Caribbean Black Woman Vents About the Dysfunction in Her Community. Would You Say the Same Applies to Ours?

Gen Z Somali guys are the best Masha'Allah. I am really proud of them. Gen Z couples, will do great, their children will be more firmly middle-class, and may even inherit property.

It's the millennial males that failed themselves and disappointed their parents. How much should we blame society, and environment, when their sisters did far better? At which point do these people take responsibility for themselves. You can see some of them on here, who love to gossip about others, instead of looking internally. Sad thing is, these people are already parents, and they are supposed to be 'role model' for their own sons.

It takes bravery to take yourself to task, and work on yourself.
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Dysfunction is inherited. This is why I strongly disagree with ciyaalo suuq/dhaqan celis getting married off to some miskeen back home. These ciyaalo suuqs need to undergo rehab and clean their system from whatever alcohol/drugs/khat etc, before they pass this onto their babies. Yes, babies inherit all the garbage you consume.

For example:

The offspring of men with a history of drug dependence or alcohol dependence had significantly higher rates of conduct disorder.....

So, if you don't care about your own life, or disappointing your parents, at least don't try to have babies until you fix your life. But they will not listen, these kind of people are inherently stubborn and selfish to begin with.

Somali parents need to stop trying to rehab their wayward sons via marriage, all it does, is create generational dysfunction, and innocent babies born with traits they don't deserve.


Plotting world domination
He's not wrong

Every day there's a new rage bait thread, ironically it's the kaafir user inciting these feuds and watching you Muslims go back and fourth

With all due respect you're so chronically online to see through this mess
I don't have any family or friends like that the yap is insane. The older gen ik that immigrated have studied and gotten degrees despite being fresh off the boat from Djibouti. Incl like my uncle who did computer science in sweden. No male cousins in prisons, we all go school, have jobs and most I have met in the recent years go gym.

Internet waste will always try push stereotypes on Somali because their own family are dysfunctional doesn't mean we all are.

You young niggas get so defensive about this shit for no reason. Everyone knows most gen Z Somali men are doing fine right now.

Y'all don't need to get angry when people start talking about the struggles of millennial Somali men.
Statistically ciyaalsuuq bums usually tend to be a byproduct of lower IQ/income and affects everyone in the family including woman, just in non-violent ways.
This trope of the doctor sister with a felon brother is disingenuous and is not grounded in reality

It is absolutely grounded in reality, it happens often in our community. I know educated, well-mannered women, who have an ex-con brother.
You young niggas get so defensive about this shit for no reason. Everyone knows most gen Z Somali men are doing fine right now.

Y'all don't need to get angry when people start talking about the struggles of millennial Somali men.
My point wasn't even that there are Somali men bums, everyone who isn't coping knows that.
My point is that bum Somali men more likely than not have bum sisters
I think in the context of Somalis, simply talking about family dynamics and whether the parents are good is far too simplistic. I know fathers who have struggled to rein their sons in and have tried their best whilst having their own drawbacks like low level English, low income and raising kids in a bad area, but still they were good men dealt a bad hand in a gaal country they don't know the system of with sons in an environment a boomer father can't relate to.
How come the Somalis born are raised in Africa or Middle East turn out fine
How come the Somalis born are raised in Africa or Middle East turn out fine
No gangs

Somalis are working class and are raising their kids in the essentially the projects in council housing.

Also black urban culture has been normalized and hiphop being seen as a cool thing that glorifies dysfunction.
No gangs

Somalis are working class and are raising their kids in the essentially the projects in council housing.

Also black urban culture has been normalized and hiphop being seen as a cool thing that glorifies dysfunction.

There are gangs in Nairobi for example, and Ciyaal Weero in Mogadishu. Sadly, they have been infected by Hip Hop. But tbh, gangs that sell alcohol, drugs, and khat have always existed.
There are gangs in Nairobi for example, and Ciyaal Weero in Mogadishu. Sadly, they have been infected by Hip Hop. But tbh, gangs that sell alcohol, drugs, and khat have always existed.
A tad different though since they’re not as organized and there is a still a sense of community that can make it easier for parents to stop their children from joining. L

Imagine being in a foreign gaal country and your kids are at school half of the day and parents can barely speak English and kids are out here feeling as though they can’t get the latest trainers and you have olders in the estate essentially groomers giving out Β£100 and making these poorer boys feels as though they have their β€˜backs’ since those boys are also dealing with aggression since they’re dark skin young lads and in school boys glorify these rappers who talk about trapping and the parents have no idea what their child is in to or what they’re coming across at school or on road.

You’re right that gangs are everywhere but America and the UK is a different kettle of fish for a Somali kid whose parents are clueless. New age Somali parents have learnt a lot. Some of my aunts who are family friends are so protective of their younger sons now because when they first came to the UK in 1991, their older sons were caught up in everything I mentioned and they were none the wiser. It was grooming, criminal grooming, that’s what’s happened to their sons.

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