Who said they are dead. Some are dead, some others surrendered and many more just fleed and mingled with the population.
If northern commnd bacame part of TPLF as TPLF lies claimed the TPLF would have been in Addis by now. It is the best and highly equipped command and there is no way any force in Ethiopia can stop the northern command alone let alone combined with TPLF. The northern command members told us a different story that they were attacked by the TPLF and fought back. You consume too much TPLF nonsense.
Mr positive, 15th Dec, 2 days ago

How Europe can stop Ethiopia’s slide into a regional war
The recent war in Ethiopia may at first glance appear to be a short, sharp internal conflict with few implications for the Horn of Africa – or for Europe. But the war is far from over…

The recent war in Ethiopia may at first glance appear to be a short, sharp internal conflict with few implications for the Horn of Africa – or for Europe. But the war is far from over, and the risks it creates are spreading.