Listen the wife of Zenawi controlled the conuntry for a very long time and she amassed billions dont take us as stupid when she is living thr dream in Addis Ababa.
Civilised states would put her in prison or confisicate her wealth at least.
As for Illey he was just serving TPLF just like the Abye who worked in a powerful docket of s3cret service.
Somalis dont see any difference between Abye or Zenawi they are same shit different assholes.
Just let me make it clear TPLF and Amhara are all same people to us you are highlanders the leeches that feed on others.
Sebha nega and Berhanunega to us are same shit different assholes.
Clearly, you don't represent Somalis in Somali region. The main two political parties (PP and ONLF) in Somali region strongly disagree with you. They both see a huge difference between Abiy and TPLF. You represent only Abdi Illey, the butcher of innocent Somalis.

The allegation about the wife of Meles Zenawi is still allegation and needs further proof by the general attorney to file a law suit. She does not live a luxury life in Addis but a normal life. Anyway that is the matter of the attorney and the courts.