Can Somali women

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Let's start a #CampaignAgainstJilbaab

Not because I wanna ogle at body parts but because it's a sexist misogynistic attire that limits women and on top of that it's fucking embarrassing seeing jilbaabis wearing 16 layers whilst the rest of society looks normal.
Why can't women have the right to cover up just like those you consdier enchanted and liberated have the right to be nude? How hypocritical of you lot! You godless ehlu naar want to impose your way of thinking on people. Maybe we should campaign for #killallatheists. What do you think about that? Millions of women choose to wear hijab, that is a choice they are making and it should be respected.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why can't women have the right to cover up just like those you consdier enchanted and liberated have the right to be nude? How hypocritical of you lot! You godless ehlu naar want to impose your way of thinking on people. Maybe we should campaign for #killallatheists. What do you think about that? Millions of women choose to wear hijab, that is a choice they are making and it should be respected.

I wouldn't make it illegal bit I'd heavily discourage it. Yes adults can wear what they want, Shame Somalis don't agree with that concept.
Why can't women have the right to cover up just like those you consdier enchanted and liberated have the right to be nude? How hypocritical of you lot! You godless ehlu naar want to impose your way of thinking on people. Maybe we should campaign for #killallatheists. What do you think about that? Millions of women choose to wear hijab, that is a choice they are making and it should be respected.
Did you just compare killing to the removal of the veil?
Why can't women have the right to cover up just like those you consdier enchanted and liberated have the right to be nude? How hypocritical of you lot! You godless ehlu naar want to impose your way of thinking on people. Maybe we should campaign for #killallatheists. What do you think about that? Millions of women choose to wear hijab, that is a choice they are making and it should be respected.

I've noticed a clear agenda on this forum. Even the Muslims here have an aversion to how Muslim women choose to dress. Every 2 weeks there's a thread on Muslim womens dress code and a call to ban jilbaab. Sometimes I wonder if these Muslims have opened up the Qur'an.
I wouldn't make it illegal bit I'd heavily discourage it. Yes adults can wear what they want, Shame Somalis don't agree with that concept.
Why would you discourage it? Are you saying muslim women dont know any better? Who tells you how to dress? It is funny how the will to choose freely applies to everyone but to muslim women. People stupidly call them oppressed for CHOOSING to dress modestly. You should know better than to campaign against the hijab when you probably got sisters that cover up. Let muslim women choose.
I've noticed a clear agenda on this forum. Even the Muslims here have an aversion to how Muslim women choose to dress. Every 2 weeks there's a thread on Muslim womens dress code and a call to ban jilbaab. Sometimes I wonder if these Muslims have opened up the Qur'an.
Waa gudaafad these godless bastards! They have a lot of nerve to even suggest something like this knowing their female family members would be the first to suffer.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why would you discourage it? Are you saying muslim women dont know any better? Who tells you how to dress? It is funny how the will to choose freely applies to everyone but to muslim women. People stupidly call them oppressed for CHOOSING to dress modestly. You should know better than to campaign against the hijab when you probably got sisters that cover up. Let muslim women choose.

I didn't say hijab. I said jilbaab.

I'm fine with hijab and other forms of head scarves. I hate the jilbaab though.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Why would you discourage it? Are you saying muslim women dont know any better? Who tells you how to dress? It is funny how the will to choose freely applies to everyone but to muslim women. People stupidly call them oppressed for CHOOSING to dress modestly. You should know better than to campaign against the hijab when you probably got sisters that cover up. Let muslim women choose.

Are you pro freedom of expression and allowing people to wear what they want? I know you're gonna sugar coat this answer.
I didn't say hijab. I said jilbaab.

I'm fine with hijab and other forms of head scarves. I hate the jilbaab though.
Who cares what you hate? I thought people had liberties here. I hate how you dont believe in a god yet you dont want me discouraging your way of living. You are okay with a woman walking around with parts of her boobs hanging and her vagina less than an inch away but it is a problem when she covers up. Tell me why a woman can choose to be nude but she cant choose the jilbab? What if you could have one type of daughter, a y ty daughter that carries her vagina on her hands or a jilbabi which would you want?:hemad:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Who cares what you hate? I thought people had liberties here. I hate how you dont believe in a god yet you dont want me discouraging your way of living. You are okay with a woman walking around with parts of her boobs hanging and her vagina less than an inch away but it is a problem when she covers up. Tell me why a woman can choose to be nude but she cant choose the jilbab? What if you could have one type of daughter, a y ty daughter that carries her vagina on her hands or a jilbabi which would you want?:hemad:

So for you it's either jilbaab or nudity? Lol.

I told you I have no problem with hijab.Hijab is are fine. I'd never ban jilbaab despite how ugly and limiting they are.
I am. I told I'd never ban items of clothing. I can discourage it just like Muslims can encourage it. Let the battle of ideas commence and let's see who wins.

Discouraging something they choose to wear of their own volition? Or do you believe those "poor and fickle Muslim women" are all oppressed?

Some liberal you are.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Discouraging something they choose to wear of their own volition? Or do you believe those "poor and fickle Muslim women" are all oppressed?

Some liberal you are.

It's called having an opinion and sharing it with them. If they think I'm full of shit then that's their perogative and I respect it. Just like Muslims do street dawah to encourage people to join Islam. Funnily enough, you are okay with that.
It's called having an opinion and sharing it with them. If they think I'm full of shit then that's their perogative and I respect it. Just like Muslims do street dawah to encourage people to join Islam. Funnily enough, you are okay with that.

How is that the same though? They are Muslims and you are a self-confessed ex-Muslim, so it's quite insulting for you to tell them how to dress. They know their Deen better than you and I'm sure they know what's right for them. You actually have no right to tell them anything beecause it's rather arrogant and facetious on your part.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
How is that the same though? They are Muslims and you are a self-confessed ex-Muslim, so it's quite insulting for you to tell them how to dress. They know their Deen better than you and I'm sure they know what's right for them. You actually have no right to tell them anything beecause it's rather arrogant and facetious on your part.

I know the deen as well as them cos I was born into it and my family are Muslims. Poor argument from you.

I have every right to share my opinion. Are you scared that they might take my opinion on board?
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