Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Lies have short legs and the truth always comes out at the end.

Just in: CNN on the Mai-Kadra massacre on civilians.

Another survivor, Gashaw Maleda, said four of his friends escaped, but another 15 were killed. Tigrayan militias came with machetes and knives, looking for people from the Amhara region to kill, he said.

"I hated being human at the time. We came here to work, but when they realized that the defense force was winning, they killed us for no reason,"

Lies have short legs and the truth always comes out at the end.

Just in: CNN on the Mai-Kadra massacre on civilians.

Another survivor, Gashaw Maleda, said four of his friends escaped, but another 15 were killed. Tigrayan militias came with machetes and knives, looking for people from the Amhara region to kill, he said.

"I hated being human at the time. We came here to work, but when they realized that the defense force was winning, they killed us for no reason,"

So Maikadra was under TPLF control for decades without a single case of attack on amharas and everyone lived peacefully but somehow as the amahra militias decide to attack it civilians die? You amharas can’t even keep up with your own lies.


Engineer of Qandala
Looks like this has entered its final battles, unless it turns into guerilla warfare after Makelle falls.

So Maikadra was under TPLF control for decades without a single case of attack on amharas and everyone lived peacefully but somehow as the amahra militias decide to attack it civilians die? You amharas can’t even keep up with your own lies.

It is clear you have a disability to read and comprehend properly. Read again and come back or let others translate it in your language.
PM Abiy just posted a briefing about the status of the current operation and said that the military operation has now entered the 3rd and final stage i.e. liberating Mekele, the capital of Tigray and bringing TPLF leaders to justice. He gives a 72 hours grace period to the leadership of TPLF to surrender and handover themselves to the army so to avoid the destruction of the city of Mekele and lost of innocent lives. He calls for the residents of Mekele to cooperate and support the army in bringing the TPLF leaders to justice. He also calls the remaining Mekele based Tigray Liyu to use the grace time to surrender.

The so-called Ethiopia collapsing means it will pave the way for everyone to form their ethnic states and I mean a very powerful one which is why everyone want to see that happening.

If there is an Ogadenia, Afaristan, Sidamanistan, Benishangul-Gumuz and it will of course spread to so-called Eritrea where we will potentially see an Saho-Afar state again if they established theirs in Ethiopia.

What does it mean? They will most likely learn from their mistakes and form an European Union style confederation to prevent the Amhara and Tigray-Tigrinya domination in the Horns as they all have common interest that does affect their territories.

Remember, the only reason why the Highland Semitic successfully maintained their dominance in the last 7 decades is because the Cushitic and Southern pagan ethnicities are severly divided through tribal rubbish.

i agree , ethnic states are better and later form a union of cooperation, big states have failed africa
Hundreds of stories like this yet you have Ethio nationalists defending Abiy

This thread exposes Ethio governments lies
Ethiopia will never be a united country. To the point where people in the CAPITAL are told to go back to their native town/region? This isn't normal, in countries like Kenya and Sudan this only happens in backwards villages


Engineer of Qandala
TPLF aren't innocent but Ethio gov is handling this horribly and treating Tigrayan like shit. It'll only make their plans at reintegration even more impossible.

Which is why a good way to fix it is to dissolve into smaller ethnic states



beheading children!?! truly habeshas are the most babaric race on earth not even shabaab would stoop this low.

