Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Mr Sufi

@Django why do the amharic a hate them so much isn't the tigray the ones who gave them Ethiopian history and pride

Was sellaise amharic or tigray ?

Yes I know tigray have ruled the nation for 30 years so the amharic just want supremacy of Ethiopia right or is some personal historical conflict between amharic and tigray do they not share the same religion ?

Amharic have so much hate for them I would think they would hate Somalis because us being Muslims or the oromo who they have abused for centuries

Give me a little run down if you don't mind
@Django why do the amharic a hate them so much isn't the tigray the ones who gave them Ethiopian history and pride

Was sellaise amharic or tigray ?

Yes I know tigray have ruled the nation for 30 years so the amharic just want supremacy of Ethiopia right or is some personal historical conflict between amharic and tigray do they not share the same religion ?

Amharic have so much hate for them I would think they would hate Somalis because us being Muslims or the oromo who they have abused for centuries

Give me a little run down if you don't mind
Because the real history of Abysinia is by Tigrinya speakers they were the rulers.
Abraha was Tigrinya from Tigray so was Najasha.
Amhara were one of the subjects or ethnic groups under their domain.

They Amhara usurped power during the time of Menelik when the Tigrayan Emporer( Towerdos) fell out with the British after he arrested British diplomats and held them hostage.

They say Tewerdos committed suicide after the British humiliated him and rescued the hostages.

Before him was Yohannes a Tigriyan eho ruled over Abysinia.Yohanes had put Menelik under house arrest when he was a child.
Youhaness was a christian extremist and he ended up being beheaded by the Mahdi of Sudan.

Ethiopia is an artificial state created by the western powers.Prior the Europeans imperialism in Africa.
Abysinians were not that influential in the horn and they were reduced to primitive kingdoms fighting over control.When the Europeans came they armed them to terth and provided them with logistical and military support which led to the conquest of muslim lands all the way to Harar.

These Abysinians are always inder protection of the west just like Israel gets support in the middle.east.

However the west doesnt favour Amhara against Tigray or vis a versa.So each one sees the other as a threat to gainning western support and favour.So they compete for that even if it means on group exterminating the other.

When Menelik took over he gave Eritrea to Italians making the Tigrinya people split between Eritrea and Tigray.
While Tigrinya people of Eritrea was under Italian occupation the Tigray people were faced by Amhara who had invited Oromos to the reign.
This made them more powerful and Menelik ethnic cleansed Tigrayans.
He used to cut the private parts of Tigrayan kids.
This treatment of Tigrayans continued all the way to when Mengistu was kicked out of power by TPLF.
Under Haile Selasie even though he was half oromo he created a fake myth that he was direct descendant of Queen of Sheba and Solomon.Amharaa started creating fake history and culture to bring them at par with Tigrinya people who are the dominant rulers of Abysinia.Haile Selasie changed the name of Abysinia to Ethiopia so that he doesnt have colonial connotation.

TPLF ruled Ethiopia for close to 30 years and they forgot about Amhara and infact turned all their enegy on the people that helped them come back to power.i.e Somalis and Eritreans.

So Tigray wasted 30 years plotting to distabilise Somalis and Eritreans.

I do beleive they deserve the treatment they are getting from Amharas.

Had they had Somalis and Eritreans as their friends they would have manouvered out of this problem.
So they brought their destruction to themseleves.
I do beleive Allah is punishing them for the crimes they committed to the Ogaden Somalis.The ethnic cleansing TPLF committed was grotesque and inhumane.

Today they are harvesting the fruits of their labour.

Tigray being bombed, their babies being hacked by Amharas, ethnic profiling of Tigrayans in Addis Ababa.

This is called sweet Karma.

