If you want the current ethnic federalism then stop terrorism against civilians, simple as that. Otherwise the system is predestined to fail and no amount of "this is our territory" talk will save the Beshangul Gumz kilil from being dismantled. Protect civilians and we are good.
why are you giving ultimatum do you think you guys as amhara can do anything? dont flatter yourself just because abye gave you go ahead to loot Tigray it doesnt mean you guys are above the law.
the only people against ethnic federalism is amhara, you have been trying to take over gumuz region and think that because you have numbers you can just bring Amhara settlers and rob them in broad daylight.
Most of the jobs in Gumuz kilil is ran by Amhara as most instituions are under them from top to bottom from the janitor all the way when I say this is the Enegy companies that provide electricity to the hostpitals to the schools and all businesses are ran by Amhara adding the fact that Amhara have been flocking to that kilil. Recently the annoucment of a new project of business and Investment opportunities linked to the GERD dam was initiated which meant Amhara completely taking over their land and being the sole benefactors of this project. This has sparked uprising because of the inequality you took their jobs now their land.
The somali kilil is just like Gumuz kilil Mustafa is a puppet like Iley.The Somali Kilil resources and revenues are looted by him and Abye govt just like TPLF did.Infact when TPLF was in power an Amhara recent immigrant had more powers and opportunities than a Somalia.So for us TPLF, Amhara is the same thing.
Not only that amhara have been flocking to the somali kilil in droves in the last two years and people know how amhara are arrogant and racist.Its just a matter of time a clash between amhara and somalis.
Its just a matter of time before projects planned for the Somali kilil will mean more land grab and more Amhara migration to the region which still suffers from inequalities.
To us there hasnt been real federalism at all the region is underdeveloped and under martial law.
Xabashi no somali is allowed to come to Amhara kilil or venture into business or get a civil service job the same goes with other ethnic groups you guys are the most xenophobic tribe in Ethiopia yet want to get preferential rights in other kilils and get better job prospects.Any citizen can go anywhere and live. That is the case all over the planet. Any american can move to any state of his choice and that’s the case in every country.
If you are against of Ethiopians coming to your kilil then you have to use the constitution and ask for Exit otherwise moving in any area of the country is guaranteed even by the current constitution.
And btw the GERD dam is built in Metekel zone which was Gojam just 30 years ago. No one can stop Amhahas from living on their ancestral lang Gojam.
Xabashi no somali is allowed to come to Amhara kilil or venture into business or get a civil service job the same goes with other ethnic groups you guys are the most xenophobic tribe in Ethiopia yet want to get preferential rights in other kilils and get better job prospects.
Somalis are marginalised across Ethiopia tell me how many somalis work in Ethiopian Airlines while somalis are the majority customers in Africa? even the janitor at Jigiga airport is Xabashi.
So this is what is called as marginalisation. You want to marginalise others and claim there is equal rights.
Why do you keep referring tp 30 years ago? 31 years ago Amhara used to be settled in prime lands across Ethiopia and had free access to govt support and subsidies.Most graduates were Amhara and most of the jobs were given to Amhara who only made 20% of Ethiopia population while they had 99.9% of opportunities.
You were settled Metekel by Selasie just like you were settled in Hararghe, Jigjiga,Addis Ababa, Jimma , Dire Dawa. Did those Amhara despot rulers care about displacing natives at that time?
You took their primelands farms,looted their properties forced people to adopt amharic language and culture and even forced people to adopt Towhedo coptic christianity.
I am yet to see you talking about the historical wrongs. You claim that happened 100 years ago and should be forgotten but you still adore Haile Selasie and Menelik who died 100 years ago and had committed worse crimes than the Derg and TPLF.
Show me one somali name in this list.
dis cap abiy is not that retarded
abiy is oromoDo you think Afaworki is doing this for free? Abye is not his biological son or his toyboy
Afaworki hates Amhara more than he hates Tigrayans.
Once Mengistu asked him to help him set up a rebel group to fight Meles he replied no and said he hated them more than Meles. That was like after 1998 war which Eritrea lost with heavy casualties.
