Cooking thread

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Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
When you get married you kinda tell them what it's going to like or else it's better it ends there rather then when kids get involved and they will be effected. These ladies won't take advantage of me, don't worry but I do feel for those ones in Somalia who do work then come home cook, clean, and child reaer that's just wrong.

It's wrong. In most cases the husband neglected his duty which is to work and provide for his family and thereore the wife has to compensate for is faillures and find a job.


It's wrong. In most cases the husband neglected his duty which is to work and provide for his family and thereore the wife has to compensate for is faillures and find a job.

Why you want your wife to stay at home? is there any wisdom I am missing? it's far easier when two people work as you can retire much quicker then one person working. Do you want to be stuck working for life?


It's wrong. In most cases the husband neglected his duty which is to work and provide for his family and thereore the wife has to compensate for is faillures and find a job.

The new generation want to retire as quick as possible and live out their dreams whatever it may be and that is not possible on a single wage household, you will die or to sick and old to ever do anything and that's if you even make it.

I am in-fact not swayed by marrying a woman who doesn't work because I see it as me working longer and harder. One hand won't ever beat two hands at work. Unless I see something exceptional in her and it has to be REAL exceptional not just beauty to convince me to work alone.


It's wrong. In most cases the husband neglected his duty which is to work and provide for his family and thereore the wife has to compensate for is faillures and find a job.

It aint the 1950s anymore bro where life was cheap and people could survive just well with one income, times have changed and one income is hand to mouth for most people. That means u just have enough to get you to work the next week and re-do the cycle looooooool


My dream is to have to enuff money to explore life, have fun, be free basically because being free is true happiness. Notice we are angry cause we lack freedom due to bills, kids, work, we are constrained in life and that's why people are angry. I want take those shackles off as quick as possible and it will be quicker with two people working rather then one. I want to spend my time travelling and seeing different parts of the world and how others live, wisdom, religion, spirituality, and be well prepared when the lights go off in this world for me.

But that won't be possible without the finances unless of course if @Abdalla would kindly pay for all of this for me which I would be very GRATEFUL


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I think you're too kind. Cooking and cleaning is her main duty and a career/ working should be considered as extra curriculum activities. She can work if she wants, but the main duty still falls under her. Likewise the mans main responsibilities is to provide, just because he helps out with the household doesn't mean he can lack in his main responsibility. Just because he cooks twice a week doesn't mean he should work parttime. The main duties are clear, they can pick up extra responsibilities without neglecting their main responsibilities.

It's like having a job and you get a second job. No boss will allow you to neglect your first job just to perform well in your second job
Youre talking as if shes a maid


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Why you want your wife to stay at home? is there any wisdom I am missing? it's far easier when two people work as you can retire much quicker then one person working. Do you want to be stuck working for life?

The wisdom is if she's stay at home mum, your kids will have a more traditional upbringing and a stronger family ties. If you both work, who will take care of the kids? Strangers at the Day care? Higher risk of molestation, you don't want to risk Ina Dr Osman.

Working wife brings problems like burn out, stress, and lack of energy. Two working patents is chaos and no time for kids.

The financial benefits isn't that great TBH, especially if you live in a western Europe with high, progressive tax system. Every penny you earn above the 50k threshold is taxed 50%. Eveb if you don't pay a lot of taxes, the financial benefits does not outweigh the problems it causes.

A working wife basically means that the man cannot handle his main duty and he needs help with his core responsibility.


The wisdom is if she's stay at home mum, your kids will have a more traditional upbringing and a stronger family ties. If you both work, who will take care of the kids? Strangers at the Day care? Higher risk of molestation, you don't want to risk Ina Dr Osman.

Working wife brings problems like burn out, stress, and lack of energy. Two working patents is chaos and no time for kids.

The financial benefits isn't that great TBH, especially if you live in a western Europe with high, progressive tax system. Every penny you earn above the 50k threshold is taxed 50%. Eveb if you don't pay a lot of taxes, the financial benefits does not outweigh the problems it causes.

A working wife basically means that the man cannot handle his main duty and he needs help with his core responsibility.

Kids are gone for 6 hours of the day. 2 hours in day-care I mean seriously? or if she even works 6 hours is still pretty good better then just a fat ass that is growing by year while u keep refuelling the home on your home. Abdalla, don't be a sucker bro. Dont do it on your own.
Look I never believed in the Somali ways where the woman is doing most of the work childrearing,cleaning and cooking etc
Its just bullshit yiu Will only end up with a stressed wife thats gonna blow up like a baloon cause she got no time for herself

If shes been Coooking and cleaning all day tell her to take a nap while you take the kids out to play

If shes preparing caasho see the kids if they got homework etc when they Done bath them than they eat caasho and let wifey go brush their teeth and put them to bed Those little things can mean the world to your spouse

He never fails to come through...:ulyin: mash Allah...if I had a son who was half the man you are...I would be so proud..:qri8gs7:
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@NotAjnabi ....I am sorry we took over your topic like this...:O27GWRK:@Abdalla and @DR OSMAN ...we shall continue this war in a more appropriate's not over..

Yeah true it's cooking topic, sorry @NotAjnabi. Just dont wanna see the brother old, sick and near his death bed cause he spent it all doing on his own and can't have a life, while she is looking better and healthier by the year, but each to his own I guess. @Abdalla dont be played for a fool, get her ass up and let her chip in. U can save half your life if two hands working rather then one, you saved 50% of your lifespan and time.

