Ironically because the Adal sultanate fallen under Oromo expansion
Not really but they tried to dismantle, but way after Oromo expansion the kingdom still existed, Harar wall was built after Oromo expansion had passed.
Ironically because the Adal sultanate fallen under Oromo expansion
I'm curious what you like to wear at work/school and on your free time.Plus you do not even know me or what I prefer to wear
Plz stay in the subject, it is not about me here?I'm curious what you like to wear at work/school and on your free time.
Anjeero is Egyptain till today the Nubians in south Egypt and Sudan eat it. Same desi countries eat Yemen, Algeria Morocca eat anjeero under different names.Somalis appropriate Oromo and Habesha culture. Stop eating anjeero (injera), stop copying their dances, stop drinking coffee, tell niggas in Somalia/Somaliland to stop drinking Ethiopian beer, stop having a federal government, etc. Stop appropriating our neighbors culture and cuisine.
Waryaa I'm a Somali female and I don't wear the tent what does that say? Not all Somali girls wear the tent. Stop the sweeping generalization bacawyahow!Shut up, you're the most deluded person in this forum! Always nagging like a lil !
You want people to take you (Somali girls) serious about this cultural appropriation, then drop the damn tents!
Coffee beans was discovered in Yemen, thus all world use Arabia coffee term not Ethiopian. Federal system started in Greek and before it in Iraq by king nimrod. About some people in SL they are half Oromo habashi/ Somalis that are begging for acceptance of habashi or Oromo with inferiority complex pretending to be Somali.Somalis appropriate Oromo and Habesha culture. Stop eating anjeero (injera), stop copying their dances, stop drinking coffee, tell niggas in Somalia/Somaliland to stop drinking Ethiopian beer, stop having a federal government, etc. Stop appropriating our neighbors culture and cuisine.
Maybe they're one of those Oromo speaking "Somalis" like Gurgure
Coffee beans was discovered in Yemen, thus all world use Arabia coffee term not Ethiopian. Federal system started in Greek and before it in Iraq by king nimrod. About some people in SL they are half Oromo habashi/ Somalis that are begging for acceptance of habashi or Oromo with inferiority complex pretending to be Somali.
The coffee plant, which was discovered in Ethiopia in the 11th Century, has a white blossom that smells like jasmine and a red, cherry-like fruit. Back then, the leaves of the so-called "magical fruit" were boiled in water and the resulting concoction was thought to have medicinal properties. As the fame of the coffee plant spread to other lands, its centuries-long voyage was about to begin.
Coffee spread quickly through the Arabian Peninsula. In the mid 14th century, coffee cultivation reached Yemen and for 300 years, it was drunk following the recipe first used in Ethiopia. Yemen's climate and fertile soil offered the ideal conditions for cultivating rich coffee harvests. was discovered in Yemen.
Everyone and their mother knows coffee was first discovered and utilized in Ethiopia.
The point I was making about federalism wasn't where the idea was created. That should've been obvious but I guess I have to phrase things differently to accommodate our grammar deficient forum members.
Ethiopian stooge Abdullahi Yusuf ibn Beer Dhoofaar copied Ethiopian federalism and with the guidance of Meles Zenawi brought it to the failed state.![]()
they copy Somali women, they even wear baatis, not just oromos, but all Ethiopians.
View attachment 3038
Guuntino is Somali culture even the prints are made orinally by Somalis, the good thing is at least the Borana Oromo from Kenya admit it. The others copy and claim.
I think it's habashi culture to steal from other cultures maybe, they also claim ajuuraan were Oromo. Lol they're wild to claim two empires who went to war with you, that's some Indha adeeg.
They are not copying here but claimed it in cultural event in states. Plus alternating our history next step Somalis are fake people who steal Ethiopia cultureIt feels good to see people copying Somalis.
They are not copying here but claimed it in cultural event in states. Plus alternating our history next step Somalis are fake people who steal Ethiopia culture
Yeah it's good thing to see people looking up to you but this event was cultural happening in states and they claimed it Oromo tradition attire which is wrong and alternated Adal sultanate history.But they see our women and try to be like them wearing Baati. Doesn't it feel good to have people admire you and emulate you?
I've noticed you seem to be preoccupied with Oromo threats to Somali people. However, my biggest enemy is another Somali(probably you),sad but true.They are not copying here but claimed it in cultural event in states. Plus alternating our history next step Somalis are fake people who steal Ethiopia culture