Deadly fighting between Puntland and Galmudug troops - Galkacyo- Shit's getting real

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@Somali_Tycoon Do not claim to have conquered kismaayo because I will embarrass your dumbass with proof that marehan were guests in kismayo until msb(aun). You can continue making fool out of yourself and making zero sense but the moment you start to lie, I will be there to slap you with facts. I am watching you.:yacadiim:
@Somali_Tycoon Do not claim to have conquered kismaayo because I will embarrass your dumbass with proof that marehan were guests in kismayo until msb(aun). You can continue making fool out of yourself and making zero sense but the moment you start to lie, I will be there to slap you with facts. I am watching you.:yacadiim:

it was ours by xoog. kismayo will soon be ours again after kikuyu pimps leave siilaanyolaugh
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it was ours by xoog. kismayo will soon be ours again after kikuyu pimps leave siilaanyolaugh

Why do you boon lie to yourselves horta and keep repeating " wait til Kenya leaves" this is barre bootin dheere in 2008 BEFORE kenya came to Jubbaland.

Miskiinyahay stop lying to your naf, you and I know if Ogadan and Boon went head to head tomorrow we would obliterate your laangaab asses.
Why do you boon lie to yourselves horta and keep repeating " wait til Kenya leaves" this is barre bootin dheere in 2008 BEFORE kenya came to Jubbaland.

Miskiinyahay stop lying to your naf, you and I know if Ogadan and Boon went head to head tomorrow we would obliterate your laangaab asses.
onlf/liyu rejects from qabridahar is gonna stop it in what way? siilaanyolaugh barre hirrale took over kismayo with ease before Kdf forces came to your rescue.siilaanyolaugh
"As a result of this manifest weakening of the Wardei they were attacked on
all frqnts and it is no surprise that they could not defend themselves but had to tlee for their
lives. According to Turnbull , 'the main contlict was in the east; and the actions fought at
Afmadu, on the Deshek Wama, and at EI Lein are still- speken of by the tribe' .12 Tbe
Ogaden were at this point led by the grand old man of the Abd Wak, Abdi Ibrahi.P1 , the
Sultan, while there were a number of ' invasion commandersd 3 under him: Abd(Ibrahim
was noted for his bravery and skill in war strategy which eventually led to the Ogaden
dominance in the Jubaland. His remarkable leadership qualities are still remembered to this
day by the Ogaden. Notable among his commanders were Magan Yussuf, the Sultan of the
Mohamed Zubeirl Ogaden, and Hassan Be~jan of the Abdalla/Ogaden"
obamadatazz"Juhalan~ ,was to he ruled from July 1895 from
Zanzibar as a province of the recently declared British East A frican Protectorate and Mr
J.c.w. Jenner, a sub-commissioner, was immediately dispatched to Kismayu in July 1895 .5
It must he noted that Kismayu at this time was a small village frequented by Ogaden Somalis"

onlf/liyu rejects from qabridahar is gonna stop it in what way? siilaanyolaugh barre hirrale took over kismayo with ease before Kdf forces came to your rescue.siilaanyolaugh

Miskiin, this was in 2008 that your one eyed starving uncle had his bony ass chased from Kismayo. You are delusional, boon need to walk up from their slumber and realize you are weak and useless, your clan also needs to accept that afweyne is dead and never coming back. Edebdaradii baa idinka badatay iyo isla weeyni. Your bush clan have been taking our kindness for weakness for much too long.
Miskiin, this was in 2008 that your one eyed starving uncle had his bony ass chased from Kismayo. You are delusional, boon need to walk up from their slumber and realize you are weak and useless, your clan also needs to accept that afweyne is dead and never coming back. Edebdaradii baa idinka badatay iyo isla weeyni. Your bush clan have been taking our kindness for weakness for much too long.

i know we lost kismayo during fights with icu/shabaab back when you use to call yourselves ras kamboni mujahideen :damn:

we actually entered kismayo a few years ago after you settled there with your kenyan pimps, but it was short lived as Kdf came to your rescue. they will not be here forever, and madobe will be outta there like that fagit morgan:ufdup:you can call for as much onlf/liyuu recruits as you can.
i know we lost kismayo during fights with icu/shabaab back when you use to call yourselves ras kamboni mujahideen :damn:

we actually entered kismayo a few years ago after you settled there with your kenyan pimps, but it was short lived as Kdf came to your rescue. they will not be here forever, and madobe will be outta there like that fagit morgan:ufdup:you can call for as much onlf/liyuu recruits as you can.

Waligaaba been naftaada u sheeg :deadrose:



“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Why do you boon lie to yourselves horta and keep repeating " wait til Kenya leaves" this is barre bootin dheere in 2008 BEFORE kenya came to Jubbaland.

Miskiinyahay stop lying to your naf, you and I know if Ogadan and Boon went head to head tomorrow we would obliterate your laangaab asses.
And who kicked out Barre? 1st AY andethiopians and then AS again,didnt AS chase axmed madoobe to the jungle until he got buttraped in an ethiopian jail and sent to kenya to lead the Ras kikiyu gang :russ: you people always need foreigners to fight us while we use our own bodies
Many Raskibakis here. Fucking dabadhilifs.

Why are these people always slaves?
In Ethiopia they are Liyuu_EthiopianBitches, in Jubbaland Raskibaki. Shameless mofos
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