Civil war enters second year in Ethiopia

Everyone should prepare for the worsening ethnic wars. Check out the hopefully updated Qoti civil war map,36.19336109178281&z=6

@Abba Sadacha how accurate is this map of OLA vs Oromo General Jula led ENDF

tell us why there is less activity in the territories of formerly Somali speaking eastern Oromia clans

We are hearing Afaan Gadhle speaking Somaali kilil clans are not friendly with OLA

tell us the real tribal lines of Oromo who is fighting whom what clans are loyal to regime what clans are anti OLA

Most importantly just tell us the clan and religion of OLA chief Kumsa Diriba and the religious demographics of his clan

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The wars between the OLA and the Abiy regime is mostly in southern and western oromia, and now, OLA units have started operations in arsi, which borders the ogaden/somali region as well.
what is afaan gadhle?
the OLA will eventually have units in the east, it takes time. oromia is huge, it's not tiny tigray, and it started in its traditional base in the west-wallaga, moved to the south-borana and guji, is now in arsi, so it's inevitable that as it expands its membership and weapons cache, that it'll move to the east-hararghe.

here's a good bio of jaal marro or kumsa diriba.

The identity of the OLA's top generals is of course, not known, besides knowing jaal marro. it doesn't matter at this point, because whoever is willing to fight to free their people from oppression, deserves the respect and position of leadership. of course, as the movement grows, it will have more and more generals, soldiers, cadres, etc, from all over oromia.
the soldiery, is diverse, consisting of muslims, christians, and those who still adhere to the traditional oromo religion.

your theory about why its so popular in the west of oromia, is not true, [but it is true, the western oromo's are in conflict with the amhara militias right now] because the most anti amhara oromo's are most likely the arsi since they offered the strongest resistance and as a result, suffered the most as a consequence of their strong resistance to menelik.
western oromia is where the OLA had its origins for the most part, it's where the western oromia confederation was too, in 1935/1936, when the italians took over and the emperor haile selassie ran like a coward to england, the western oromia confederation petitioned to the british counsel to have oromia be under their rule, to prepare it for independence. of course, it didn't work out, since haile selassie was their loyal puppet in the region.

Funny thing is-I, Jaal Marroo/Kumsa, Abiy, Lamma Magarsa, are all from the same clan- the Maccaa. Our clan is about 60-70 percent Muslim, the rest being Christian [mostly Protestant, which the Orthodox, tend to look down upon].
We live in Wallaga, Jimma, Illubabor, and in smaller numbers around Addis/Finfinne and Benishangul Gumuz. We're pretty strong, at least 12 to 14 million strong.
The wars between the OLA and the Abiy regime is mostly in southern and western oromia, and now, OLA units have started operations in arsi, which borders the ogaden/somali region as well.
what is afaan gadhle?
the OLA will eventually have units in the east, it takes time. oromia is huge, it's not tiny tigray, and it started in its traditional base in the west-wallaga, moved to the south-borana and guji, is now in arsi, so it's inevitable that as it expands its membership and weapons cache, that it'll move to the east-hararghe.

here's a good bio of jaal marro or kumsa diriba.

The identity of the OLA's top generals is of course, not known, besides knowing jaal marro. it doesn't matter at this point, because whoever is willing to fight to free their people from oppression, deserves the respect and position of leadership. of course, as the movement grows, it will have more and more generals, soldiers, cadres, etc, from all over oromia.
the soldiery, is diverse, consisting of muslims, christians, and those who still adhere to the traditional oromo religion.

your theory about why its so popular in the west of oromia, is not true, [but it is true, the western oromo's are in conflict with the amhara militias right now] because the most anti amhara oromo's are most likely the arsi since they offered the strongest resistance and as a result, suffered the most as a consequence of their strong resistance to menelik.
western oromia is where the OLA had its origins for the most part, it's where the western oromia confederation was too, in 1935/1936, when the italians took over and the emperor haile selassie ran like a coward to england, the western oromia confederation petitioned to the british counsel to have oromia be under their rule, to prepare it for independence. of course, it didn't work out, since haile selassie was their loyal puppet in the region.

Funny thing is-I, Jaal Marroo/Kumsa, Abiy, Lamma Magarsa, are all from the same clan- the Maccaa. Our clan is about 60-70 percent Muslim, the rest being Christian [mostly Protestant, which the Orthodox, tend to look down upon].
We live in Wallaga, Jimma, Illubabor, and in smaller numbers around Addis/Finfinne and Benishangul Gumuz. We're pretty strong, at least 12 to 14 million strong.
Can you share or make a thread on the split between OLF and IOLF? I have shared my email and twitter
Gashena captured by TDF.

