Caitlyn Jenner uses Trump Tower Women's Restroom

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Sí lo soy.

70% of the U.S population is Christian though. Is it not shunned though? Frowned upon?

Uganda, Yemen and Somalia = 3/90 countries. As for what it means for me, nothing really I'm not homosexual.
A country doesn't have to be impoverished and backward to outlaw homosexuality though.

Check this:

View attachment 2148

Homosexuality doesn't have anything to do with my citizenship though P:

Gay marriage is legal in the entire US of A. Most Americans believe gay marriage and gay rights is important. The rest are immigrants like you from hellholes you fled from


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Gay marriage is legal in the entire US of A. Most Americans believe gay marriage and gay rights is important. The rest are immigrants like you from hellholes you fled from
Most of what you said is what you truly want to believe, most Americans don't believe that even though homosexuality is stuffed down their throats in all forms. They might clap and turn their Facebook picture into a rainbow but when their little boy Jimmy comes out the closet we both know what happens. America isn't pro-lgbt for shit. People are just more tolerant and don't really give a damn. They clapping cause it's not their dicks being split nor is it their assholes being penetrated. It's easier to spectate.
I personally don't care as for me being immigrant, what are you?
@AbdiJohnson You're feeble minded enough to actually believe that your argument holds any weight lmfao. Are you going to forget that Muslims carried the light of learning for over a millennium? Are you going to ignore the fact that non-Muslims migrated to the lands of the Muslims in mass numbers during the Islamic golden age? I can use the same argument that you're using in this case, can't I? The Western civilisation has only began to rise during the 1600s which was less than half a millennium ago. The funny thing is, it was due to 'the Moors' (who were Muslims btw) that the 'West' have emerged from the Dark Ages into the Renaissance period.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
@AbdiJohnson getting heated cahs his quruxley Caitlyn. I bet you didn't like him or even know him but now that he's split his dick. Yacni, hero waaye.
Most of what you said is what you truly want to believe, most Americans don't believe that even though homosexuality is stuffed down their throats in all forms. They might clap and turn their Facebook picture into a rainbow but when their little boy Jimmy comes out the closet we both know what happens. America isn't pro-lgbt for shit. People are just more tolerant and don't really give a damn. They clapping cause it's not their dicks being split nor is it their assholes being penetrated. It's easier to spectate.
I personally don't care as for me being immigrant, what are you?

Polls have been conducted. You can see them on Google if you like. Westerners don't care if their child is gay. Only those from impoverished nations who don't know better and need the Western man's aid. Your opinion doesn't matter when you can't even pave your own roads without the Chinese.

I see many Somalis with gay friends. I saw one just today skateboarding with an obvious homosexual a few hours ago.

Like I have said earlier on, if you despise homosexuality and Western values, you might as well go back to Somalia. Why live with us kaafir? Us kaafir don't beg to live with you, do we?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Polls have been conducted. You can see them on Google if you like. Westerners don't care if their child is gay. Only those from impoverished nations who don't know better and need the Western man's aid. Your opinion doesn't matter when you can't even pave your own roads without the Chinese.

I see many Somalis with gay friends. I saw one just today skateboarding with an obvious homosexual a few hours ago.

Like I have said earlier on, if you despise homosexuality and Western values, you might as well go back to Somalia. Why live with us kaafir? Us kaafir don't beg to live with you, do we?
AbdiStubborn, we both know that they care we also both know that you can't reply with anything besides stating the backward'ness of Somalia. The Somali kid with the gay guy doesn't change anything heck you yourself claim to be gay what of it?

I'm not backward and homosexuality has nothing to do with western values damn.
This whole gay phase is new. Don't mistake tolerance for acceptance.

I could careless what gender or religion someone else belongs to.
AbdiStubborn, we both know that they care we also both know that you can't reply with anything besides stating the backward'ness of Somalia. The Somali kid with the gay guy doesn't change anything heck you yourself claim to be gay what of it?

I'm not backward and homosexuality has nothing to do with western values damn.
This whole gay phase is new. Don't mistake tolerance for acceptance.

I could careless what gender or religion someone else belongs to.

Gay marriage and gay rights is Western values.

Why deny the undeniable?

Gay rights is to the West as poverty is to Africa


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Gay marriage and gay rights is Western values.

Why deny the undeniable?

Gay rights is to the West as poverty is to Africa
Nah, come off your high dildo.
There is more that meets the eye with this rights thing and you know that lmao.
I know you want it all rainbowy, I doubt it'll be so decades and decades. Sorry m8.
Nah, come off your high dildo.
There is more that meets the eye with this rights thing and you know that lmao.
I know you want it all rainbowy, I doubt it'll be so decades and decades. Sorry m8.

Can you tell us why you live in the West if you hate our values?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Can you tell us why you live in the West if you hate our values?
Come off of that, I hate nothing. You can be into Zoophilia for all I care, just don't spout nonsense. Don't try stick it on me with victim'ish reply. Take a spoonful and crawl out of this thread if all you're going to reply with is the 'West'.
Come off of that, I hate nothing. You can be into Zoophilia for all I care, just don't spout nonsense. Don't try stick it on me with victim'ish reply. Take a spoonful and crawl out of this thread if all you're going to reply with is the 'West'.

Leave my secular land please.

It's fucking poisoned with your kind in it

Do you see how developed we are and how undeveloped you are?


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Leave my secular land please.

It's fucking poisoned with your kind in it

Do you see how developed we are and how undeveloped you are?
Please explain how underdeveloped I am.
Others sexuality doesn't concern me a bit.
I know you're qaraar from having your fairy tail (I'm a fucking weeb.. fairy tale**) truth bombed but(t) yeah.

Sorry, I'll take my poisonous so called eastern views with me.
Please explain how underdeveloped I am.
Others sexuality doesn't concern me a bit.
I know you're qaraar from having your fairy tail (I'm a fucking weeb.. fairy tale**) truth bombed but(t) yeah.

Sorry, I'll take my poisonous so called eastern views with me.

Have you seen your Africa?

Do you watch the news? Do you read history?

Thank the West for giving you a second chance at life. You would have been a khat addict or a child soldier for a clan militia. But you won't thank the West because you hate the West because we are gaalo... The gaalo who gave you the best quality of life in history


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Let people be transgender if they want. I will forever fail to understand what business it is of yours. You can dislike them but you have to respect them and not discriminate against them otherwise the law will come down on you, and rightfully so.
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