Dear someone (Saturday night fun game)

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You are clearly quite confident, this person isn't. That was the point of the letter. :ftw9nwa:
Shut up, don't ruin the moment


Dear someone

I hope you know I'll always be by your side, I'm just not good with patience so sometimes I lose my cool but I promise I want to take care of you and make you happy. You just have to be patient with me and be on my side. And sometimes I get mad and over react but that's only because you get to me because you matter and I know you wonder why I'm always mad at you and not everybody else but it's only because everything you do hurts that bit extra because you matter.


Dear someone

I really hope karma gets you. You are one of the most horrible humans I've encountered. You really don't know the meaning of loyalty. You are dead to me. Stop calling me and get the hint. Stop telling everyone I don't like you because nobody cares. Stop being so jealous of me and watching my life. You will never be me and no matter how many times I make mistakes or things don't work out for me I'm still better than you. You will never be half the woman I am. I will ALWAYS be better than you. When I get married my husband will be better than your husband and when I have kids my kids will be better than your kids and when I have grand kids by grand kids will be better than your grand kids because you ain't shxt.


>,,< certified creep >,,<
Dear someone,

There are two kinds of people >—> The stirrers, and those who are stirred into invisible.. Sweet.. Like sugar… Left to its own devise, it’ll still melt into invisible sweet… Slowly.. But eventually

..... You make me feel the latter when I talk to you >,,<

Queen Carawelo

Dear Someone

I miss you very dearly, I miss hearing your voice, your laughter, your encouragements. I miss seeing you in the morning eating your breakfast, I miss being your little princess, I try coping each and everyday without your absence, I pray for you every single night that Allah swt opens the gate of Jannatul fardows for you. I long for the nights I see you in my dreams. I loved how you always listened to my problems and always told me that there are people in far more worse situation than me. I hope I can make you proud, you're always on my mind. I'm always an emotional wreck thinking about you. I still have your watch, I sleep with it, hoping to see you in my dreams. I will always love you. No man can ever replace you in my heart.


Dear Someone

I miss you very dearly, I miss hearing your voice, your laughter, your encouragements. I miss seeing you in the morning eating your breakfast, I miss being your little princess, I try coping each and everyday without your absence, I pray for you every single night that Allah swt opens the gate of Jannatul fardows for you. I long for the nights I see you in my dreams. I loved how you always listened to my problems and always told me that there are people in far more worse situation than me. I hope I can make you proud, you're always on my mind. I'm always an emotional wreck thinking about you. I still have your watch, I sleep with it, hoping to see you in my dreams. I will always love you. No man can ever replace you in my heart.

I cried. AUN x
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