Celebration Farmaajo is the next president -the final round

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Weeping for the Nation of 68
I support him only if:
1) he gives salary to Soldiers every month
2) recognizes Khatumo
3) puts maamulka somaliland in her ty place
4) removes motherfucking Gabre


It seems like MJ and everyone else came onboard the Farmaajo train for the sake of Somalinimo.

Hambalyo Madaxweyne:salute:


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I got a semi when I found out.

Inshallah things will change. Remove Ethiopia, the Kenyans, allow the turks and their wonderful project.:westbrookswag:

My nigga pulled a dark horse.

@Inquisitive_ you were right lmao, you estimated his chances of pulling a dark house as substantial. Back on that somnet thread. :wow1:


Me watching the fb/yt fights between the southern clans for the next 4 years
I have travelled to pretty much every major city in Somalia (exclusion of Kismaayo), no were is the spirits of Somalinimo greater then the capital city, the Ottomans called it the place of 'Rest', the entire city was rooting for him, this is unprecedented anywhere else in Somalia.

What you see in forums, fadhi-ku-dirir scenes or paltalk is nothing like the realities on the ground back home, this stuff didn't happen when HSM was elected, the people have great hopes, every idiot on a street corner knew about this, every islaan was making dua's and praying Tahajud.

Let's hope this becomes a game changer, I expect the entire Kenya and Ethiopia apparatus to wage a vicious war against this change, but in the end it's all in Allah's hand, I didn't think the people were ready for such a change, but they clearly were.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Its gonna be hard adjusting to a non Hawiye President after all these years lmao. But if he fucks up, i hope he goes ape shit on the Hawiye so they learn their lesson.

On a positive, @Canuck can now take a break from spreading misinformation. We will be watching how this develops closely :fredo:
Congratulations to Farmaajo on winning, but we need to cut down on the celebrations and get straight to work & restore Somalia's honour insha'allah.
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