Jaamac Galad commentary was unintentional comedy

Jaamac: calaakullixaal sidaa aragtaan waxa weeye hablaha Tigreyga oo bahaladaa waaweyn dabada ka watto

Jaamac: ball eega kanna waa janaraal ka tirsan ciidankii hore oo difaaca dalka Itoobbiya imikanna cimri u hadhay majiro oo sidaa aragtaan odaygan dhaarsan indhaha casna macwiistiisi ayuu laqunta ku xidhay. Haddana wuxuu diyaar u yahay inuu dadkiisa uga tago xorriyad. Taasina waxaad moodda inay tahay sheeyga kamaqan Somaalilada

Painful truths
Jaamac Galad commentary was unintentional comedy

Jaamac: calaakullixaal sidaa aragtaan waxa weeye hablaha Tigreyga oo bahaladaa waaweyn dabada ka watto

Jaamac: ball eega kanna waa janaraal ka tirsan ciidankii hore oo difaaca dalka Itoobbiya imikanna cimri u hadhay majiro oo sidaa aragtaan odaygan dhaarsan indhaha casna macwiistiisi ayuu laqunta ku xidhay. Haddana wuxuu diyaar u yahay inuu dadkiisa uga tago xorriyad. Taasina waxaad moodda inay tahay sheeyga kamaqan Somaalilada

Painful truths
Jamac deserves recognition for his good job of creating awareness and exposing characters, vices etc detrimental to the somali cause.
Jamac deserves recognition for his good job of creating awareness and exposing characters, vices etc detrimental to the somali cause.

He was thoughtful but not too judgmental with his critiques. Does he speak Tigrinya or the other languages

We have new reports that some Cafar clans support TDF. I think those are the clans near the Tigreay border but they have grievances against Afeworqi not TDF

Jaamac: Cafarti ayaa tidhi Faashist Abiy ayaa nagu duqeeyey si arxan darra oona si aan lahayn kala sooc oo ma jirto wax eeynoo la hadheen

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TDF might be trying to besiege Dessie. They were already approaching Dessie from the north now it looks like they snuck into Kombolcha whichi is south east. Fall of Dessie means fall of South Wollo which means they are knocking on the door of Oromia

@Sheikh Kulkuli this potentially a big development lets see what happens in the coming days. I thought Dessie and Muslim Wollo near Oromia was easier than the failed attempt at Bexer Dar. Another advantage of Kumbolche is there might not be many airbases nearby in case Abiy deploys drones they might not have the range to reach Kombolcha from the nearest ENDF airbase
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ETV propagating Rwanda style genocide.

I love this war because it exposes the hypocricy of the West.

When ONLF was gaining grounds in 2008.
Meles.cried to the West and they helped create and fund the Somali Liyu Police which become the pilot program for all paramilitaries in Ethiopia.

So the waest turned a blind eye on the pain and suffering of our people in the region and even downplayed the masscres on the western media.

Today if TDF was Somali the west would have used NATO planes to bomb them and claim fighting terrorism.

I want this war to spread in amhara region and become brutal.

I also want Oromos to ransack Addis Ababa and turn the place into Jinicsane and Balbaleyti.

This war is a necessary evil for somalis.Sbye was planning a more sinister strategy against somalis in the region he is worse than Meles, Zenawi or Haile Selasie.
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What are Somalis doing? Will we just wait for a new Ethiopian to rule over us? What happened to ONLF? Even the OLA are gaining control yet Somalis are doing nothing.
@Django new information is coming in by the minute and I have to adjust my prediction accordingly. This thing is looking more and more like a 3-5 day operation and I'm being here too generous tbh. Sorry to disappoint you, but the data on the ground points to a few days long operation. As I've always insisted the Tigray Liyu is no match to the army.

Nov 4,2020
That is what everyone thinks especially for people who have nonexperience in war.

You have under estimated your enemy.ID thought the war in Iraq or Afghanistan would be quick only to be bogged down and escalate for more than a decade.

MBS thought the same when he dragged KSA to invade Yemen and today they are bogged down in Yemen and the Saudi Kingdom has sufffered immensly economically.USSR went to war against Afghanistan this led to the fragmentation of USSR.

Amhara people are very hasty greedy and blidned by hate.I dont think even Menelik or Haile selasie would have made stupid mistake like wha Abye has done.A former TPLF spy who plagiarised his thesis and became a Dr.
This war will continue for years.Abye might take over Makkelle and cities in Tigray but tigrya might regroup and turn into a formidable and deadly guerilla resistance drainning Abyes regime.
Now who is blinded by hate you or me? You need a mirror Wallahi :ftw9nwa: You the most hate filled person I met here on this forum accuse others for being blinded by hate? You are from another planet.

Anyway, you can talk about Afghanistan and Irak or North Korea but I am telling you it is over for TPLF and that in a matter of the coming days. That is what the hard data currently coming from Tigray is showing. I don't want to argue about this. Let us watch and see. The next few days will bring more clarity.
Nov 4, 2020
Memory Lane


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