Cooking thread

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Steak coming next week some time hopefully. That's perfect steak. Medium well


This way overboard though, it came out too over done



@Abdalla don't worry if you cant cook, if u think any of these posters can you got another thing coming. You can do the same as they did and just go to a take away and put the food on a plate and snap shot it and say HEY LOOK WAT I COOKED.

A typical somali nacas move and then all somalis fall for it and get duped but if the DR is there he can save you from that shit and get them packing on and moving with their lies with hard PROOF and say show us the cooking stages phase by phase and they drop. You get saved by their lies. See this proof eliminates one the take away store ones who bring it home and post it on the spot cause they can't go to the back of the kitchen in take away lol.

If it's family doing it, they will need to snap shot each stage and may as well be COOKING it anyways loooooooool and family will be like wtf u doing taking pictures of my cooking and wont get away with it. They eventually like DAMNNNNNNNNN the doctor killed our little been mashruc and somalis saved from the lying scum.


@Abdalla when u get married make sure u covered all your bases like that and leave no hole open that you don't see coming. I got a few tricks already to spot the lying scum and the first is going to their enemies and finding out why u hate that cause their is ALWAYS A REASON and u will learn the hard way when she turns bad. There is other things I do also but it's long story like when she talk u just check all her steps if she is walking towards that or walking one way and talking another. Dr dont buy into shukansi I call it a smokescreen and only last a few weeks, i dig and yes I dig deep.

Then its personality and if she is interesting and that's if she even got thru the first two quarantine stages which I call the or Ho checker.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
@DR OSMAN Rageedi Sxb make her work. Make sure the likes of @Daleelah don't gain weight at your expenses. If she doesn't work don't even make your own tea or put the clothes in the closet, leave it on the spot.


@Abdalla there heaps of things u need to look for that's if she past the ho check though. From what i've seen 10% of people are at peace with themselves, 90% aint. That's a diamond if u can get one of those cause u dont need drama in your home, it where u relax. By drama I don't mean just the type who scream, the type who lives up to an image of society, the ones who just do what everyone else is doing and if u ask what have u got from it she say nothing but keep doing it anyway, their are the types who buy stuff constantly cause they distracting themselves from finding peace within themselves or dont know how to and dont wanna ask for help either.

There many types. But she gotta be at peace with herself and her behavior will tell u if she is or not. Then if you think the same or hold the same views thats a bonus but not mandatory because u can hold same views but she could be not at peace inside and it's gonna be a nitemare. The truth is sxb u wanna find someone who IS LIVING not EXISTING and those who are existing you will see all those symptoms focusing on others, buying shit like drug addict, living up to images, satisfying others, redoing shit over and over again even though she never got nothing from it. Find those who are ALIVEEEEEEEEEEE first and foremost not existing. Being alive is YOU HAVE MEANING IN YOUR LIFE and if they cant answer that, dont go anywhere near them even if u click on every personality level and views. U can have a partner who is totally different to you in views but has meaning and peace to her life you can grow that peace together in different ways but your stable at least and not just merely existing


Cooking is just following a recipe.
Just follow the recipe, and do it step by step.
Then you're done.

If you don't know how to handle pans or whatever, then google is there, bless the internet sxb.


Cooking is just following a recipe.
Just follow the recipe, and do it step by step.
Then you're done.

If you don't know how to handle pans or whatever, then google is there, bless the internet sxb.

If it's so simple then show the steps in pictures after-all its quite easy or shut the f*ck up and go get your take away and post it on spot and say you cooked it. U aint fooling puntlanders like me or @Abdalla


If it's so simple then show the steps its quite easy or shut the f*ck up and go get your take away and post it on spot and say you cooked it. U aint fooling puntlanders like me or @Abdalla
Why so salty? If you can't follow a recipe then you have no one to blame except yourself lmao. Stop having a fit and blaming others.


Why so salty? If you can't follow a recipe then you have no one to blame except yourself lmao. Stop having a fit and blaming others.

@Abdalla notice her pain and lashing out and saying what she said in the previous post, just a simple step by step picture of the cooking process she does will end it all, that how u catch em BRA and watch her turn nasty in the end as we kick her out of the people so she dont infect us all. Thats how puntlanders roll


@Abdalla and all somalis will be like backing those type of liars who tell them bullshit words and empty crap and no proof. They just love being sung to somalis and told what they wanna hear but someone like me or you or abdillahi yusuf we are despised cause we REAL


Pay attention folks, to deal with people who are too salty online, all you need to do is click on their profile, and press the ignore button.

Problem dealt with.


kkkk, you can keep having a fit, doesn't really bother me. Alx I don't know people with anger problems like this nigga.

Yeah dont worry thats why im single, not many people will get along with me cause I love realness cause we live in a real world.


Pay attention folks, to deal with people who are too salty online, all you need to do is click on their profile, and press the ignore button.

Problem dealt with.

Don't do that @NotAjnabi it's not fair, if you having a futo moment cause someone just said hey just show us the pics of your cooking process, it's like 4 or 5 pics and takes a few seconds, dont get mad dont please and dont bin me. Come to realness end the fakeness because u wont get away with puntland men and why we have stable relationships majority of the time.


Yo @Abdalla and you wonder why they all come together as IRIRISM when it's voting time and hate puntlanders, it's cause we real bro and people hate it they prefer the lies and being sung too and led up a garden path and after 4 years be like waxani naga wada lol


Real niggas don't cook or wash dishes, kitchen is for females.

Come on that's a bit medieval age isn't it. What u gonna do if she sick? besides most these younger girls can't even cook unless they are recent imports from home. But this thread died thanks to me and @Abdalla. Abdalla actually came in and admitted he can't cook and I exposed they just get take away food and put it on a plate and claim they cooked it. lol. Real puntlander @Abdalla kept it real and say he dont know, real puntlander the doctor proved he can step by step. The point is REALNESS crushed PLASTIC niggas and tit hoes.

The hoes and fake niggas are splattered on the floor like flies, it's just time to sweep them up and bury their ass 6 feet deep and say u going back to god with your shit not here.
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