Clan miscegenation!

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Both my parents are Isaaq but from different subclans. I personally think inter-clan marriages are a beautiful thing. I have no respect for Somalis who refuse to let their kids marry from certain clans.
No one cares about your mom's clan..

But if your father is not somali then you are therefore a foreigner and no one cares about your mom's clan

Yesss I can. My mum has 2 bahs.

Even if they have two bahs they are all fathered by the same dad (through two women). This means ur mom and all of her siblings are the same clan, and that clan is ur reer abti.

Unless by two bahs u mean they had different dads but same mom, is that the case?


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Even if they have two bahs they are all fathered by the same dad (through two women). This means ur mom and all of her siblings are the same clan, and that clan is ur reer abti.

Unless by two bahs u mean they had different dads but same mom, is that the case?
I think she meant her mother's family, not literally her reer abti

I know what she means, my mom's reer abti are a different race I mean qabiil, so I have a lot of family from that tribe that I consider my reer abti even tho technically they're not

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
You got backward people advocating for "clan purity" when their ancestors didn't believe in such things. Since when did your awoowe or others look down upon an Isaaq marrying a Darood etc? How can those raised in the West be filled with more qabyaalad than those from Somalia? :what:
So I just deny my other uncles/aunts? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm for hooyo tirsi of this moment.

U don't seem to understand. Ur not denying anyone since ur mom and her siblings all have the same dad even though they have different moms. This means they are the same clan. This clan is ur reer abti. Anyway, I'll let it go lol.
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