Cryptocurrency market trends I

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I don't get, if truebit and matic are build on eth ecosystem, then aren't they grow on the same scale?

It's really some technical nerd shit. But there are many competitors to Polygon Matic. Google a bit about it. Even I have a tough time explaining it.

I'll get some Truebit coins when it hits 30 cents tbh. I dont want to miss out honestly. Its pretty cheap as it is.

I think BTC will dump back down to the low 30s (31, 32 etc) once more, then it would be safe.


Hopefully I can make some gains in my portfolio, sell and then focus mainly on BTC and ETH. I forgot who said it, but Bitcoin is pretty much the King and ETH is the queen.


Forza Somalia!
Finnish Customs plans to cash in on confiscated bitcoin
At the current exchange rate, the blockchain-based currency could be worth up to 60 million euros, although the value of Bitcoin has fluctuated hugely in recent years.

Most of the agency’s crypto assets date from 2016, when 1,666 bitcoins were seized in a major drug bust. The value of that seizure was initially less than 700,000 euros, but at today’s price it has risen to more than 50 million euros.

The agency's Chief Financial Officer Pekka Pylkkänen told Yle that the it plans to either sell the cryptocurrency itself or through an intermediary over the next few months.

They wanted to sell but they got rugged, so they may gonna wait for few months, although they hold for years.

Experts interviewed by Yle also questioned Customs' concerns over the currency returning to criminal gangs, as bitcoin is not used for criminal purposes as much as it was in the past.

At the moment, however, it seems that Custom’s hesitation has turned out to be a profitable investment strategy, as Bitcoin’s value rose to an all-time high at the turn of this year.
Smart move right there


Tldw? Some of us have the attention span of a fish lol.

Strongest indicator for me is this one:

If BTC does not get above and stay above the 21 EMA on the 3D (3 day period) chart after mid August, then I am calling it a long term bear market (will go down all the way to late 2022/early 2023).

Only 25% chance probability.


damn it got it right. peaked a lil bit more and then a day or two dumped hard. I mean it recovered but can you use it to time it with the highs of the alts is the question?

Altcoins do whatever bitcoin BTC does, just with more volatility up or down.

Only BNB and Chainlink behaved slightly differently from BTC in 2018/19/20. Rest did the same thing basically.


lol bnb is practically bitcoin
whenever theres an update from CZ on binance or binance going down thats literally code for bnb pump

Nope, look at its 2018 and 2019 chart. BNB made an independent all time high in 2019. It went up while all the other cryptos crashed in that period and did not make a new ATH. The reason was that Binance was winning from other exchanges and eating their lunch. It wasn't the biggest exchange in the past. It became it during 2019-2020.

Chainlink had to do with oracles being a new thing. It also made an ATH during the last crypto winter.

PS. This does not mean these two coins will repeat that behavior as they are now much bigger and likely more correlated to BTC.
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