upon wherever you go a majority of the time, doesn't matter if you're in the west or the east.
Out of 195 countries, there's like between 80-90 countries were homosexuality is illegal.
Around 17-20 countries in Europe are non-LGBTV←R2↑L2→L1→R1↔↝ friendly.
It's frowned upon wherever you go a majority of the time, doesn't matter if you're in the west or the east.
LOOOOOOOOOL. Tf is with the letters and numbers? You're a PC gamer aren't you?
I don't care about Atheists. At least they are not so in your face about it like the homos.

Most of the West was totally against homosexuality a mere generation ago, both in public opinion and legislation. Something degenerative happened to Western culture around the turn of the millennium.

They were against it because of Christianity.

I only know of two white people who go to church today. Religion means nothing to Westerners.

Gays can marry in even in the most conservative southern villages in the States.

Out of 195 countries, there's like between 80-90 countries were homosexuality is illegal.
Around 17-20 countries in Europe are non-LGBTV←R2↑L2→L1→R1↔↝ friendly.
It's frowned upon wherever you go a majority of the time, doesn't matter if you're in the west or the east.

When countries like Uganda and Yemen and Somalia make homosexuality illegal, what does that tell you? The countries that outlaw homosexuality happen to be the most backward and most impoverished. Would you want to live in those countries? The countries that legalized gay marriage are the same countries you all live in and the same countries you will never ever leave.

You would protest and kick and scream if those countries got rid of your citizenship. It would be your nightmare.
It's true.

Let's compare the morr advanced West Bank and Gaza.

Homosexuality is legal in the West Bank but not Gaza.

Would you prefer to live in the West Bank or Gaza?

The desirable places all have gay marriage or homosexuality that is legal while the hellholes all have homosexuality illegal.
The desirable countries in that corner of the world.. Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey.. have homosexuality legal. Iran pays for sex change operations using taxpayer money

These countries also happen to be way more desirable to live in than the other countries in that region.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
LOOOOOOOOOL. Tf is with the letters and numbers? You're a PC gamer aren't you?
Sí lo soy.

They were against it because of Christianity.

I only know of two white people who go to church today. Religion means nothing to Westerners.

Gays can marry in even in the most conservative southern villages in the States.
70% of the U.S population is Christian though. Is it not shunned though? Frowned upon?

When countries like Uganda and Yemen and Somalia make homosexuality illegal, what does that tell you? The countries that outlaw homosexuality happen to be the most backward and most impoverished. Would you want to live in those countries? The countries that legalized gay marriage are the same countries you all live in and the same countries you will never ever leave.

You would protest and kick and scream if those countries got rid of your citizenship. It would be your nightmare.
Uganda, Yemen and Somalia = 3/90 countries. As for what it means for me, nothing really I'm not homosexual.
A country doesn't have to be impoverished and backward to outlaw homosexuality though.

Check this:


Homosexuality doesn't have anything to do with my citizenship though P:
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