Get ready for my Ribssssssssss Daleelah!!!! it's coming in 30 minutes

Sxb these es have it easy @Abdalla, they even go to sugar daddie site and hook up with millionaires who pay them for all their life to have fun in return for marriage or dating. And yes it's a gold digger website meet up lol. @Daleelah FUTO aint gonna be getting any bigger then it is under the doctor home, she getting up and getting a job loooooooool. They take advantage of people like @Abdalla dont be a sucker dont do it.
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Don't twist my words. She's not a maid.

@Abdalla let's not ruin the thread but keep it in mind. These girls love you and your type of sucker as u break your back and waste your life putting food on the table only for her to chat on whatsapp and facebook about how her futo is getting to big and clothes not fitting anymore like it used to before she became a wide ass. Don't do it @Abdalla, I know the advantage these girls have and they love their SUGAR DADDY which u will be one and all the people will be saying wat a fool abdallah was. My wife will meet cadalad and yes not many people like it but anything other then cadalad that house aint gonna last long anyways, you can only get away with fooling people or taking advantage for so long before they get angry.

I was stunned when @Abdalla a puntlander said he is happy being a sugar daddy, waxan nacaska nacaska dhalay muxu ahaa baan is-iri myself, while he getting old and nearly dead feeding some who talking on facebook and whatsapp and taking care herself and life. If she staying home she gonna work her ass off. I want the house cleaned up and spotless and nothing lying around, meal cooked properly, shopping all done, I want her taking care of the kids PROPERLY not just turning on the damn tv and going to facebook. I am not saying it's bad being sugar daddy but MAKE sure its actually worth it.

I remember staying home and not working I had to pay a fair share of what I could afford plus clean the house up, we lucky we could divide the work up but if its just two people and young kids that's harder now. Like if my mum for went holiday, I wouldnt let my dad touch the house, no plates, no food, no cleaning. You need to know when to lift your game or its gonna end in a disaster in the end, if u did your fair share sxb, u could of rectified a disaster in the end and u probably wont get peace and tranquility it ends up being worse if u just lifted ur game up.

I look at what the end result will look like with my actions and get up if it's gonna be worse if I just dont. So I end up at least having peace n tranquility if i just did my fair share yes its annoying but its worse if u cant have peace in the end and it becomes chaos.
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Yo @Abdalla

I did the ribs check it out

Cook and softened stage.


Seasoning. Soy sauce, BBQ sauce, Salt n pepper, vegetable stock



Done. Dr ribssssssssss yummmmmmmmmmmm. Always the marinade at the bottom, a secret of doctor lol.


Came out very flavorful bro and as you can see meat fell apart here just came off on it's own


Tenderness is here


Wanna see tenderness closer as that is bit far away.


Red meat requires DR level attentioning. I love my red meat lol.


Yo @Abdalla you know the doctor and we cool and u know I don't bullshit. Half these cats on these cooking threads are bringing take away food or wat mommy cooked for them on the plate and saying it's theirs. You know the doctor aint doing that shit bro, I am showing u all the steps with images.

U know I don't mess about and these clowns end up taking these posters serious. AAR na tusi stage by stage dheh and u see them drop like flies. So don't worry most of them can't even cook is my bet and yes GIRLS too.


Yo @Abdalla the spot aint doing their 5 times a day DR duco which is DOCTOR DONT LIE 5 times a day over and over, they don't do it and just believe the lies of these posters but u know I dont lie, u know the doctor real.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
while he getting old and nearly dead feeding some who talking on facebook and whatsapp and taking care herself and life. If she staying home she gonna work her ass off. I want the house cleaned up and spotless and nothing lying around, meal cooked properly, shopping all done, I want her taking care of the kids PROPERLY not just turning on the damn tv and going to facebook. I am not saying it's bad being sugar daddy but MAKE sure its actually worth it.

Ditoore who said she will be on facebook and instagram all day? Whenever I leave the house I will cut off the internet. She can be on facebook and twitter after dinner is served.


Ditoore who said she will be on facebook and instagram all day? Whenever I leave the house I will cut off the internet. She can be on facebook and twitter after dinner is served.

Each to his own, dont wanna see @Abdalla being a sugar daddy while your getting old and sick and waste your life, when u could've reduced that by half if u had two hands working. But each to his own I guess.

I didn't wanna ruin these people cooking thread but bro they just showing plates that's already done either from take away stores or family and claiming it. I doubt any of them can really cook and then they question me and try to make out im a liar when I wasnt showing pics, so they aint clearly doing their dr duos of dr dont lie 5 times a day.

Their projecting cause not one of them shows the cooking stages at all looooooooool but I DO. But u know who is real and who aint, you don't go around throwing shit like they do cause you know I am pretty real except when I having a bit of fun and trolling


@Abdalla somalis are pretty low IQ I think, they get fooled so easily by liars and shit over anything politics, religion, cooking even, and god knows dating and shukansi and their always divorced later. U know the saying, the light is on but noone is fuckin home in that somali brain and the women are even worse


Ditoore who said she will be on facebook and instagram all day? Whenever I leave the house I will cut off the internet. She can be on facebook and twitter after dinner is served.

The one's who are REAL and can do something be it anything tend to die in the process because u fools can't spot what's real or not and trial and error through-out ya lives looooooooool and always come off second best in the end. Hence I want the spot and all members to do their 5 times a day duo and repeat it 'doctor dont lie' it has to be repeated over and over again before it actually sinks in loooooool. It's like abdillahi yusuf the ones who are good for them they end up hating bro.
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