Clan tensions in Hiiraan and Middle Shabelle border region


:ayaanswag:No but that will be their excuse due to the fact an Abgaal is the president of Somalia

The SNA is an Harti Abgaal stronghold eboow. General Odowaa being replaced by another General from his sub should tell you everything about where we stand within the national army. Never in FGS history has SNA chief been replaced by someone from the same qabil letalone the same sub.
Ninkii roon baa reerka u hadhiyee, israamsada ruuxna yuu hadhinee


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Please do. Hadal macno daro ah looma baahno sidii wecelada aan soo korsanay. Tolkeeyga AG waa ku kalsoonahay
Lets Go Time GIF by NETFLIX


True Puntlander
Here we are in 2023 jeberti trash niiko for fatherless Xawaadle and vice versa. Walee laangaab kasto way is aruur sadaan.
Who you calling trash, langaab who cant free his village from African or from Alkabaab. Go free your land before talking to us, History will say Puntland safe your ass in south Somalia :umad:.


True Puntlander

Gulkayga waa xor alxamdulilah.
That you see today is AY AUN Somalinimo jaceel he kick your ass in 1993.

History will say Aydiid call for peace with AY AUN and sign xamar peace in 1993.

That is why both side entrance, North and south plus Airport under puntland :tocry: .
Here we are in 2023 jeberti trash niiko for fatherless Xawaadle and vice versa. Walee laangaab kasto way is aruur sadaan.
You are MJ slave they killed 20k of you using Cawaan Abgaal PM and made you scattered from ceelasha biyaha to UAE iljeex gaajo boy Ω„ΨΉΩ†Ψ© Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩƒΩ… 🀣🀣

And who is fatherless you basically are called ilmo habro you have bo father 🀣🀣


You are MJ slave they killed 20k of you using Cawaan Abgaal PM and made you scattered from ceelasha biyaha to UAE iljeex gaajo boy Ω„ΨΉΩ†Ψ© Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩƒΩ… 🀣🀣

And who is fatherless you basically are called ilmo habro you have bo father 🀣🀣
Abaaheyga waa madarkicis, let me know when u can find yours and whether u decided ur Darood or hawiye yet. I hear Xawadle pop for bantu haplogroups is this true πŸ˜‚

iljeex are eating good, even in ur backyard. Kaba tag Xamar iyo inta kale aan ku shaaxo. While ur fighting for survival in Hiiraan. I’ll be nice to u from here on tho cos u took too many Ls this past months
Abaaheyga waa madarkicis, let me know when u can find yours and whether u decided ur Darood or hawiye yet. I hear Xawadle pop for bantu haplogroups is this true πŸ˜‚

iljeex are eating good, even in ur backyard. Kaba tag Xamar iyo inta kale aan ku shaaxo. While ur fighting for survival in Hiiraan. I’ll be nice to u from here on tho cos u took too many Ls this past months
says the HG mukulaal madow bantus. 99% of you have kamas and monkey face like wasiirka "cadaalada" and magool Habrta have no father saleebaan and saruur are Madow sacad claim OG ceyr are not related eacther they are from lost clans some are ajuran some are mx some are tumaal gaajo clan KG will finish you lacanatullah calayk wecelo habro 🀣🀣🀣


says the HG mukulaal madow bantus. 99% of you have kamas and monkey face like wasiirka "cadaalada" and maggool Habrta jave no father saleebaan and saruur ate Madow sacad are OG ceyr are not related they are from lost clans some are ajuran some are mx some are tumaal gaajo clan KG will finish you lacanatullah calayk wecelo habro 🀣🀣🀣
you can desperately hope for Elaay to save you. Just as long as ur willing to wait till yawmul qiyaama πŸ˜‚


True Puntlander
You are MJ slave they killed 20k of you using Cawaan Abgaal PM and made you scattered from ceelasha biyaha to UAE iljeex gaajo boy Ω„ΨΉΩ†Ψ© Ψ§Ω„Ω„Ω‡ ΨΉΩ„ΩŠΩƒΩ… 🀣🀣

And who is fatherless you basically are called ilmo habro you have bo father 🀣🀣
They use call us master in Hobyo before italian.

Today we control hobyo :rejoice: .
you can desperately hope for Elaay to save you. Just as long as ur willing to wait till yawmul qiyaama πŸ˜‚

Eelay have established law and order in their lands, the latest being Baraawe

β€œNinka sarta saaran Suldaan Lafta weeye, ninka Galkacyo ka yimid waa ______ ?”
HG are using Xawaadle annexation of Ceeobaraf to justify their land grabbing in Banaadir

Wax iska neceb maleh Hawiye kurti Xawaadle ay la safan yihiin Abgaal naceeb xataa Galmaax Abgaal aa nala safan aniga kalama jecli hawiye f*ck all of them 🀣🀣


This one is cayr who claims to be born in Jowhar he says Jowhar gudoomiye and qaadi were xawaadle kadibna shiidle abgaal waa ku cusub yihiin maamulka Jowhar ceeldheere buraale xawaadlaa wax ka dega 🀣🀣



Eelay have established law and order in their lands, the latest being Baraawe

β€œNinka sarta saaran Suldaan Lafta weeye, ninka Galkacyo ka yimid waa ______ ?”
Bro the things I have will shock ppl. I keep quite but I don’t worry about shabellaha Hoose

Just look at this gumeysi in buulo mareer, im not a fan of moryaanimo as a devout religious person

I swear D&M must be the only clan still being forced to pay money to use their own rivers