Anchi who are you where have you been all along busy looting in makelle please move on with the times dont dig up and recycle old news.well thank god he didnt win
are you talkin about mekele? and also huh?Anchi who are you where have you been all along busy looting in makelle please move on with the times dont dig up and recycle old news.
We are currently in Makelle could you loot for me one agame maid.She should be good house keeper and also one agame male watchmanhelp to guard me against amhara looters.
Cause they are weakAmhara centralism is a cover for Amhara feudalism and terrorism everyone knows that is why you want no elections and would support Abye for 30 years as long as he supports your amhara feudalism and fascism. You thing behind the scenes Abye is pro Amhara Centralism where Amhara elites would control Ethiopia and its resources and benefit Amhara at the expense of others.
Why do you single out beni shangul? Amhara terrorists have been armed by amhara kilil and supported by rogue Amhara ENDF has been grabbing land from Beni Shangul.
Your cowards cannot even fight a communiy using bow and arrow protecting themselves from the aggressive Amhara peasants that were settled in their land from the time of Haile Selasie all the way to the time of Derge.
If 80K TPLF forces died how man ENDF died? They would be double or triple this number.
Please, an army that just completely destroyed a 80k forces in three weeks is in depression? In what world do you live? Stop consuming too much TPLF propaganda. The above sudanese force can’t scare shit and will be a cake walk for the army but I don’t wish any bloodshed between us and the sudanese people. They are very good people and I hope both governments handle the issue in a mature manner as they have always done.
Nonsense, cut the crap,
TPLF gave falalqa to Sudan and abiy agreed to hand it over, Falalqa was given to Sudan in 1902 negotiated by the UK who intervened between sudan and Ethiopia
TPLF took it in the early 1990s back gave it back in 2012
its 600 sq km area where also ahmaar farmers claim it belongs to them, but a very green prime agricultural land that desert sudan will never allow anyone to take it
so sudan does not give support to TPLF, abiy sweetened the deal and said he will transfer it de facto since its Sudanese land de jure
ahmaar are pissed off, but i am sure when abiy is finished with tigra he will thrash the ahmaar and give the land back to sudan de jure
if abiy does not give it back, he knows sudan will arm banishunguli and other ethiopian groups on the border, but sudan also knows abiy can arm sudanese rebels,
end of the day the international world recognises the land as sudans land and de jure a sudanese land since 1902
sudani soldiers control the land but ahmaar amrers live and farm the land, soon enough there will be war of it,
how is your 3 days war going? did you not change it to one week?
its been 7 weeks
If 80K TPLF forces died how man ENDF died? They would be double or triple this number.
ENDF Northern command became part of TPLF rebels.making roughly 1/4 of the ENDF forces.
We know the Northern Command was the most highly trainned force in ENDF.
So you want to tell me Northern Command which was the most highly trainned and mechanised division was just ran over by TPLF within few hours.Who said they are dead. Some are dead, some others surrendered and many more just fleed and mingled with the population.
If northern commnd bacame part of TPLF as TPLF lies claimed the TPLF would have been in Addis by now. It is the best and highly equipped command and there is no way any force in Ethiopia can stop the northern command alone let alone combined with TPLF. The northern command members told us a different story that they were attacked by the TPLF. You consume too much TPLF nonsense.
The tgray war ended in 3 weeks. Currently there is no war in Tigray and the newly appointed administration is in mekele and started its duties. Basic services like electricity and phone likes are restored etc. I predicted it will be 2 to 3 weeks and it ended in 3 weeks. In fact PM told parliament that the army presented a 2 weeks plan but the government insisted in a 2X72 hours pause and grace time. There is no organized TPLF anymore.
Who said they are dead. Some are dead, some others surrendered and many more just fleed and mingled with the population.
If northern commnd bacame part of TPLF as TPLF lies claimed the TPLF would have been in Addis by now. It is the best and highly equipped command and there is no way any force in Ethiopia can stop the northern command alone let alone combined with TPLF. The northern command members told us a different story that they were attacked by the TPLF and fought back. You consume too much TPLF nonsense.